The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

Close except for the last bit. When my mother and i told them to look across the street their eyes bugged out and they said no concern of theirs, then they left. Pretty unreal i know. But i can give you example after example of this taking place all the time in this predominately black city in a predominately black state.

again why was the white officer harrassing you and your mom...he just came up and said ???? what
"How you folks doing today? i see your blocking the sidewalk". Literally looked at the cop and said "excuse me?". then the rest was already stated.
that's exactly what you just said.

you stated:

in other words, just move for your rights.

since the turtle fucker feels the same way about abortion as he does about cannabis, that they are state-level issues, that is exactly what you are saying.

personally, i feel differently than paul on the issue abortion, cannabis, civil rights, marriage equality.

at least gary johnson is willing to take a stand and say that marriage equality should extend to all, that the decision for women to make health choices about their own bodies should be universal.

the turtle fucker doesn't have enough of a spine to say anything other than "let's pass the decision on to somewhere else". some leadership there.

I said "make" and made it clear that it's a choice. Say for example I like to surf, I live where the waves are next to non existent, if I felt strongly enough about-surfing for better opportunities I could move to a better location but noone is forcing me. Sure it did sound hypocritical but the is a difference between forcing something and someone making the decision to do something.

On the civic issues, RP is pro-life, pro-cannabis, and although he may not like gay marriage he's for it as it is a liberty of being in america. as for the civil liberties I have not read or heard enough to really bring it up but I will find out. You make it seem as if he wants to force he personal beliefs on people and I know he's said multiple times he would never and his voting record is just as what he said.

I feel as if you want judge a man more my his personal opinions rather than his policies as a lawmaker, am I wrong to say that's ass backwards?

Why pick only the few excerpts that you can most exploit in everything I say? I could be an ass hat and bag on you for having horrible punctuation and grammar but that's not what this thread is about. So on and so forth.
"How you folks doing today? i see your blocking the sidewalk". Literally looked at the cop and said "excuse me?". then the rest was already stated.

yup you guys got please give another example of how you and your family got oppressed by the white man...this shit is raw comedy...hold on have to blaze up to really enjoy the laugh:joint:
suppose your story is true.

how is it an example of you, a white man, being persecuted?

it might be if the black cop harassed a black family while you got beaten with a 2x4 and they did nothing, but not your story. your story reinforces the point londonfog and i are making.
In no way shape or form does it do anything of the sort.
Because im white and the cops are white in a predominately black area/city/state they would be racist if they went up to the black man beating the living shit out of the black woman and tried to address it.
It is so bad in this area with cops being scared to approach black people in fear of being accused of being racist or in violation of hate crimes which is a hypocrisy. That they indeed harass law abiding do nothing whitey just to somehow feel they are doing their job or are justified.
Apparently neither you or LF have lived in predominately black areas because it is quite the pandemic when it comes to what i am illustrating.
yup you guys got please give another example of how you and your family got oppressed by the white man...this shit is raw comedy...hold on have to blaze up to really enjoy the laugh:joint:
My ancestry was harassed and oppressed, this is your argument. Not my argument, though the ironic part of what im illustrating is that whitey is more oppressed right here in America today more often than blacks,illegals or what ever else color or nationality.
...although he may not like gay marriage he's for it as it is a liberty of being in america...

have you heard his position on gay marriage? herman cain has a better position on the issue.

ron paul says it should all be up to the church. he supports DOMA. he is not a friend of marriage equality, not in the least.
My ancestry was harassed and oppressed, this is your argument. Not my argument, though the ironic part of what im illustrating is that whitey is more oppressed right here in America today more often than blacks,illegals or what ever else color or nationality.

Don't you love how these two keeps bringing up issues then when we reply they try to twist it by pulling out excerpts of our replies and firing it back at us? Lovely adult conversation we are having here..
making things right due the the wrongs of others...I guess we should not help those who got treated so unfairly and unjust in the past...nope just let them find their own way...FUCK I said in my life time I have seen the cruelty and injustice done to people of color maybe after I die and the next generation that did not have to go thru it you can try to have an argument...but for now FUCK YOU
as usual, you sidestep the issue. just like you, i have seen cruelty and injustice inflicted on people of every color, i've even been on the receiving end of a few instances of racially motivated violence, and i believe in offering everyone just treatment. but that's not what you're advocating, now is it. you aren't advocating the fresh start we all deserve, but an advantage based on skin color. in case you didn't understand it, that is the very essence of racism. you are demanding that the rights of the individual to the ownership of his belongings be abrogated. you seem to forget that every man has a right to his own opinion and to express it as he sees fit, even the most heinous and ignorant opinions.

