The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
just muted the tv so i can listen to the wonderful sound of a row going on at the neighbours............makes me realise i did the right thing when i built my it every few weeks and more they are....
I really believe u Del. Bet your name is


Well-Known Member
ive watched dvd 1 got it off a torrent site a while back , not seen 2 or 3 though
yeh i just threw all 3 on server so il take a peek! if u want the other lemmi know il sort u out
so heres a update i think ther ok 1 wats looking like flowers look likes balls but one did yeserday and now them balls are flowers so wat do i know!!

if ive got the photos rite thats all the same plant heres the rest

started with feeding bloom yesterday 2ml per litre
p.s sensi cush regular not feminized in hydro


Well-Known Member
Wot is it with this site its gone cheese mad i mean come on if u want exo get exo if u want cheese seeds get them at the end of the day why argue wots better or not and why do some sell seeds as exo wen its obviously not imo its like humans there are not 2 people the same so why does this not count true for plants cause it does there are thousands of people that have tried to cross a clone only strain to create somethin exactly the same and failed miserably so why try and put it on the market with the same name as the true cut at the end of the day its neva gonna happen and make peeps look stupid i ve grown cheese for x amount of years and could myself do wot they do but i respect that its impossible to get exactly the same as the female perent so would b pointless imo its either there totally dumb and blind to it or are out to try and rob peeps of there hard earned money!! either way they are as stupid as the folk that are buyin these seeds to find they get somethin completly diffrent to wot they were expecting !! Some peeps need fix up and take note of the peeps that do things right eg breeder boutique have some amazing x strains that are run through clone only strains and have put them on the market as new creations and to me is a no win situation as they are nt ripping no 1 off by lying to them about bs qoutes or tryin to rob the true cut of its real name and this imo is the way to run a business while doin somethin they love!! Rant over a little long i know but peeps piss me off bigtime


Well-Known Member
man i need a change of scenery....if any of you UK dudes are looking for a witty American partner(not gay partner, partner in crime) to go to games with and do buddy stuff with ..lets do the damn thing!
wanna get in a football fan fight.....drink some beers, eat some chips and fish from newspaper and stalk Isla Fisher
Isla Fisher is Australian mate lol


Well-Known Member
please Santa ah ken its a bit early but the only present ah want is Georgio Samaras tae stay at Parkhead.....if ah can have a second wan could it be Neil Lennon tae get a contract extension tae................remember donkeys are for life not just Xmas


Well-Known Member
was at the eurogamer expo so was all on xbox.. the spec ops (horde equivalent) mode.. got to wave 15 then some spotty kid said our time was up.. :/

Which platform? Any good? i've been debating putting a couple hundred quid into my computer or a new amplifier for me bedroom.


Well-Known Member
yeh it was good.. its kinda like somewhere between mw1 and mw2 (playability... gfx seem slightly better than mw2).. guns feel a lot weightier than mw2 more like blops but much more responsive.. very quick..


Well-Known Member
had a taste of the psychosis last night( broken branch so why not) and even though it has a few weeks to go its still already stronger than anything being sold around here atm so cant wait for it to be totally finished :-)