The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2


Well-Known Member
truth stings a bit, doesn't it?

ron paul does not support civil rights: FACT
ron paul would have let the economy collapse: FACT
ron paul does not support more liberty for women: FACT
You're one of the dumbest people I know. You couldn't spell cat if you were spotted the c and the a.
First off your ignorant douchebag, government does not grant people civil rights. Anyone with a basic understanding of government knows government takes away rights it doesn't grant them.

Only a short sighted twat like you would make a statement like Ron Paul would let the economy collapse. First off if we adopted his policies the housing crash would NEVER HAVE HAPPENED. You forget that point douchebag.
The economy is horseshit right now because the "chosen ones"said they could fix it. The answer was to let the free market work and not bail out your buddies with MY MONEY. You let bad businesses fail you let good ones survive. That's best for the long run. Only a short sighted moron would think different. The same short sighted morons who thought manipulating the housing market would be good.

Ron Paul supports liberty for EVERYONE EQUALLY. The right to life is the most important right. Without that the others are meaningless. You want to know why, you inept twat? because without the right to life you're dead. When you're dead you have no rights.

What else are you going to make up to fit your agenda?
Keep talking out your ass like you know shit, this is fun.


Well-Known Member
this coming from a guy who has no problem calling people imbreds and twats (among other things)?

you're COOL.
and you're an ignorant bullshit artist who would be better keeping off keeping his uninformed yap shut.
If the kitchen is too hot shut the fuck up and get out.

or you could post like a decent human being and see if others treat you the same.


Well-Known Member
No, he doesn't support a law that infringes upon the liberty of others.
oh, those poor whites, having their liberty infringed by having to serve a black guy! a travesty!

The economy one was conjecture since nobody can say what might have been. Obviously the "solution" we went with hasn't done so hot.
better than a complete collapse.

He support the right of a woman to find a Dr. who is willing to willing to do the procedure. He doesn't agree with it, but she would still have that right.
"There has to be a criminal penalty for the person that’s committing that crime. And I think that is the abortionist." - ron paul, 11/28/2007



Well-Known Member
You're one of the dumbest people I know. ... ignorant douchebag...short sighted twat...douchebag....short sighted moron ... you inept twat?...Keep talking out your ass like you know shit, this is fun.
and you're an ignorant bullshit artist who would be better keeping off keeping his uninformed yap shut... shut the fuck up
and just in case we haven't had a heaping helping of irony, you follow that up with....

or you could post like a decent human being and see if others treat you the same.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it SHOULD be your right. Freedom isn't free.
WOW ...SO I have the right to let a poor single white lady start her 8 loads of clothes then right when she about to dry them I can kick her out just for being white ?????I should have that right...WTF...dude I would never do some sick shit like that , but you and Ron PAul to think that should be someones right just because he/she owns the business is freakin unbelievable...Glad we have laws to stop shit like that from happening


Well-Known Member
Funny! Not. Childish, pathetic, clear view into the mind of most Ron Paul opponents? Yes.
actually, it is clever. he always calls me "kid" or "boy", so i caricaturize him as a cantankerous old geezer from whom the aroma of smelly products that old people use wafts.

Told you Parker. They dish it but have a hard time taking it.
show me where i was anywhere NEAR the level of parker. please quote it, i'll be waiting.

yet you try to make my ongoing joke with parker look like some indictment of an anti ron paul conspiracy.

heavens to betsy.


King Tut
oh, those poor whites, having their liberty infringed by having to serve a black guy! a travesty!

better than a complete collapse.

"There has to be a criminal penalty for the person that’s committing that crime. And I think that is the abortionist." - ron paul, 11/28/2007

First two are Red Herring and Conjecture once again. And do you not understand why he has his views? What rights are there if you don't have a life. And just because he holds the same view i do doesn't mean that he will enforce his will on the populace.

You guys are falling apart. Pity, you were doing so well.:roll:


King Tut
WOW ...SO I have the right to let a poor single white lady start her 8 loads of clothes then right when she about to dry them I can kick her out just for being white ?????I should have that right...WTF...dude I would never do some sick shit like that , but you and Ron PAul to think that should be someones right just because he/she owns the business is freakin unbelievable...Glad we have laws to stop shit like that from happening
And i would not do it either. But if you come on my property and interact with me then you are at the whims of my will. Period. If you don't like it, leave! i would enforce a rule that if your pants are hanging so low i can see your underwear or if you are rude/disrespectful to me OR my customers or if you have more than 10 items you CAN'T USE THE EXPRESS LANE PERIOD. So who the hell jas the right to tell me what i can and can't do on my own property? If i'm renting/leasing then i would mitigate with my landlord but if it mine, i stand opposed as our forefathers would and did.


