Theory Testing of Styles

Clone update

3rd day since cuttings.

Watered (flood / drained) with the airated & peroxide water. Was getting a tad dry.
Seem to be doing okay, so far anyways.

Been entertaining an idea.
My areas for this are small. The clone / germinating cab is only 13" deep, 17" wide, and 30" tall. The closet is 25" X 30" X 60 (ish) " usable space.
I think I could make for a perpetual grow with what I have. Could be a interesting challenge to harvest 2 plants every 3 weeks in here.

All I need is someone to say, "You can't! Will never happen in that little of a space!". (And the challenge would be on. :lol:;-):bigjoint:bongsmilie)
Canon the clones are coming along just fine. I would love to see if you could get a perpetual grow going on with that small veggie cap.
All I need is someone to say, "You can't! Will never happen in that little of a space!". (And the challenge would be on.

lol there ya go. r u going to denver for the mmj cup?
Canon the clones are coming along just fine. I would love to see if you could get a perpetual grow going on with that small veggie cap.

Thanks.... Needed that! :lol:;-)

Been running some numbers / times /room through the old noggin.
Going to time out the clonings, take it from there.
Got some weird (more Whack-o) ideas working about tiering, condominium style that could prove out.
The whole thing would be grown much as these four have been with Drastic defoliating, LST, FIM, Topping, etc.

Wondering though,,, should I continue this in this journal,,,, or start another? Hmmm.

Anyways, Started modifying the closet yesterday.

Even called the State yesterday for verification of terms. I was surprised to find that for MMJ card holders,,, a plant is considered a seedling (in this case) up until flowers start to show! Essentially, this is a very green light to proceed. :clap:

Thinking of running all 4 strains in the perpetual if I do. Problem is getting 2 clones off the indica. At this point it's looking slim.

JH & SSH are both 10 weeks.
LB is 12/14
BW is 7-8
LB & BW run back to back in rotation should compliment each other in time.
Seems like you have your hands full anyway with what you got growing now plus the competition.

LOL - No rest for the Whicked Whack-o.
Perpetual closet plan has been coming together nicely. Got a lot done today on the "Conservaminium" plan.
Think I can keep all the power to 500w (ish). Including all lights / fans / etc. Maybe less.
Right now, I'm too tired to think. :o

Reccon I'll just pour a glass of cognac,, hit the bowl,, and call it a day. :leaf:

PS; Clones hit 4 hrs. darkness today. Starting at 24/0, 21/3, finally 20/4. When I see roots starting to show it'll procress to 18/6, flush, nutes will be added.
Remember my method is slow, mechanical flood / drain, w/ dirt. (NOT organic as such)
Hey Canon I see your girl in pic #5 is starting to show her naughty parts:) Your garden is growing very well plus looking green and healthy. The garlic growing along with your plants is amazing!!!
Sucker Day!

Day 67 / 9 days since last update.

As you can see, things are getting out of control (again). Intent is to keep all the tops somewhat even, not waste plant energy growing what's not required, keep it open for light / air, and keep the plant used to being handled roughly (somewhat used to stressing).
As you'll see, some of these need more workings than others. Every strain is different. That's why previouse experience with selected strains is so helpful.

LB -
As you can see I needed to toss a few suckers that otherwise could of been clones.
Think there's some budding beginning on this gal. Rather small for a 10 week sativa don't you think?


Was quite a bit to be done on her. Took a few rounds to get it here and there's more to come off. But in flower I try not to go too far at one time. Sure is looking thirsty though.
That's alright baby,, dinner is coming.

JH -


Arrh,, one of my most favorite strains. Soooo easy to grow it's easy to see why so many grow it. As you can see I'm tossing some nice clone material. I spent a couple days to try and give it away,, nobody wanted them unless I rooted for them. Simply not in the cards right now.... out they go. :sad:
Not sure if you can see it,, but stretching was starting on me with the LED. Very likely because I wasn't sure of what to do with it,, I'll need to run a couple test before I can trust it completely.
There's still a bit of trimming left. But for now, that's enough. I'll clean it up further in a few days. Noticed I left a few stick-ups in case I want a couple more clones for timing the next run?

BW -


Nice fat leaves is about all I can say for this one. Small pruning was about it. I did un-tie a runner though. Trimmed it up some and waiting to see if it'll rise up now that it's untied. My intent is, if it'll raise,, I'll clip it for a clone (like I need another). But, if I don't, I'll loose this free strain. So I don't see anything to loose for trying.

The Clones -

9 Days since cutting

c all.jpg Seem okay. Looking hungry though. And we have roots.

Considering they were just jabbed into that "shit soil" called Mirical Gro,,, I think they're doing okay.
They've been flushed w/ airated water & peroxide twice now. Today I'll do it again but add some nutes. Humidity has been steadily reduced to amdient (45-50% RH) and temps worked down to 80F.
Ones showing root are the SSH & JH. Not much of a surprise with that.
Anyways, I've GOT TO get my ass in gear and start converting that little cab for the perpetual or I'll be sunk soon. :wall: Probably over the weekend I should have a grip on it (I hope).
Think I just worked myself into being "buisy" again! :shock: :sad:

That's it for now. I'm off to feed the ladies. :-P

Fed & Done.
Clones - 1 1/2 qt. to flush & feed (all mix)

Mothers - Ran full tap water to start flush, let set, 1 gal. of mix,, let set for a few hours and 1 more gal. of mix to flush out salts,etc. and replenish.

All were foliar sprayed w/ tap water allowed to set a few days.
Shouldbe good til about Sunday now.
Hey Canon I see you took the plants to the Barber and had them trimmed:) Are you simply growing your plants to take clones off them? I'm still a newbie and curious about your test:)
Hey Chief.

What I was testing was done awhile ago and completed.
I'm just finishing the grow the way the test was done for.
Felt this style was better with the more indica strains, and less for the sative dominants.
Found out awhile ago that is not absolutely correct. At least not all the time w/ all strains.
Don't remember growing a strain predomidently indica before and this test (early part of the grow) surprised me.

Test was over...
decided to grow them out....
then it evolved to starting a perpetual.

If I could retitle this,, I'd probably go with, "The Four Bean Evolution" - ;-)
Got into the closet remodeling and had to stop.
Clones are starting. 4 of them are going to need repotting and more room..... soon.
So I went to work on the cab.
c7.jpg c8.jpg

I'm looking to have this pretty well buttoned up and 2 clones transplanted and running by Tuesday.
Still,, much to do for an old man. :shock:

Update -
Ran it last night (just the top section) Temps at 81F w/o any fans.

Checked this morning,, still none of the LB are showing roots.