The right strain for me


hey everyone, Im a new member to this forum, and a relatively new grower. I have had two successful grows under my belt, but am running out of resources for seeds. I have decided to take a shot at ordering my seeds online. People have suggested I order my seeds via Attitude seed bank, so I've been scouring their website for the perfect strain for me. If anyone has any suggestions as to what I should look into i would love to hear them.

these are my requirements:

my space is limited so I cant accommodate large sativa plants.

as space is limited I cannot grow many plants at a time, therefore high yielding indicas would be suitable.

thats about it!

love to hear ur thoughts



Well-Known Member

Hey KSMO, welcom to the forum! Sometimes you can wait for a day or two for an answer then get a couple of pages in a few hours. Good place with lots of good people.

Attitude seed bank is the Mercedes Benz of seed banks, great selection, good prices, stealthy, secure, fast. Two weeks to North America by pre paid credit card.


What kind of high / stone do you want? This is more important than growing constraints (you can train your plants for height control), and unless you're a commercial grower then type of efect is more important than yield (it would be a shame to grow a lot of bud that you don't want to smoke, or would rather have something else.)

Energizing / Sedative
Head / Body
Calm / Trippy / Anxiety
Onset - Quick / Creeper
Potency - Knockout / All Day
Anything else you can think of.


"my space is limited so I cant accommodate large sativa plants."

Here are two plants with almost 6' of stem each that are less than 6" above the bucket rim. The stem is wrapped around the bucket rim, only the branches sticking up like small colas. Topping and LST can keep the tallest plants short.


Here are a couple of suggestions for easy growing, quick flowering plants. The only one common trait I'd look for, regardless of type of high/stone, is to get the most potent plant that you can. Take a look at the effects and see what direction you want to go and then the folks here can give you some more educated advice.


Endless Sky - Dr Greenthumb: 6 weeks flower; super potent indica stone; 500 g/m2 sog; use pre paid call in credit card or money order with mail tracking only - no cash.


Jack The Ripper - Subcool (TGA): High type: Intense, trippy, visual, phase shifting, increased heart rate, heavy crash increased appetite, pain relief, paranoia; Taste Like: Lemon mango pine hash with a heavy haze influence.


A lot of people like colored strains, Querkel and Deep Purple by Subcool are great grape tasting strains. Querkel will be more of a sedative all day strain and Deep Purple will have a heavier indica stone. Both Urkle crosses.

Jilly Bean's effects will be somewhere in the middle: High type-Happy, mood enhancing, humorous, energetic; Smells like orange skunk or tang/ Taste so much like Dreamcicles you will not believe it! Extremely up beat and happy buzz great for depression and bad days. (my Jilly Beans are at 4 weeks flower and I can already smell the Dreamcicle)

I've got a half dozen TGA strains, very well reviewed breeder. Anything you like in his line will be worth a try.


Serious Seeds strains are all great, all cup winners. I have Kali Mist and Bubblegum, both are amazing. AK47 and White Russian are definite must gets as well, and I've read reviews on Chronic putting it above White Widow for quality of high. Each strain is of the highest quality in it's type.

Kali Mist: an up opiate; a floating dreamy high; smells and tastes of strong spice; cuts through other highs and moods; 10-18 weeks depending on pheno.

: tastes like pink bubblegum and icing sugar; crystal clear euphoric high; 9 weeks

AK47: rocket fuel, soaring high; quick onset, two or three puffs; stinks like dead skunk during growth. 9 weeks.

White Russian: very potent head stone; strong smell.

Chronic: good yield and excellent quality.




Well-Known Member

DJ Short

Spectrum of Effects

The first spectrum to consider is the "up and down". "Up" refers to the stimulating aspects of cannabis, while "down" refers to sedative qualities. Up pot tends to liven the disposition and stimulate the emotions, inspiring sociability and talkativeness. Down pot tends to produce sedative and depressant effects. Some people refer to stimulating pot as being a "head" high and sedative pot as being a "body" high, yet although partially true this is also misleading.

Body and head highs are the next spectrum of the cannabis experience. Generally speaking, head highs are stimulating and body highs are sedative, but not all are. Some body highs are stimulating and some head highs are depressing. I once sampled a terribly paranoia-inducing head pot that inspired great couch lock qualities. I called it Boo-Goo.

Early to late harvest will affect the head to body spectrum expressed by a certain plant, with the later harvest tending to produce more body and sedative effects. However, I believe that certain aspects of this spectrum to be genetically inherited.

