The forbidden TRUTH

THE HOLY BIBLE doesn't say the Earths age there is a huge amount of time between Noah and his Sons, and Abraham. If I had to guess millions of years. They repopulated the Earth, after this GOD speaks to Abraham, and THE HOLY BIBLE continues.
When did this happen for you? When you came to this forum and up until a couple weeks ago, you had many beliefs that did not correspond to objective reality, and did not stand up to logic, scientific knowledge or scrutiny. You came to teach, but seemed to end up learning instead...

How did you help people when what you were teaching was erroneous? Your belief system was full of contradictions, and your knowledge of science was poor. How could that help people and in which ways?

How would you know a god exists, much less what that deity would want of you?

Here's a good example of your contradictions and muddled thinking process -

You want to persuade people to think like you, and you are desireless. If you want something you are not desireless. It seems the contradictions are still embedded in your thought process...

I don't think you have found paradise with a faulty belief system, I think you'll have a difficult time convincing any intelligent people with what you're selling...
Fuck I'm baked, hope everyone's having a good night. OK seriously can you please tell me how to properly quote and end quote, it will help me organize my thoughts and better respond.

My first Satori was when I was between the ages of 3 and 5 judging by the house we lived in. My first moment of Presence. I remember a few other instances but never really saw the light until reading "A New Earth", which coincidently came to me the day after I almost blew my brains out, I looked up to the night sky and said father, do not forget your son, the book was given to me the very next day, imo if you can not see the truth that Eckhart speaks then truly you are blind.

I came hear to learn how to grow pot, said fuck might as well open a thread to see if I can awaken anybody to the Immortal Truth, it is very intuitive for some. But yes I do learn greatly from teaching enlightenment, I am always learning.

I never claimed to be a teacher of science, although I do see how it can be very helpful.

This is what I teach.

Always be Aware of Space

Time is an illusion but the Earth is very Real

All things come and go but the Light remains Eternal

If you understand this then you are now in Paradise

Please explain how this is erroneous.

This will help people by making them realize that life is very simple and effortless and will eventually reveal them to the true abundance in the universe, it sharpens the mind and can make you more caring, attentive and motivated. Just to name a few, like weed it also helps relax you, it is a very relieving realization to know that absolutely nothing is important.

By God I mean Awareness, the true Self, the higher Self, You, you are God, Space, no thing. When I am completely Present, when I am completely Aware of the objective universe free of subjective thought, the Earth is paradise and all I have is caring attention for all beings, I am at Peace àn full of bliss and more loving, Love, that is the will of God.

I don't want to teach enlightenment, I just do, it is very easy, I am desireless and completely content.

I found Paradise by stopping the incessant noise of the mind and what exactly am I trying to sell.
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Fuck I'm baked, hope everyone's having a good night. OK seriously can you please tell me how to properly quote and end quote, it will help me organize my thoughts and better respond.

My first Satori was when I was between the ages of 3 and 5 judging by the house we lived in. My first moment of Presence. I remember a few other instances but never really saw the light until reading "A New Earth", which coincidently came to me the day after I almost blew my brains out, I looked up to the night sky and said father, do not forget your son, the book was given to me the very next day, imo if you can not see the truth that Eckhart speaks then truly you are blind.

It is interesting that so many find these 'paths to truth' during intense desperation, but not the path to science. I would imagine this is because science does offer any comfort or warm fuzzy feelings. You looked up at the sky? Why? Is your god in the sky, but not on Earth? There is no intrinsic value in the concept of 'up': the Earth is spinning at over 900 mph, so 'up' changes drastically even during the duration of your quick plea. Not to mention the fact that we're whizzing around the sun, so your prayer upward covered a LOT of different trajectories. Are you sure your aim was focused well enough for your invisible friend to hear you? Eckhart is for the most part, a tool and a loser, and most of what he had to spew wasn't original. If you see the truth of reality from that discredited book, you are desperate or delusional imo. If you think your prayer was answered in the form of that book, here's some logic for you -

I came hear to learn how to grow pot, said fuck might as well open a thread to see if I can awaken anybody to the Immortal Truth, it is very intuitive for some. But yes I do learn greatly from teaching enlightenment, I am always learning.

