The UnIVerse

The typical response, gathered from the typical fanatic. The delusions one gathers in order to feel special and important in an unimportant existence will always lead to delusional thought processes. I have seen this response over, and over again, from one fanatic to another, always the same answer, always, always.... which is this one conclusion every...single...time...

It will never end, and will always be the same answer, every...single...time.

I am... the chosen one.

No, not the chosen one... just chosen. As MANY Are. In my opinion, You Will Find God. Just a matter of Time.
Bro, I did not choose to have these experiences. They chose Me. I would have been better without, because now everything seems so bland. I mean he comes to you, The God of the Entire Universe, then what's next... go home and play video games and eat TV dinners? I don't even know why me. I didn't ask for it, that's probably why ... But besides that maybe some aren't mean to Know, or Perceive Him. Or maybe the time isn't right,,,YET! He is going to come, along with His Son and they will come to ALL who seek them... So believe that... Your Patience WILL pay Off in the end, Trust me. That's all

So you are talking about the christian god then? The one from the bible?
You still haven't answered my question Bong, are you speaking about the christian god?

Sorry, I can only get on at Certain Times.

To answer your question, Yes, I believe The God of Abraham is the Same God Jesus Referred when he Spoke of His Father in His Teaching's. He has Many name's. Jah, Jehovah, YahWeh And I'm not Positve, but I believe Allah is The Same God, but Probuably Not. So basically I'm referring to the God in the Old Testament. The one Who gave Moses the Commandment's ...
I think we are all One, we are all god and that god is energy condensed to a slow vibration into matter, we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively.
Sorry, I can only get on at Certain Times.

To answer your question, Yes, I believe The God of Abraham is the Same God Jesus Referred when he Spoke of His Father in His Teaching's. He has Many name's. Jah, Jehovah, YahWeh And I'm not Positve, but I believe Allah is The Same God, but Probuably Not. So basically I'm referring to the God in the Old Testament. The one Who gave Moses the Commandment's ...

Jehova... That guy was a disturbing deity. All fine with knocking your daughter up; but suck one dick (If you're male.), wear poly/cotton blends, or eat bacon, and you're pretty much as bad a a child rapist in his eyes.
There is only one real truth, and it is honesty! With regards to you thinking universe is in control of itself....does not a spinning gyro or a thrown ball appear to be be in control of itself if you were to take a look for a few seconds? I apologize for not knowing why I ask this question, just seemed appropriate!
Completely Agree, and I'm pretty sure Their is Nothing I can say to you that will other wise change your mind. Nor do I desire too... except maybe that In giving you My experinces So far in life, he Has faaar exceeded my disbelief in God. I was agnostic after becoming "Enlightened"... Then God came to me... Prior to that, I thought it was all Made Up, to keep people in check... But God Almighty came to me, In human form... Sounds out-there but so did his Son... God is real... But it's fine if you don't find it as substantial proof... Either You will find out when you die, or In your next life... I hope you come to an understanding of a Higher Being so Pure that he won't even let us See his face... For if you do, you will go Crazy (see his face that is)... But like I said, I'm not here to tell you he's real, Only posting as to be A Testimony to the Living God ... In which whom Created the Universe ... So we Can call Him "The Creator"... He created the Universe and is the One making those tiny thing's We know as Atom's, Do what they are doing....... From my experience's... From what "I" know to be true.

Sorry, I can only get on at Certain Times.

To answer your question, Yes, I believe The God of Abraham is the Same God Jesus Referred when he Spoke of His Father in His Teaching's. He has Many name's. Jah, Jehovah, YahWeh And I'm not Positve, but I believe Allah is The Same God, but Probuably Not. So basically I'm referring to the God in the Old Testament. The one Who gave Moses the Commandment's ...

I just think it's funny how some believers in god will stick together and support each other... when they are unaware the the gods they are worshiping are different than one another.
I support the reasoning behind their belief's ... Theist's and Atheist's/Agnostic's ...for they are only believing what they do, because that is who they are ... everyone,ibelieve, are making out what they believe, to be logical Belief's about God, or about the universe. I only wish to tell Everyone that God is not who He is made out to be... To be honest I have little to no knowledge about God and who is... The bible could have been changed almost completely than what was actually written about Him and His Son from 2000 to 4000 odd some year's ago... But that is only my belief ...

Now something off topic to what I said ... Someone mention an object being thrown is in control of it self, I believe the same goes with our bodies... It control's it self, but we are only witnessing, or perceiving it going in motion...