Well-Known Member
Good info on Raw, Tiff, and jpeg:When Shooting in jpeg the files are only 5 mp I assumed the cam was cropping due to the sigma but that was in jpeg mode next shoot I will fire in Tiff and I am hoping I see the full 12 mp file size.
I also have a 12mp nikon and I always shoot in jpeg mode with aperture priority. I always like to shoot in that sweet-spot of my lenses which is usually f5.6-f9. Also, shooting in jpeg allows me to utilize the setting I've customized internally (contrast, saturation, sharpness, etc). My files are usually about 4-7mp and I could never tell the difference either way. The factory default on sharpness may be a little soft. If you play around with some of those settings (menu -> set picture control -> VIVID or STANDARD -> Quick Adjust), you should be able to tweak your pics to your liking.
If your lens isn't an FX lens, your camera maybe cropping automatically which could affect the quality of your pics. In general, it's fine to use FX lenses on DX bodies, but when done the other way around, you'll get subpar results.