Whose truth, Eckhart's? Regardless, your truth as very little to do with reality and contains almost no facts. If that's what you're after, go for it. But don't try to pass it off as enlightened (capitalized or not)...

I never claimed to be a teacher of science, although I do see how it can be very helpful.

Yeah, since it is responsible for every major value in your life that you use every day, I would say science can be helpful :roll:

This is what I teach.

Always be Aware of Space

Time is an illusion but the Earth is very Real

All things come and go but the Light remains Eternal

If you understand this then you are now in Paradise

Please explain how this is erroneous.

Just more vague phrases with inappropriately capitalized words. I'd ask you to explain what some of them mean, but I really don't care. Your making positive claims that you cannot support, I've asked you to a few times previously and you couldn't even come close. Your teachings are simply speculation and assertions with no correlation to objective reality. Seems worthless, not enlightened...

This will help people by making them realize that life is very simple and effortless and will eventually reveal them to the true abundance in the universe

You have no perspective. Two thirds of the humans on this planet are born into abject poverty and desperate conditions. Life for them is very hard, something you and I have fortuitously never known. They struggle to find food and clean drinking water, avoid dangerous creatures, fend off disease, save themselves from the new governments that often change hands, etc.. Just because you were born in the Western World and your life has been easy doesn't mean that is how it is for most. You're sounding like a fool...

it sharpens the mind and can make you more caring, attentive and motivated. Just to name a few, like we it also help relax you, it is a very relieving realization to know that absolutely nothing is important.

That's opinion, not truth or reality...

By God I mean Awareness, the true Self, the higher Self, You, you are God, Space, no thing. When I am completely Present, when I am completely Aware of the objective universe free of subjective thought, the Earth is paradise and all I have is caring attention for all beings, I am at Peace àn full of bliss and more loving, Love, that is the will of God.

This is what you do best, you state vague, meaningless (and often contradictory) phrases as fact. In reality, there is no support or evidence for any of it. How easy to say things that sound good to us without having to link it to reality, ask Nevaeh and GD. None of you are convincing anybody, all you seem to be doing is fooling yourselves...

I don't want to teach enlightenment, I just do, it is very easy

No, you don't. You simply like to think that you do, that seems to be a cornerstone of your pseudo self esteem. I'd love to hear from just ONE person that you've helped, and what is was from you that made a real difference in their lives. Let's see how many testimonials come our way, shall we?

I am desireless and completely content.

You consistently show that this is not true...

I found Paradise by stopping the incessant noise of the mind

We don't believe you...

and what exactly am I trying to sell.

Enlightenment™ -Your pseudo knowledge in order to support a pseudo self-esteem that you did not earn, it seems. Real self esteem comes from actions taken, not ideas held. You have shown a desperate need for your Eckhartian brand of BS to be true, and you seem like just another poseur pointing to The Truth. You are only fooling yourself...
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THE HOLY BIBLE doesn't say the Earths age there is a huge amount of time between Noah and his Sons, and Abraham. If I had to guess millions of years. They repopulated the Earth, after this GOD speaks to Abraham, and THE HOLY BIBLE continues.
Ugh no . I disagree . If you actually have read genesis and followed the timeline from Adam to Yeshua , Genesis states Adam lived 130 years and fathered Seth , whom lived 105 years and fathered Enoch . And if you recant from Jesus to Adam this world be your book interprets it to be only 6000 years old from the first person . As Maury would say " test results and have came back and say , That's a lie !!!!
It may not say earths age but believe me when I can verify that we have skeletons long before that book has it's first person being born !
Fuck I'm baked, hope everyone's having a good night. OK seriously can you please tell me how to properly quote and end quote, it will help me organize my thoughts and better respond.

My first Satori was when I was between the ages of 3 and 5 judging by the house we lived in. My first moment of Presence. I remember a few other instances but never really saw the light until reading "A New Earth", which coincidently came to me the day after I almost blew my brains out, I looked up to the night sky and said father, do not forget your son, the book was given to me the very next day, imo if you can not see the truth that Eckhart speaks then truly you are blind.

