The 12-12 From Seed Thread


Well-Known Member
Can't believe no one had anything to say about pussy lawn lol.

its incredible how quickly it grows.. The root mass it's thrown down already is astonishing. Literally watching grass grow ;)


Well-Known Member
HaHaHa i instantly laughed at pussy lawn! Even saved image for future laughs. 2 bad I hate cats or I'd buy some for fun or maybe my jacky could use it to piss on outside? Then I could say to friend "hey look at my dog piss on some pussy lawn".


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2494900Ok i think i posted this pic on here if not these are my blue dream babies they were in peat pots i transferred them about 2 days ago i took this pic then....the one on the LEFT was a male :(( new growth had white fuzzy things and coming out nodes was green baby ball sacs :( other 2 are still looking good :( i was wondering why they are so small but remembered they were under my 210w CFL lights i had before i got the 400w hps/mh. So their first week or week n half they probably got no kinda light seeing as i got 3 flowering girls in there haha :/ dont realize the power of a real light until you get one haha :) Well the guy is gone now :) i made a nice hole in the soil since its fresh and threw another dream seed in there how long on average it take to reach surface normally i germ them ??? Thanks!!


Just a heads up, we're getting near to March21, when daylight is 12/12. If you can work it out, it's really nice to get some outdoor this time of year.


Active Member
hey one of my plants the top leaves are darker green an starting to curl im not to sure what it is just yet any help ill get a pic up asap


Well-Known Member
curling down an getting dark.....
Sounds like the same thing I'm struggling with. I read an interesting article about something like this and they said it's something to do with the plant drawing moisture from the leaves because there is a problem with the roots. Apparently over fertilizing is the main cause of this, but there are others. It usually starts at the top of the plant and works its way down.


This image was taken from google, but is it similar to that?

Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
I reckon too much Nitrogen but I'm no expert. You usually get really dark leaves when there's too much N

Curling and clawing first should be distinguished from droopiness. If the leaves are droopy and flex very easily than your plant is suffering from extreme over-watering or extreme under-watering.

Clawing and curling is distinctly different from droopiness. The leaves will want to “spring back” to their curled/clawed state even if you move them around in your hand. Often times they are accompanied by a “cup” shape formed by the leaves.

Curling can be caused by a number of factors including, over fertilization (this is accompanied by necrosis and yellowing starting at the tips of the leaves working their way inward). Extremely high heat can cause the plants leaves to curl under and with scattered necrosis and yellowing of the leaves. Excessive light exposure is related and can cause similar problems (like a plant getting too close to your HID lighting). If you Foliar feed in a hot environment, close to HID lighting, it can cause small burns on your plants and result in a weird wavy looking leaf that claws downard or upwards in random directions.

Other issues that can cause clawing are related to PH and nutrient bio availability. PH fluctuations can affect the availability of nutrients and cause the plants cells to grow atypically resulting in cupped shaped leaves that curl downwards. Other Nutrient deficiencies, either caused by a lack of concentration in the soil or nutrient lock out from bad PH, can cause the leaves to curl either upwards or downwards. Excessive Nitrogen or lack of Nitrogen can cause N-clawing, simply referring to Nitrogen-clawing. Its normal for the small sugar leaves to N-claw a little bit assuming you’ve reached peak saturation and nutrient availability.

Its important to take note of the Other symptoms that accompany the clawing to make a good determination of the problem.


Well-Known Member
Maybe overwatering, are you letting the pot dry out before feeding again

I know I'm still learning and I'm a new grower, but I've never seen over watering cause cat claw. Only droopiness and sagging of the branches. So I hope you don't mind if I challenge this statement you've made.
Edit: By all means prove me wrong, I am still learning after all :)