Well-Known Member
Personally, I love the smaller trays. That solves several problems for me. I don't germinate 50 seeds at once and I used the bigger root riot trays. Yesterday I bought an ez cloner, and I bought a clip board, paper and pen to keep with it and I will use you map method for that.
Love the EZ-Cloner! As bowlfull said above, add some ice to the water periodically as the water will get a little warm. You'll have roots forming inside of a week, and by the end of two weeks they'll be 6-8 inches long. I put some clonex rooting gel on the cutting when it goes in, but other than that I don't do anything special. I root with at least a 95% success rate. I've had mine for a few years, and it still runs like a top. The only problem I've ever had is the sprayers can get a little gummed up (maybe due to my cities water), so I clean them periodically with a little vinegar. I'm sure you'll love it!