I came hear to learn how to grow pot, said fuck might as well open a thread to see if I can awaken anybody to the Immortal Truth, it is very intuitive for some. But yes I do learn greatly from teaching enlightenment, I am always learning.

I never claimed to be a teacher of science, although I do see how it can be very helpful.

This is what I teach.

Always be Aware of Space

Time is an illusion but the Earth is very Real

All things come and go but the Light remains Eternal

If you understand this then you are now in Paradise

Please explain how this is erroneous.

This will help people by making them realize that life is very simple and effortless and will eventually reveal them to the true abundance in the universe, it sharpens the mind and can make you more caring, attentive and motivated. Just to name a few, like weed it also helps relax you, it is a very relieving realization to know that absolutely nothing is important.

By God I mean Awareness, the true Self, the higher Self, You, you are God, Space, no thing. When I am completely Present, when I am completely Aware of the objective universe free of subjective thought, the Earth is paradise and all I have is caring attention for all beings, I am at Peace àn full of bliss and more loving, Love, that is the will of God.

I don't want to teach enlightenment, I just do, it is very easy, I am desireless and completely content.

I found Paradise by stopping the incessant noise of the mind and what exactly am I trying to sell.
Lol you're interesting and lost . But your words fall short . Reality is something you have no clue of . You probably never leave your region let alone America . The world is very different outside the US. Most people live on 2$ or less a day . Imagine that . It's easy to beleive things will get better when they cannot get any worse . And your a victim of the same circumstance .thats when you started believing the most it seems .
It is interesting that so many find these 'paths to truth' during intense desperation, but not the path to science. I would imagine this is because science does offer any comfort or warm fuzzy feelings. You looked up at the sky? Why? Is your god in the sky, but not on Earth? There is no intrinsic value in the concept of 'up': the Earth is spinning at over 900 mph, so 'up' changes drastically even during the duration of your quick plea. Not to mention the fact that we're whizzing around the sun, so your prayer upward covered a LOT of different trajectories. Are you sure your aim was focused well enough for your invisible friend to hear you? Eckhart is for the most part, a tool and a loser, and most of what he had to spew wasn't original. If you see the truth of reality from that discredited book, you are desperate or delusional imo. If you think your prayer was answered in the form of that book, here's some logic for you -

Whose truth, Eckhart's? Regardless, your truth as very little to do with reality and contains almost no facts. If that's what you're after, go for it. But don't try to pass it off as enlightened (capitalized or not)...

Yeah, since it is responsible for every major value in your life that you use every day, I would say science can be helpful :roll:

Just more vague phrases with inappropriately capitalized words. I'd ask you to explain what some of them mean, but I really don't care. Your making positive claims that you cannot support, I've asked you to a few times previously and you couldn't even come close. Your teachings are simply speculation and assertions with no correlation to objective reality. Seems worthless, not enlightened...

You have no perspective. Two thirds of the humans on this planet are born into abject poverty and desperate conditions. Life for them is very hard, something you and I have fortuitously never known. They struggle to find food and clean drinking water, avoid dangerous creatures, fend off disease, save themselves from the new governments that often change hands, etc.. Just because you were born in the Western World and your life has been easy doesn't mean that is how it is for most. You're sounding like a fool...

That's opinion, not truth or reality...

This is what you do best, you state vague, meaningless (and often contradictory) phrases as fact. In reality, there is no support or evidence for any of it. How easy to say things that sound good to us without having to link it to reality, ask Nevaeh and GD. None of you are convincing anybody, all you seem to be doing is fooling yourselves...

No, you don't. You simply like to think that you do, that seems to be a cornerstone of your pseudo self esteem. I'd love to hear from just ONE person that you've helped, and what is was from you that made a real difference in their lives. Let's see how many testimonials come our way, shall we?

You consistently show that this is not true...

We don't believe you...