King Tut
actually, it is clever. he always calls me "kid" or "boy", so i caricaturize him as a cantankerous old geezer from whom the aroma of smelly products that old people use wafts.

show me where i was anywhere NEAR the level of parker. please quote it, i'll be waiting.

yet you try to make my ongoing joke with parker look like some indictment of an anti ron paul conspiracy.

heavens to betsy.

Now that it has been fully explained, it still doesn't contribute to the topic at hand and only serves to bait, entice, and infuriate someone. If he has done the same to you before finally getting tired of reading you propaganda, insults, misconceptions, and personal attacks amongst other things. Based on this type of behavior it seems logical to me that anyone who acts this way is immature whether it be in age or intellect.

You are a bright man UB and i like you, well, most of the time ;) i think this may just be something you are overthinking a little too much. You've lost sight of the forest because you are looking at the trees.


Well-Known Member
And do you not understand why he has his views? What rights are there if you don't have a life.
so the rights of the unborn fetus trump the rights of the already living, united states citizen?

And just because he holds the same view i do doesn't mean that he will enforce his will on the populace.
"There HAS to be a criminal penalty for the person that’s committing that crime. And I think that is the abortionist." - ron paul, 11/28/2007

darn facts.


Well-Known Member
so the rights of the unborn fetus trump the rights of the already living, united states citizen?

"There HAS to be a criminal penalty for the person that’s committing that crime. And I think that is the abortionist." - ron paul, 11/28/2007

darn facts.
Fact would inform you, just as you know already that quote was from '07, since then his debate points are that its up to each state, and he leaves it as that.
Sounds pretty constitutional to me. Nothing wrong with that.


Well-Known Member
And i would not do it either. But if you come on my property and interact with me then you are at the whims of my will. Period. If you don't like it, leave! i would enforce a rule that if your pants are hanging so low i can see your underwear or if you are rude/disrespectful to me OR my customers or if you have more than 10 items you CAN'T USE THE EXPRESS LANE PERIOD. So who the hell jas the right to tell me what i can and can't do on my own property? If i'm renting/leasing then i would mitigate with my landlord but if it mine, i stand opposed as our forefathers would and did.
Dude you can deny service to someone showing underwear, or being rude...stick with the facts please...Ron Paul thinks I should even have the right to base it on skin tone, religion, gender etc...which is clearly wrong..If you want to do business ( commerce) in this country you will play by the rules..or you can leave


King Tut
Fact would inform you, just as you know already that quote was from '07, since then his debate points are that its up to each state, and he leaves it as that.
Sounds pretty constitutional to me. Nothing wrong with that.
Thank you for the back-up on that one bro. i have never claimed to know everthing there is to know about anything. i'm just heralding truth in advertising and i think RP does a very good job of it.

Difference between me and SOME others is that they say they are open-minded and willing to change their minds when they are shown the "light" but then never really absorb the evidence laid out before them. They get too wrapped up in how to counter or respond when if they were just open and honest they wouldn't HAVE to think about it, it would come naturally. i've learned this lesson when dealing with my 11 year old son. If i just start blasting out why he shouldn't have done what he did he doesn't hear anything i say because his mind is racing trying to figure out what to say to deflect and stay out of trouble. HIS OWN WORDS!


King Tut
Dude you can deny service to someone showing underwear, or being rude...stick with the facts please...Ron Paul thinks I should even have the right to base it on skin tone, religion, gender etc...which is clearly wrong..If you want to do business ( commerce) in this country you will play by the rules..or you can leave
Not off-topic but being used as a common sense example of why i should be allowed to set my rules on my property. Should've known that common sense wouldn't be conducive to you. Should've explained myself better. Sorry.


Well-Known Member
Fact would inform you, just as you know already that quote was from '07
um, i included the date it was from. so i was already what you might call "informed" of that fact.

facts would inform you that that exact quote is still displayed ON HIS WEBSITE. so he still endorses it, i would say.

since then his debate points are that its up to each state, and he leaves it as that.
Sounds pretty constitutional to me. Nothing wrong with that.
state-sponsored extremism FTW.

the SCOTUS ruled that abortion is legal. that means EVERYWHERE.