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At home THC Test Kit - Find out the levels of your strain! (
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Mr. Ganja

Join Date: Jun 2008

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At home THC Test Kit - Find out the levels of your strain!
Just thought I would post this, came across it the other day and thought it deserved its own thread. *I forgot who posted it but let me know and I will give credit*

Here is a kit that lets you run 12 different tests to gather the THC information and whatnot...

Cannalytics Fingerprint THC Test Kit - 12 Samples

The Cannalyse - Cannabis Fingerprint kit is a unique mini-laboratory for home use. The fingerprint kit also contains a unique standardized & high performance developing protocol for thin layer chromatography, specific for cannabinoids and a total-extraction specific for Cannabis. The cannabinoids will be separated and identified on special impregnated TLC-plates.

Only a minimal amount of sample (100 mg) is needed for total cannabinoid extraction.

No laboratory in the world offers a Cannabis fingerprint. "you see what you get".
The Cannalyse - Cannabis Fingerprint kit is a real (phyto-chemistry) mini-laboratory! You can do this unique test at home on the table. No chemical background is required for proper performances of the test!

Test not just for THC and delta-9 but delta-8 THC, THCV, CBG, CBNV, CBND as well. All the cryptics will be separated and after spraying with dye, clearly visible as different colored spots on the TLC-plate!

Total extraction means that THC residing inside the resin-producing stalked glandular trichomic cells will be released and there for measured as well. The extraction solvent will disrupt all the cell walls. So, all THC will be released.
In contrast to analytical laboratories where alcohol or hexane is used as extraction solvent which will "wash" only the oil
droplets on the trichomes away. The greenish colour (= chlorophyl a and b) of the extraction solvent is an indication of
the total extraction.

The importance of detection, identification and accurate quantification of the main cannabinoids (THC, CBG, CBC)
grows with the increased commitment by global marihuana user groups, patients, clinical institutes, governmental
institutions, and recreational users, for safety & quality standards and labels for all Cannabis products.
This demands the control of the safety (presence of pesticides, heavy metals, dioxins etc.) and quality of

NYC Diesel

New Member
Oh well in america april 20th is national weed day. Everybody gets high! This year its on a monday:wall: but im doing it anyway. There are some rumors about why its specfically 420. For one thing it is the code cops use for something weed related on their radios. I persoanlly think the hippies used that as a sort of "fight the power" motive, mocking the police.


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Ganja Smoker
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Posts: 364

The terpenes are within the plastids. The sticky goo he referred to is the very cannibinoids that his science quote accurately said this ooze continues to be forced into the resin head and globs emerge as vessicles are covered with bits of this mat..."
These glandular trichomes swell with this THC laden material. His last few photomicrographs where too high of magnification. It was like looking at the skin of a balloon but not looking at the volume of air within the balloon. Here's picture showing everything under the subcuticular layer he was for some reason showing us.

The gray secretory cavity is filled with cannibinoids and THC! That's what's making them swell up. When he kept saying THC was such a small percentage of the trichome, I knew he was confused. It looks like MM was too high to understand the science in his own presentation :bigjoint:
Once he understands what a huge percentage, at least by volume of the capitate head of the stalked trichome, is made up of THC and the other cannabinoids, it will be easier for him to understand why percentage of THC goes up with concentration techniques like hash and budder.


Well-Known Member
This shows you how TINY THC is and the amount in comparison to the rest of the plant matter......


Well-Known Member
So is it really confirmed that the uv lights improve trichomes?
I bought two of the 10.0 25w cfls.

I would say yes!!! Im following many others... and fact still remains that you need EVERY other aspect of your grow to work before you introduce a STRESS inducing light !!!!

NYC Diesel

New Member
nice plant mat! already looks purdy just 4 weeks in.
And eza, that diagram just goes to show how careful u need to be when harvesting. If you are too rough with your buds, the tips of the trichomes, where the cannabinoids are, could be damaged and degrade the quality of the weed.


Well-Known Member
nice plant mat! already looks purdy just 4 weeks in.
And eza, that diagram just goes to show how careful u need to be when harvesting. If you are too rough with your buds, the tips of the trichomes, where the cannabinoids are, could be damaged and degrade the quality of the weed.
...great point.... indoor usually have longer they break off all together.... outdoors is usually shorter fater....
So in theory this UV light should shorten our trics and make them alittle less brittle or fragile.... allowing us to utilize what was already there better!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Bro its only going to make it better.... but do read the thread and linked threads, these will show you the good and the bad..... these lights stress the plant so,, easy the plant into it... as you can see in picture i have along the back wall...table usually full... rotating them past it.... i run for 8hrs per cycle.... just watch them carefully when you add these lights...