The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2


New Member
New Ron Paul commercial

I wanted to let you all in on what I've heard is a bit of the campaign's strategy.

They are going to spend some money in the next few weeks to move up in the polls and become a serious contender in some specific states. The goal is to put Ron solidly into the #2 position. It's important to do this now before the other campaigns and their PACs begin to unload their warchests. If we can take 2nd place now it will be harder for them to unseat us from that position later on in the race. But starting in November there will be a lot of high-dollar marketing messages which we won't be able to compete with and if we don't move up soon that window may close and the opportunity could be lost forever. This is our chance!

But we need the money NOW if we are going to win this thing!

Rick Perry is teetering on the edge after his lousy performance at the previous debate. Many of his supporters have gone sour on him. To move up to and secure the #2 slot now the campaign must have the funds to do so. Ron Paul wins the Republican nomination by first doing well in Iowa and winning some of the the early states. This will create a snowball effect and as other candidates drop off we'll continue to be in the top tier and offer a choice against big-government Mitt Romney.

If you are going to give, give everything you've got BEFORE the 1st of October for the End of Quarter Push! It's do-or-die time. Step up to the plate and put your money where your mouth is if you want Ron to have a chance at winning this election! If you were holding back or planning to max out, now is the time!


Well-Known Member
CNN - Ron Paul 'Might' have a chance...his popularity is exploding

The CNN clip today shows how scared they are.

"A man who doesn't want government running for government, seems like sort of a contradiction" LMAO

You notice how they never said any reason why he was wrong about 9/11, just that he was crazy. Probably because there was no defense to what he said.


Well-Known Member
Did you all see the latest poll from Fox? Herman Cain went up like 10 points. Other polls done in the last few days don't show him picking up any significant support.


New Member
Did you all see the latest poll from Fox? Herman Cain went up like 10 points. Other polls done in the last few days don't show him picking up any significant support.
I guess this is there last result since perryfail 2011, we all know Romney isn't going to be the conservative choice so that only leaves Paul, now they desperately try to prop up cain, next they will break out the proverbial 'big-guns' Chris Christie against Paul when they realize cain is hopeless.

The people have something to say to the establishment crooks, we are in an intellectual revolution and change won't happen with anyone but Ron Paul in this election, the majority is recognizing this truth and as the snowball of liberty rolls further down the hill it grows bigger every second:



Well-Known Member
I guess this is there last result since perryfail 2012, we all know romney isn't going to be the conservative choice so that only leave paul, now they desperately try to prop up cain, next they will try to throw chris chrstie at us once cain fails
I figure it was cause they only polled 300 people lol. I mean, it is obvious when a poll was wrong by just looking at the results compared to other polls. Sure on average a poll of 300 people might show the general trend, but how could 6 people from each state being questioned really give you an accurate number? The latest polls also have Newt in front of Paul.


New Member
I think a lot of people do like cain no doubt, he is probably the real second place, Id say Romney is probably the real last place only ahead of huntsman and santorum, but yeah its funny only FOX is touting this idea that cain is somehow a front runner all the sudden.

Id like to remind any reader of this that Mr Cain was the former chairman of the Federal Reserve in Kansas city.


New Member
What is the most important statistic, who can beat obama, Paul has consistently won in all of these polls at least getting better scores then his opposition each time, even when they don't beat obama, the hypothetical matchup Paul v Obama.

PPP Poll Florida

9/22 - 9/25
476 voters

General Election Matchups:

Paul brings Obama to the lowest support level at 45%

  • Obama 45%
  • Paul 44%

  • Obama 46%
  • Romney 45%

  • Obama 49%
  • Bachmann 44%

  • Obama 50%
  • Perry 43%

  • Obama 50%
  • Gingrich 42%

Paul crushes amongst the swing voters. (THIS IS WHO YOU NEED TO WIN)

  • Paul 52%
  • Obama 37%

  • Obama 45%
  • Romney 42%

  • Obama 47%
  • Bachmann 43%

  • Obama 47%
  • Gingrich 38%

  • Obama 53%
  • Perry 40%


Well-Known Member
yes, as ron paul says he wants, local government made the decision to allow segregation and discrimination.
fed gov stepped in to disallow these actions.
your verbiage is purposely misleading.
Oh gee lets give the Feds props. :clap: Who was it that made blacks 3/5 of a person? Who was it that forced Japanese into concentration camps in World War Two? Who gave the order to attack it's own ship the USS Liberty?
Who was it that said the Housing Bill would help low income (minorities) Americans? They were hurt the most in the end.
Quit relying on government.

As much crap as I give you, YOU could run this country better than the last two clowns.


Well-Known Member
Yeah He Also says he is against Federal Spending but is the Pork King of Texas
He is getting back the money his constituents paid in. His belief, and I agree, is local officials know more about their own area than Washington. Same reasoning behind him wanting to do away with FEMA. They are horrible. He wanted the money to go into the hands of the locals and FEMA to butt out.
How about I come into your house, under the guise of helping, take money from you and decide what is the best way for you to run your house. Would you like that?
For those who are Paul supporters, please remember that today is the LAST day of the quarter, and we are trying to get to 1.5 million. We just passed 1 million. Any financial help you can spare in needed and would be appreciated. I donated 100 bucks.

Hey Parker, do you also post on the Daily Paul? Just curious. There is another "Parker" there who's posts I enjoy as well.


New Member
Where can I send my .02 cents COD?
I bet there is a Lot of money the NAACP will send Ron Paul
Tell him to stop trying to get money out of the White supremacists
They dont have any. Meth costs Ya know


Well-Known Member
Where can I send my .02 cents COD?
I bet there is a Lot of money the NAACP will send Ron Paul
Tell him to stop trying to get money out of the White supremacists
They dont have any. Meth costs Ya know
You do realize how this makes you look, yes? Your statement is more telling of yourself than anything else.


Well-Known Member
Thats exactly what im saying.
i am enamored of myself. i masturbate into the mirror, such is the extent of my self love.

thus, your theory that "anti racist is code for anti white" has been proven quite wrong. but thanks for playing the race card, that always makes things a bit more lively.

sometimes it makes things so lively that i have to delete threads thanks to all the hatred it brings out. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
i am enamored of myself. i masturbate into the mirror, such is the extent of my self love.

thus, your theory that "anti racist is code for anti white" has been proven quite wrong. but thanks for playing the race card, that always makes things a bit more lively.

sometimes it makes things so lively that i have to delete threads thanks to all the hatred it brings out. :eyesmoke:
I didnt bring out the hatred, you and dukeanthony did, your fault not mine.
Im not polling the race card im simply pointing out your obviousness.


Well-Known Member
I didnt bring out the hatred, you and dukeanthony did, your fault not mine.
Im not polling the race card im simply pointing out your obviousness.
starting a thread stating that you are worried that the white race will be exterminated s supposed to end with daffodils and unicorns shitting rainbows on fluffy white clouds?

it is clear to everyone here that you have very little in your arsenal besides the race card and making false statements....repeatedly.