The forbidden TRUTH


Well-Known Member
No I answered you, you just had to click your quote and where I interjected as you requested.
you didn't answer shit..."You made yourself this way and brought this upon yourself" what does that mean ?
Rom 9:18 Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.[ this says that he creates some for mercy and some for no mercy]
Rom 9:19 Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will?[so who has resisted his will not me and neither have you]
Rom 9:20 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? [can we complain no... do we yes]
Rom 9:21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? [so this potter can form the clay anyway that he desires... the potter is god by the way] the problem with religion is you don't see what the authors of the books are trying to convey in their stories...they are telling stories about a GOD which implies power beyond your thoughts a god that can do any damn thing that he desires...because he is god the potter and he can make us; stupid, smart, black , white, brown, whole or deformed...that's what makes him if your going teach about a book I suggest that you accept yourself for what you are , and others for what they are...and by the way if you are going to try to live the story...then get your facts straight...because you don't shit about the GOD the authors are writing about
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Well-Known Member
you didn't answer shit..."You made yourself this way and brought this upon yourself" what does that mean ?
Rom 9:18 Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.[ this says that he creates some for mercy and some for no mercy]
Rom 9:19 Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will?[so who has resisted his will not me and neither have you]
Rom 9:20 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? [can we complain no... do we yes]
Rom 9:21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? [so this potter can form the clay anyway that he desires... the potter is god by the way] the problem with religion is you don't see what the authors of the books are trying to convey in their stories...they are telling stories about a GOD which implies power beyond your thoughts a god that can do any damn thing that he desires...because he is god the potter and he can make us; stupid, smart, black , white, brown, whole or deformed...that's what makes him if your going teach about a book I suggest that you accept yourself for what you are , and others for what they are...and by the way if you are going to try to live the story...then get your facts straight...because you don't shit about the GOD the authors are writing about

Again insults shows your intent on here.
You said
"you didn't answer shit..."You made yourself this way and brought this upon yourself" what does that mean ?"
Well I did answer you, then I went through and answered each separately like you asked. Then you replied with erroneous statements and insults. I'm use to repeating myself on this thread now, I will do it again.

Yes, every man and angel has free will. However doing evil allows man to be influenced by GOD's punishment. Which can involve a "hardness of heart" or a "depraved mind" which is a delusion that GOD has allowed demons to put on you, because GOD is no longer with you and protecting you, which in turn makes one listen to insane logic and to do insane things.

Then you asked what this means.

Eph 1:11 In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:----- The people GOD saved based upon there decisions they made with there own free will, to worship and praise GOD which anyone has the ability to do

Then you asked what this means.
Rom 9:21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?
Which I said
-----------------You made yourself this way and brought this upon yourself.
Then you said

Rom 9:18 Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.[ this says that he creates some for mercy and some for no mercy]

----No you're wrong, I just explained to you. Allow me to go into a deeper explanation. To understand THE HOLY BIBLE you can't just take one sentence out you must read the pretext.
The sentence before states
18 Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.
20 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?
21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?
22 What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction:
23 And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory,

This is explaining why GOD would do the following of what I said earlier

"Yes, every man and angel has free will. However doing evil allows man to be influenced by GOD's punishment. Which can involve a "hardness of heart" or a "depraved mind" which is a delusion that GOD has allowed demons to put on you, because GOD is no longer with you and protecting you, which in turn makes one listen to insane logic and to do insane things."

To the men who repel against GOD, GOD has the right to put this delusion on them because GOD is punishing them letting them fall into the false of sense of security and to feel comfortable with there true decision in turn letting your true self and opinion come out. If I had a gun to your head and told you not sin you wouldn't. But if you are all alone and fall into the delusion you won't get punished your'e true feeling will come out. Even though this angers GOD to watch this person continue to Sin and Blaspheme.
I hope you understand. Love,


Well-Known Member

Ghost's argument;

"Even though the outcome to what you will do is already known, you still have a choice...."

(As long as you choose what is already known to happen) lol

Hate to tell ya bud, but if the outcome is already set in stone the 'choice' you think you have is an illusion.

Fucking fact.


Well-Known Member

Ghost's argument;

"Even though the outcome to what you will do is already known, you still have a choice...."

