The Bible....EVIL


Well-Known Member
I spent more than a few years reading the bible. Context is not lost on me. I shall show you the context in 1 Timothy chapter 2: I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. But women will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.

It's not about men not listening to women. It is in fact because Eve was the one who caused the fall in genesis; therefore, women should not teach because they are clearly easily deceived. It's about the inferiority of women from a biblical perspective.
So you think women are equal in their ability to not be manipulated?

Who do marketers tend to target with their advertisements? I'll give you a hint, the most targeted group has vaginas.


Well-Known Member
So you think women are equal in their ability to not be manipulated?

Who do marketers tend to target with their advertisements? I'll give you a hint, the most targeted group has vaginas.
They target the people who make the purchasing decisions in the American household. Supposedly, 85%of the choices are made or influenced by women.


Well-Known Member
They target the people who make the purchasing decisions in the American household. Supposedly, 85%of the choices are made or influenced by women.
this is true and we also will occasionally open our bags to give you your sack back:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
You havent realized we dont give a shit about 85% of the things you want, right?? LOL!
you're a middle aged recovering alcoholic who works $20 at a time, most likely overweight (goes with the recovering middle aged alcoholic) who is clearly a bigoted racist and misogynist.

do tell us about all that pussy you pull.


Well-Known Member
So you think women are equal in their ability to not be manipulated?

Who do marketers tend to target with their advertisements? I'll give you a hint, the most targeted group has vaginas.
Holy crap, This has to be a joke...


Well-Known Member
you're a middle aged recovering alcoholic who works $20 at a time, most likely overweight (goes with the recovering middle aged alcoholic) who is clearly a bigoted racist and misogynist.

do tell us about all that pussy you pull.
I dont think there was one accurate statement in the sentence above... Good Job!!


Well-Known Member
If god is perfect, but god is also 'a jealous god', that makes jealousy a desirable trait (Perfection is the ultimate goal). If jealousy is desirable, why is coveting your neighbors ass a sin?

Can't god live up to his own standards? If a perfect being can't live up to his own standards, (he not omnipotent, but hey that's another discussion) how can we, as humans, be expected to?