
Well-Known Member
Don't worry I have had to use almost all 40 inches of it. But they don't make things like they used to that old ass Johnson is still around for a reason.


Well-Known Member
Yeah anything that cuts down trees should not be made of plastic, I've had to peice one back together with sheet metal, pop rivets, and silicone epoxy.

your plants look like trees :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks, :) I am in the process of sexing a bunch of those little seedlings.... thats why they are bunched like that. Each different pic of those plants in the 1 gallon pots are different strains.


Well-Known Member
Good to see you, and beautiful garden........... Can't wait to see how it grows........ Hope the weather is on your side........ In my world, this spring weather is just straight frustrating..............


Well-Known Member
next few nights will be in the 30's.... time to mulch the beds, and plastic wrap the beds and beds and pots..... the rain schedule is a day short of being perfect though.... so I wouldn't have to water..... but they are getting water here in about 15 minutes, just not as much as its supposed to rain tomorrow morning ;)...... I actually can't believe how big some of these are already! Now if big momma nature would just stop overwatering my plants!
I put off watering yesterday hoping the rain would come in early today, but no.... its sunny right now and they are all droopy.... so I am going to go water them... just not as much ;)


Well-Known Member
Those pics were taken at 7:30 in the evenning!!! and the batteries in my camera were dying... I will make sure to get some better morning shots in a few days...... time to kill some males!

I will label the next set of pics too.... everything from the batch of seedlings is showing sex accept the CC X HJ..... three female NGGH so far, and two UIL..... few Widow Cindy females and a couple JS X HJ females too,

Grapefruit X Sour Deseil, and Red Bubbha sprouts almost ready to go outside too!


Well-Known Member
We picked up a strain called Purple Jem, know or heard anything about this? She's just sexed and the stalk is solid purple, have 3 that will get sent up to the property. Two of my boys went up this weekend to start getting things in order, called me this morning and it's snowing, elevation is about 3 thousand foot.


Well-Known Member
yeah... good thing those seedlings are all indoors until June ;). The GrapefruitxDeseil, and red buddah seedlings I mean ;).... all the others just had a freeze overnight, :/


Well-Known Member
Glad to see you back in working order. Is your saw repairable? I cant believe its so cold up there. Been windy down here recently. Hope your OD garden makes it through the cold.


Well-Known Member
the saw should be ok. According to resources management with the park service, this is how spring Should be every year. I have to agree. Plants outside will be just fine..... im collecting Harlequin Lupin seed pods so I can plant them next year.... thats what Im excited about at the moment, :). Still hoping for mid 80s and sunshine to come my way....... we'll see..... but for now, Im just thankful for the burn days, and glad that I can volunteer and contribute to the local community garden...... lets see, how bout we give them some mellons, tomatoes, summer squash, lettuce, and cucumbers eh?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
purple kush looks great, how did the others fair the low temperatures? I know I was pretty concerned when temps hit 29 in early may here.


Well-Known Member
the larger plants in larger pots are dealing with the temperature fluxuations a lot easier than the seedlings and clones in smaller pots ;) .... weather should be clearing up over the next couple days and heading strait for summer weather around here.... but I am hoping for two weeks much like yesterday and today, partly cloudy, low wind speeds, highs in the mid to upper 70's and overnight lows in the mid 40's...... need some more burn days. I will update with pics next week some time..... need to get veggies and more plants in the ground/raised beds ;)..... busy busy busy! :)