Enlightenment™ -Your pseudo knowledge in order to support a pseudo self-esteem that you did not earn, it seems. Real self esteem comes from actions taken, not ideas held. You have shown a desperate need for your Eckhartian brand of BS to be true, and you seem like just another poseur pointing to The Truth. You are only fooling yourself...
Lmfao!!! Open your fucking eyes, it actually is Paradise, 90% of the world is blind, regardless of where they live or how impoverished they are. I don't get any self esteem from teaching enlightenment, my self esteem hardly even exists, except for when the ego tries to reestablish itself. I don't give a flying fuck if you believe me, nothing is important, I am literally in Paradise, do you get it. "Only the sensual is of absolute certainty, as clear as the sun" I forget who said that.
Lmfao!!! Open your fucking eyes, it actually is Paradise, 90% of the world is blind, regardless of where they live or how impoverished they are. I don't get any self esteem from teaching enlightenment, my self esteem hardly even exists, except for when the ego tries to reestablish itself. I don't give a flying fuck if you believe me, nothing is important, I am literally in Paradise, do you get it. "Only the sensual is of absolute certainty, as clear as the sun" I forget who said that.

you mad, bro? I've got to get some sleep, but I fully expect to read some of your testimonials when I awake...
you mad, bro? I've got to get some sleep, but I fully expect to read some of your testimonials when I awake...
This is the thing about written text, if we were standing face to face I would be laughing as I said that to you, but even so you would still likely misinterpret me, as many do, life is comical.
Lol you're interesting and lost . But your words fall short . Reality is something you have no clue of . You probably never leave your region let alone America . The world is very different outside the US. Most people live on 2$ or less a day . Imagine that . It's easy to beleive things will get better when they cannot get any worse . And your a victim of the same circumstance .thats when you started believing the most it seems .
The third world only exists because of the greed that lies in the hearts of many, if only many could find it in their hearts to give we could end extreme poverty. A dollar a day falls out of my pocket, SOS Children's Villages is only $30 a month, humanity needs to stop focusing on the problem and actually look for a solution, an additional tax of maybe $500 a year would go a long way to boosting third world economies, I wonder if the majority would vote in favor of such a tax, maybe I'll start a poll.
My money would not go . I disagree with you of why they 3rd world countries exist . Countries that primarily are 3rd world are undeveloped primarily because lack of resources and lack of trade . Most of those countries live basic lives just like America in the 1800"s off the land , basic food , trade for what you need. Their underdeveloped because lack of oppurtunity in various jobs /markets . Many people need help in your country and or state wherever your from . But it's all what you want believe .
The third world only exists because of the greed that lies in the hearts of many, if only many could find it in their hearts to give we could end extreme poverty. A dollar a day falls out of my pocket, SOS Children's Villages is only $30 a month, humanity needs to stop focusing on the problem and actually look for a solution, an additional tax of maybe $500 a year would go a long way to boosting third world economies, I wonder if the majority would vote in favor of such a tax, maybe I'll start a poll.