(As long as you choose what is already known to happen) lol

Hate to tell ya bud, but if the outcome is already set in stone the 'choice' you think you have is an illusion.

Fucking fact.
I didn't argue I gave you pages of facts, so all you have done is lie and post a spam video with vulgar cursing. Is it a argument if you tell someone the sky is blue? Or correcting them?


Well-Known Member
I have so much to post I can't explain. Explaining why LORD JESUS CHRIST came when he did near the end and how LORD JESUS CHRIST is connected with many people before HIM. And how LORD JESUS CHRIST was with GOD before creation and how GOD created the creation through his Son. (If you only knew how important and blessed mankind is)
It will contain a lot of information, with pictures and videos. But it's going to take a long time to post might even have to do it in sessions. But for now enjoy this interesting miracles and wonders! Also I know these "locals in this section" (whom I haven't ever spoken to prior posting this thread) will be saying cursing and blaspheme claiming this isn't proof. I would like to say in advanced I have proven your'e darwin's Cult wrong, and no matter how devote of a follower you are posting mean spiteful and blasphemous things will not sway anyone to your religion, nor upset me. So I already proved how your religion has no evidence, and saying GOD didn't do what he did by creating existence. Which is ignorant because your only thing you call "evidence" that you think suggest your'e religion I explained it impossible because we know "matter" can't create "matter" and then you said what I'm telling you as a fact is contradicting it's self and I proved you wrong and explained and even copy and pasted multiple times

"You think because GOD ALMIGHTY is the beginning and the end, you can state that the universe can be the same because it's following the same principal? That's completely erroneous. The only reason GOD is before everything is because GOD is a living omnipotent being that you cannot fathom. Before the beginning GOD was."- page 43 Matter lacks the ability to create something from nothing.

So yes this is "proof" however I'm posting it because I would like people to see miracles and wonders that GOD does and has done.

What a awesome reminder of HIS power!

Again only microscopic in size instead of the giant sign above, yet the awesomeness is so baffling.

See my testimony's at page forty, here is another someone you all may recognize I know none of you know me. (that I know of LOL)

Love you all I will try to get that thread up soon or at least the beginning.


Well-Known Member
-- "I told you so in the afterlife"?
Yes.It is a mannerism to describe the blindly cavalier and blatant attitude that your belief is not wrong, no matter what has been pointed out logicaly you ignore it, because you take no real consideration to something not god.Because it chinks at your righteous ego armor so you post more masturbation and how you are so saved from the devil ,sin and all of that nonsense.Not ever questioning it,holding to your faith so tightly that you become mentaly ill.When is the last time you had a thought that didnt involve god?
-- "How Honest are you with yourself" ?
Honest enough not to make believe in fairy tales.Or result to self diluded reasoning for the sake of being pious in gods eyes or anyone elses for that matter.

Like I said you should read page forty over again, and many other pages which talk about GOD literally picking me up off from the ground when I was suicidal, or seeing a vision which recently happened, or being saved from a raging flood when I was a child by "white lights" the witnesses claim, I wouldn't know I was like 2. Or the demonic encounters which I got punched in the pace a few weeks ago while chilling smoking in a car with my friend after we witnessed some demonic display of lights. - Just a few examples.
Yet You really cant prove it and yet to offer any substantial and credible proof to any of the members on RIU, that those were what you think they were,even with your tall story's.

Not to mention that thinking GOD doesn't exist is one of the most blaspheme things and completely illogical things I have ever heard
Oh is it? You have yet to prove god,(or anyone else for that matter) even with your terrible examples of reality and rantings from your posts.Just because you believe something to exist ,dosent make it real or fact,you seem to conveniently over look anything not in alignment with your beliefs,I say its very narrow minded of you.

. I could be here all day explaining the lunacy of that, which I have done before

Explain away,Its nothing that I havent heard before.

And you think I have doubt of GOD?
I know you have a complex though.I have no doubts about that.

No only a warped mind would ignore reality and conjure up a fake religion.
You Sir, have just been nominated for "Most Ironic" member.How old are you anyway?

