They look so sad.... :(


Active Member
Helllooo! So i watered two days ago the same routine of watering and they perked right up and looking good that evening and the following day! Thheeen literally overnight they turned sad...temps are never above 82 at the hottest point. Good air circulation. Theyre in fifteen gallon smart pots placed in Sub cools supersoil. I have not had a problem yet and were ending 12 week of veg about to go into 12/12....any ideas? Maybe over watered or theyre truly thirsty again? I feel like if i were to water them i for sure will over water cause the soil is still damp from the previous water sesh and the pots are still superheavy



Active Member
How long have they been in those pots? Mine were looking droopy and not really responding to waterings, turns out they were really root locked.

no clue

Well-Known Member
No disrespect but I doubt they are root bound in 15 gal smart pots..I have no experience vegging that long so I have no other comment.


Active Member
They've been in the smartpots for 4 weeks. But i have to agree i don't think its a root bound issue. The roots will literally Grow through the sides n bottom of the pot


Active Member
ive had a mother in a 10gallon smart for nearly 2 years and she just started to show signs of wanting a new pot a few weeks back. you're not root bound. just way to wet. 15 gallon might need one watering a week at most. point sum fans on the smart pots to push more air on the roots and try to raise ur temps a bit to encourage them to drink. they will be fine bud dont worry.


Active Member
LMAO! ! too funny! Ok cool , i did just that , i shortened an oscillating fan to blow on them. I was shocked how quickly they went from perky to droopy in such a short amount of time! These should be trees when finished...I'm hoping! ! ! My goal was to replace a 15 plant garden to a 4 plant garden and yield as much if not more! I started LST at the very beginning and HOLY SHIT they look wicked! Simple as tieing each branch down opens and makes such a differnce , idk if ill switch back to my old ways! Depends on harvest :)

Thank you all, happy growing!


Well-Known Member
I would put a hundred dollars to say that your giving them too much N and not enough MAG. My plants did the same thing, and after the droop the leaves started crumbling. (In My thread the best picture description is TWxES) Basically I had to flush for almost 2 weeks, then pump them with some MAG and they shook back.

edit: the leaves that crumbled started from the older leaves and worked their way to the younger leaves.


Active Member
Sub does call for some calmag in conjunction with the super soil its possible i didn't feed enough of that nute! But they actually look a lot better today