This post above shows us how out of touch you are about reality even in your own Country. There are millions of starving children in the US, and many more poverty-stricken families that are barely able to survive. You want to impose a further $500 tax on them so they can miss meals only to give them to someone else across the globe? You speak from the perspective of an ignorant, privileged, white, Western World male. It is not simple greed that keeps these struggling countries poor and hungry, and your simplistic solution wouldn't make much of a dent. You show astounding ignorance in many diverse areas each time you post. It seems your brand of enlightenment is to simply stop thinking to make yourself feel better. I don't think any intelligent, responsible people would want to buy into it. It seems that if one is after useful knowledge of objective reality with which they can actually improve their lives, they should steer clear of your dogma of non-thinking and ignorance. If you wish to make your brand of enlightenment attractive, you are being a poor example. You've stated that your teaching has helped many people, any on this forum that could share that process with us? I'm sure members would be very interested to read about it...
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This post above shows us how out of touch you are about reality even in your own Country. There are millions of starving children in the US, and many more poverty-stricken families that are barely able to survive. You want to impose a further $500 tax on them so they can miss meals only to give them to someone else across the globe? You speak from the perspective of an ignorant, privileged, white, Western World male. It is not simple greed that keeps these struggling countries poor and hungry, and your simplistic solution wouldn't make much of a dent. You show astounding ignorance in many diverse areas each time you post. It seems your brand of enlightenment is to simply stop thinking to make yourself feel better. I don't think any intelligent, responsible people would want to buy into it. It seems that if one is after useful knowledge of objective reality with which they can actually improve their lives, they should steer clear of your dogma of non-thinking and ignorance. If you wish to make your brand of enlightenment attractive, you are being a poor example. You've stated that your teaching has helped many people, any on this forum that could share that process with us? I'm sure members would be very interested to read about it...
Many of my views would be seen as radical, I have a contract with nb housing, every time a welfare bum gets kicked out after completely destroying an apartment I go in and fix it, a large portion of my income comes from the welfare system, but that doesn't change the fact that these lazy fucks are breeding 4-5 kids just so that they can draw more welfare, they get kicked out of one unit and a month later they are put in another unit, you wouldn't believe the taxes that get wasted just in housing these people, throw them out on the street, if they can not survive in our economy then they are just lazy. I would much rather give my money to a child who was born without even the chance of succeeding in their economy. Now I have nothing against low income earners and I agree that they should not have to pay this tax for the third world. You say that I am ignorant but so are you, stop reading the facts about the poor in the US and get out there and see for yourself what those people are doing with your taxes, I write to children in the third world through SOS and they are far more grateful than any welfare bum I have ever met.
This post above shows us how out of touch you are about reality even in your own Country. There are millions of starving children in the US, and many more poverty-stricken families that are barely able to survive. You want to impose a further $500 tax on them so they can miss meals only to give them to someone else across the globe? You speak from the perspective of an ignorant, privileged, white, Western World male. It is not simple greed that keeps these struggling countries poor and hungry, and your simplistic solution wouldn't make much of a dent. You show astounding ignorance in many diverse areas each time you post. It seems your brand of enlightenment is to simply stop thinking to make yourself feel better. I don't think any intelligent, responsible people would want to buy into it. It seems that if one is after useful knowledge of objective reality with which they can actually improve their lives, they should steer clear of your dogma of non-thinking and ignorance. If you wish to make your brand of enlightenment attractive, you are being a poor example. You've stated that your teaching has helped many people, any on this forum that could share that process with us? I'm sure members would be very interested to read about it...
And why in the hell would I care about making enlightenment attractive, "You will receive the kingdom like a child or you will not receive it at all " JC. You are not guaranteed to attain enlightenment, you either do or you don't, I don't do this for any other reason than to help people that are suffering. "Everything that I have told you is not for me but for you yourself" Muhammad. It is not for me to decide if you see or do not see, I have no interest in persuading people.
Many of my views would be seen as radical, I have a contract with nb housing, every time a welfare bum gets kicked out after completely destroying an apartment I go in and fix it, a large portion of my income comes from the welfare system, but that doesn't change the fact that these lazy fucks are breeding 4-5 kids just so that they can draw more welfare, they get kicked out of one unit and a month later they are put in another unit, you wouldn't believe the taxes that get wasted just in housing these people, throw them out on the street, if they can not survive in our economy then they are just lazy. I would much rather give my money to a child who was born without even the chance of succeeding in their economy. Now I have nothing against low income earners and I agree that they should not have to pay this tax for the third world. You say that I am ignorant but so are you, stop reading the facts about the poor in the US and get out there and see for yourself what those people are doing with your taxes, I write to children in the third world through SOS and they are far more grateful than any welfare bum I have ever met.

Yes, this post above is very enlightened. I wish I could use most of it as my siggy to show people your true colors, but I can always point to it when necessary. You are blaming the US hungry children for the sins of their parents, that is disgusting. I was brought up in poverty my entire childhood, as were my family and most friends, so I have a pretty realistic perspective of how it goes first hand. You're right, I am ignorant about many things (although it doesn't seem nearly as much as yourself), but I am not the one claiming to teach enlightenment. Do you think any testimonials will be coming to us soon?
And why in the hell would I care about making enlightenment attractive, "You will receive the kingdom like a child or you will not receive it at all " JC. You are not guaranteed to attain enlightenment, you either do or you don't, I don't do this for any other reason than to help people that are suffering. "Everything that I have told you is not for me but for you yourself" Muhammad. It is not for me to decide if you see or do not see, I have no interest in persuading people.