"You think because GOD ALMIGHTY is the beginning and the end, you can state that the universe can be the same because it's following the same principal? That's completely erroneous
You really do not know what youre talking about.But I know you'll keep pretending.Thats your endless circle to run around in.Im aware that I cant help you escape that circular logic that you construct your own perception with,you must decide for yourself to question God on your own.

The only reason GOD is before everything is because GOD is a living omnipotent being that you cannot fathom." Which has the ability to create. -Post 859

No I dont think so.It is in your head.Because only Odin can create,everybody knows that.

More info, pic, videos about creation,mankind,angels and GOD is coming up soon![/QUOTE]
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Well-Known Member
Yes.It is a mannerism to describe the blindly cavalier and blatant attitude that your belief is not wrong, no matter what has been pointed out logicaly you ignore it, because you take no real consideration to something not god.Because it chinks at your righteous ego armor so you post more masturbation and how you are so saved from the devil ,sin and all of that nonsense.Not ever questioning it,holding to your faith so tightly that you become mentaly ill.When is the last time you had a thought that didnt involve god?

Honest enough not to make believe in fairy tales.Or result to self diluded reasoning for the sake of being pious in gods eyes or anyone elses for that matter.

Yet You really cant prove it and yet to offer any substantial and credible proof amongst the members on RIU, that those were what you think they were,even with your tall story's.

Oh is it? You have yet to prove god,(or anyone else for that matter) even with your terrible examples of reality and rantings from your posts.Just because you believe something to exist ,dosent make it real or fact,you seem to conveniently over look anything not in alignment with your beliefs,I say its very narrow minded of you.


Explain away,Its nothing that I havent heard before.

I know you have a complex though.I have no doubts about that.

You Sir, have just been nominated for "Most Ironic" member.How old are you anyway?

You really do not know what youre talking about.But I know you'll keep pretending.Thats your endless circle to run around in.Im aware that I cant help you escape that circular logic that you construct your own perception with,you must decide for yourself to question God on your own.


No I dont think so.It is in your head.Because only Odin can create,everybody knows that.

More info, pic, videos about creation,mankind,angels and GOD is coming up soon!

WOW your'e quoting me, quoting you, and answering some of your own questions...????


Well-Known Member

WOW your'e quoting me, quoting you, and answering some of your own questions...????[/QUOTE]

Lmao You really are a clown.No one will ever take you seriously.


Well-Known Member
Why are you insulting me because your copying and pasting me quoting you so I can answer your questions. Then copying and pasting what I quoted you saying and answering your own questions?
That's your own issue.


Well-Known Member
Your'e definitely not reading what's going on anymore and losing (or lost) your grasp of reality.
Oh? As though you actualy observe reality through a nonbias perception?,you want to tell me Im loosing it?LMAO dont kid yourself.The clarity of your mental state is quite apparent to any rational thinker.So do tell more.


Well-Known Member
You have a complex, a belief structure that your own mind is entrenched in,because you have obsessed on God for so long,It is a psychosis state that you have mentaly trained yourself to be in,whether you realize this or not.It will take alot of time and questioning for you to realize the state of delusion for what it is.


Well-Known Member
Do you really think that insulting me changes these facts about your religion?
Don't embarrass yourself by continually insulting other people because your upset that you were wrong.


Well-Known Member
You should seek knowledge and love people correcting you, correction is wisdom. Don't be offended, put the egos aside.

8 Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.-Proverbs 9:8


Well-Known Member
Do you really think that insulting me changes these facts about your religion?
Don't embarrass yourself by continually insulting other people because your upset that you were wrong.

The embarassment belongs to your lack of sensibility and continual assertions of a belief a religion that is very much akin to a cult.


Well-Known Member
I don't want to copy and paste 48 pages over again, I doubt your reading it anyways because of the fact at one point you were answering your own questions (talking to yourself that's also embarrassing) so when you insult people with nothing to explain your reasoning it's embarrassing yourself. When you insult people after your religion has been proven (I don't know how many times now) to be fake, and someone else is following the truth. Your embarrassing yourself.
I really don't care if you have "the last word" or post rather of the night lol, but I don't appreciate it because it is spam. I would rather not have to bother people with trying to scan through the rantings of insanity. Then I have to re-post