The VO Grow #1


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
No shit? That's fuckin' awesome. What's your area of specialty? Character design? Terrain Design? Or are you more on the technical end?
I'm a programmer ;)

I run through lines and lines of code trying to figure out WHY THIS ISN'T COMPILING?! lol

btw vid update is coming tonite.. f@#$ it.


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Starting week 4. Exclusive pics on the video update.


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Someone lemme know if the pics in the beginning was just too much and I'll stick to the grow show. Next week I start 12/12 so that should be a good one.


Well-Known Member
damn..thats nice how old is she now? my two seedlings are almost 1 week old,and they are small.

here they are at just about 1 week.



DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
damn..thats nice how old is she now? my two seedlings are almost 1 week old,and they are small.
I'm officially in week 4 meaning somewhere around 21-28 days. I've been keeping a height log (and node growth) on the main post.

You should have way more growth than that at a week.. where is your water level/what light are you using and at what height?

p.s. Don't stress about it too much, DWC only really takes off once roots are in the water and developed. However, you can top feed by hand to give them a little boost if you'd like, just don't over do it.


Well-Known Member
the water lvl is just kissing the bottom of the net pot..the 400w MH is about 3' away from the is at 5.8,and water temp is at 67F.

i was thinking the same that they are kinda small for 1 week,and their are no roots trying to peek thru the bottom either.

oh i started the seeds in a napkin and after they popped i placed them in a 1.5x1.5 STG those things:D


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
the water lvl is just kissing the bottom of the net pot..the 400w MH is about 3' away from the is at 5.8,and water temp is at 67F.

i was thinking the same that they are kinda small for 1 week,and their are no roots trying to peek thru the bottom either.
You can probably lower that MH about 6" (start with 3" and observe for curls.) Your rez temp is good and ofc your ph is fine. I'm guessing little to no ppms yet.

The water level should be half an inch from the bottom of your rockwool (even if thats higher than the bottom of the netpot, it's cool for now. Gotta establish those roots somehow.) I know in my net pot theres at least two inches of hydroton under my cubes.


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
hmm i only have at most 1" of hydroton at most under my STG cube..more like half inch.
Try lowering the light and giving a little bit of top feed then. Even 1" should be close enough to get "bubble spray." Seedling stage is the only lag in DWC. Weeks two and three will be better for you, because you'll have roots by then.


Well-Known Member
awesome!..i raised the water lvl just a bit..i will lower the light.

i read somewhere on here that you dont want the light to close to far away do you suggest?

btw this is my first DWC grow..all the rest were in soil.

correction..the light is a foot and a half from the seedlings.


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
awesome!..i raised the water lvl just a bit..i will lower the light.

i read somewhere on here that you dont want the light to close to far away do you suggest?

btw this is my first DWC grow..all the rest were in soil.

correction..the light is a foot and a half from the seedlings.
Give me a close up shot of your seedlings.. because that may be too close for a 400w. That's the height I keep my 250w at during seedling growth, and sometimes it's too much!

btw Since you raised your water level keep an eye on the rockwool and make sure it's not getting too wet (like a fully soaked sponge.. that's bad.)


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Yep your light is too close. Move it up a couple inches and see if those leaves flatten out. You don't want them curling like that.