More contradictions: you want to teach people and you don't. For not wanting to persuade people, you sure post a lot in that capacity. It must be very confusing being you, it doesn't seem like you can keep up with your own muddled thought process...
More contradictions: you want to teach people and you don't. For not wanting to persuade people, you sure post a lot in that capacity. It must be very confusing being you, it doesn't seem like you can keep up with your own muddled thought process...
Oh shit bud, when was the last time I was confused, here from the emerald tablet "the world will be illuminated and confusion will fly from you" No I see things quite clearly, and you would have a hard time breaking that vision, trust me, if the devil himself can not cast me out of Paradise then a mortal man has no chance. Call it delusion I don't care, please explain to me what is so fucking important in this world. I will respond to the previous post after I cool down and have a puff lol!!!
Oh shit bud, when was the last time I was confused, here from the emerald tablet "the world will be illuminated and confusion will fly from you" No I see things quite clearly, and you would have a hard time breaking that vision, trust me, if the devil himself can not cast me out of Paradise then a mortal man has no chance. Call it delusion I don't care, please explain to me what is so fucking important in this world. I will respond to the previous post after I cool down and have a puff lol!!!

You seem to be saying that you are interested in your preconceived 'vision' over the truth regarding objective reality. That makes sense as it is what your posts demonstrate. Nothing wrong with that, except attempting to promote it as facts or reality...
I'm all for enlightenment... but in let's say a more realistic sense, it's exactly what the world needs, again.

In his famous definition of “enlightenment” in his essay “An Answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment?” (1784), Immanuel Kant defines “enlightenment” as humankind's release from its self-incurred immaturity; “immaturity is the inability to use one's own understanding without the guidance of another.”

Enlightenment is the process of undertaking to think for oneself, to employ and rely on one's own intellectual capacities in determining what to believe and how to act. Enlightenment philosophers from across the geographical and temporal spectrum tend to have a great deal of confidence in humanity's intellectual powers, both to achieve systematic knowledge of nature and to serve as an authoritative guide in practical life.

This confidence is generally paired with suspicion or hostility toward other forms or carriers of authority (such as tradition, superstition, prejudice, myth and miracles), insofar as these are seen to compete with the authority of reason.

Enlightenment philosophy tends to stand in tension with established religion, insofar as the release from self-incurred immaturity in this age, daring to think for oneself, awakening one's intellectual powers, generally requires opposing the role of established religion in directing thought and action.

The faith of the Enlightenment – if one may call it that – is that the process of enlightenment, of becoming progressively self-directed in thought and action through the awakening of one's intellectual powers, leads ultimately to a better, more fulfilled human existence.

Thanks, needed a new sig, carry on.
I'm all for enlightenment... but in let's say a more realistic sense, it's exactly what the world needs, again.

In his famous definition of “enlightenment” in his essay “An Answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment?” (1784), Immanuel Kant defines “enlightenment” as humankind's release from its self-incurred immaturity; “immaturity is the inability to use one's own understanding without the guidance of another.”

Enlightenment is the process of undertaking to think for oneself, to employ and rely on one's own intellectual capacities in determining what to believe and how to act. Enlightenment philosophers from across the geographical and temporal spectrum tend to have a great deal of confidence in humanity's intellectual powers, both to achieve systematic knowledge of nature and to serve as an authoritative guide in practical life.

This confidence is generally paired with suspicion or hostility toward other forms or carriers of authority (such as tradition, superstition, prejudice, myth and miracles), insofar as these are seen to compete with the authority of reason.

Enlightenment philosophy tends to stand in tension with established religion, insofar as the release from self-incurred immaturity in this age, daring to think for oneself, awakening one's intellectual powers, generally requires opposing the role of established religion in directing thought and action.

The faith of the Enlightenment – if one may call it that – is that the process of enlightenment, of becoming progressively self-directed in thought and action through the awakening of one's intellectual powers, leads ultimately to a better, more fulfilled human existence.

Thanks, needed a new sig, carry on.
Very good post thanks for sharing