Next to consider are aspects of duration. Some cannabis tends to be short-acting (15-30min) whereas other varieties last much longer (6-7 hours). Once again production, harvesting and curing techniques can influence aspects of this spectrum, but much of this effect is inherited.

For me, the most important aspect of the cannabis experience to consider is tolerance. This refers to the product's ability to provide the same experience via the same amount over time – the burnout factor. By "over time" I mean the long run: months, years, decades...

Most of the cannabis I see on the market today has a terrible tolerance factor – a quick burnout time with the product's novelty lasting less than a week. Luther Burbank's model of breeding needs to be employed here and no expression of tolerance to your product is to be tolerated. An example of where intolerance to tolerance is tolerated – enough already!

Another aspect of tolerance is "ceiling." This refers to how high (or far) one is capable of going with the variety. How many hits can you consume until more hits are unnoticeable? Most indicas have a low ceiling of less than 10 hits. For me that's usually around 5 hits in one smoking session. If I smoke more than 5 hits of a strong indica I will either not notice the post-ceiling hits, or I will fall asleep.

Some sativas have a very high ceiling, or seem to have none at all! This means that the more you consume, the higher and further you go. Oaxaca Highland Gold, Black Magic African, and Highland Thai were some of the herbs I've tried with very high or no ceiling.

The final aspect of mental effects to consider when sampling strains for breeding is the tendency to produce anxiety. Certain strains of cannabis increase anxiety while others decrease it. This is also true for other emotions, which some strains may suppress while others may augment their intensity. Generally stimulating and head varieties are the ones that can produce unwanted anxiety, but this is not always the case. Quickly cured buds or an over-early harvest are contributing factors to anxiety-increasing pot, but this trait is also genetic in nature.


What strain is this? They have a skunky fruity piney citrusy delicious smell to them. They're 6.5 weeks in flowering with the past four using super bloom. How long should I let them go if I want more of a narcotic high? They're outdoor but I am in Southern Cali


Well-Known Member

I don't know if anyone could be certain of the strain from a picture.

"How long should I let them go if I want more of a narcotic high?"

The strain may not have a narcotic stone (high), but if you get a hand microscope from Radio Shack ($20) and check the trichomes the more amber they are the more sedative the strain will be.

TS's strain





wow good answers guys! I now have a lot more factors to consider b-4 I select a strain.

I am amazed at how short you made those sativas Hobbes!!! maybe you can show me how to do that if i should choose a sativa

here are my selections for the catagories you gave me

i want some night time smoke

i want a down high, that is long lasting, tolerance can be normal and so can ceiling

i wan strong knockout cannabis


Well-Known Member

"I am amazed at how short you made those sativas Hobbes!!! maybe you can show me how to do that if i should choose a sativa"

It was a technique derived from the desperation of necessity. :dunce: My first grow I was using bag seed a friend had swiped from his father more than 10 years before, it ended up being an 18 week sativa. But I didn't know that because I didn't know that mj needed 12/12 to flower and I used 24 hour light on twelve 6'-8' bamboo like sativas under 8 x 100W incandescent lights before I found OverGrow and figured out how fucked I was. I didn't even know where the bud was suppose to grow or what it was going to look like.

I had vegged from August until mid January and the stems were more than an inch in diameter, it must have taken me 3 or 4 weeks to bend them flat and wrap them in spirals around and up the bucket. I must have had 8 or 10 breaks in the stems, I became an expert at stem repair my first grow - I didn't loose a single plant. I left one of them straight out, it reminded me of a hydro setup with giant pine cones growing up from the tubes.

Those plants produced some of the best bud I ever had, soaring euphoric sativa. The guys dad is a cannaseur so it might have been anything from back then - 25 years ago now? Damn. The buds were like 8"-12" pine cones with no stem and almost no leaves, what a great grow. I ended up with over 3 gallons of cured bud, I kept it in 1 gallon glass pickle jars I bought from a sub sandwich shop for a quarter each.

This is the same Bubblegum plant 8 days apart. I find it easiest to top the plants once and grow the stems to 22" each. 5 gallon buckets are 38" in circumference. Longer single stems are harder to bend, 4 stems makes bending the stems difficult. The stems virtually stop growing as soon as they are horizontal, then the branches take off and become small colas.

Flo (2 stem)

Kali Mist (single stem)