whatever happened to the sentiment expressed by the quote, "i disapprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"? the statist philosophy has turned our society into a mockery of such high ideals. we have made a virtue of self-proclaimed victimhood and seek vengeance for every slight, real or imagined. one's right to free expression may end, as one of your fellow statists on these boards is so fond of stating, at the end of the next man's nose, but it would seem that the entitlements of some extend right past everyone else's noses, through their pocketbooks and on to everything we all own. we have allowed the state to start arbitrarily handing out rights that abridge those considered inalienable in a sorry attempt to redefine the meaning of the term "right".
Don't you love how these two keeps bringing up issues then when we reply they try to twist it by pulling out excerpts of our replies and firing it back at us? Lovely adult conversation we are having here..

if you don't like having your liberties deprived from you, move to another state.

also, blacks had it better as slaves and whitey is more persecuted than illegals :dunce:

jesus. fucking. christ.
have you heard his position on gay marriage? herman cain has a better position on the issue.

ron paul says it should all be up to the church. he supports DOMA. he is not a friend of marriage equality, not in the least.

I have not, honestly I don't care enough to reject him as a candidate when you look at the amazingly high $14.3 trillion debt we have racked up as a country, I believe his fiscal stance is what it 100x more important now, you argue over his civic beliefs as if we should let our country keeping burning up in debt and just worry about gay marriage, prohibition, and abortion instead... BUT I have watched a lot of his videos and heard nothing like that so please send me a link if you have one handy.
even if i wanted to pay, they could deny me for any reason they want. they could disallow me because i was black, or white, or male, or whatever else they wanted.

point is, as a PRIVATE organization, that does not advertise as being 'open to the public', they are legally allowed to do such.

the gas station and the grocery store can't do that (anymore). and when they were able to do so, many did disallow blacks and did just fine. and it caused harm to others.

in america, we allow people to do what they want as long as it does not harm others or infringe on their rights (in theory). well, blacks were harmed by segregation.

end point: your right to be a bigot is not greater than the rights of others not to be harmed by bigotry.

So back to an earlier argument (not sure who said it) a gas station could open up and allow people to become members and they would be allowed to deny blacks? What if the organization advertised as "being open to the white public?" You can't nitpick because you feel bad the feelings of one party.

If you know the definition of a bigot (and obstinately attached to some creed or opinion and intolerant toward others; "a bigoted person"; "an outrageously bigoted point of view") you would know that to discriminate someone because of their opinion is violation of the 1st amendment.

That being said, I'm annoyed that my question earlier has lead to this racial debate.
if you don't like having your liberties deprived from you, move to another state.

also, blacks had it better as slaves and whitey is more persecuted than illegals :dunce:

jesus. fucking. christ.


In a convoluted mind where you only pick out the worst and piece it together as you see fit to make us horrible idiots then sure that's exactly what we said. :)
I have not, honestly I don't care enough to reject him as a candidate when you look at the amazingly high $14.3 trillion debt we have racked up as a country, I believe his fiscal stance is what it 100x more important now, you argue over his civic beliefs as if we should let our country keeping burning up in debt and just worry about gay marriage, prohibition, and abortion instead... BUT I have watched a lot of his videos and heard nothing like that so please send me a link if you have one handy.

yes, let's forget basic liberties so we can focus on a republican-manufactured "armadebton" :roll:

we have come back from worse before. the sky is not falling. reforms need to be made, we can make them.
My ancestry was harassed and oppressed, this is your argument. Not my argument, though the ironic part of what im illustrating is that whitey is more oppressed right here in America today more often than blacks,illegals or what ever else color or nationality.

oh ok I thought you said that your ancestry was an oppressed people might have been someone else ...not even going to go back and check...but you are saying that the white man/woman is now more oppressed in America today then any other race or that my understanding ???
So back to an earlier argument (not sure who said it) a gas station could open up and allow people to become members and they would be allowed to deny blacks? What if the organization advertised as "being open to the white public?" You can't nitpick because you feel bad the feelings of one party.

If you know the definition of a bigot (and obstinately attached to some creed or opinion and intolerant toward others; "a bigoted person"; "an outrageously bigoted point of view") you would know that to discriminate someone because of their opinion is violation of the 1st amendment.

That being said, I'm annoyed that my question earlier has lead to this racial debate.

Hey sync0s, how about we ignore these two and just keep on trucking? I mean obviously they are determined to undermine any conversation between people genuinely interested in supporting RP and no matter what anyone say will continue to do so, I know Mr. UncleBuck has nothing better to do, I'm posting here while attending to my studies so at least I have an excuse :)