Things to do in your spare time?


Well-Known Member
Take up a musical instrument or two or three. That takes up a fair amount of my spare time... which is pretty scarce these days, after having a kid. Have a kid, and you won't be wondering what to do with spare time, I guarantee it (definitely worth it though). Disc golf does sound good too.


Well-Known Member
You said your taking a boxing class but you wanna do something with the g/f... Have her sign up too! What's wrong with having a FREE partner to practice with at home? Both of you go sign up for somekind of fight style/ self defense class. Great shape, lot of fun. Instead of dragging her to a boring ass gym to "workout" or something, get some good training in.


Active Member
take up hunting or fishing if your a rural dude, get a beater car and do "jalopy rally" its the funnest 300-500 youll ever spend


Active Member
I just recently took up cubensis mushroom growing. It's a very satisfying hobby. Amazing getting to watch their entire life cycle step by step as well. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Get a Hobby! Ever since I got into R/C airplanes and helicopters there has been a smile plastered on my face. There are some very good quality R/C stuff out there that is basically ready to fly, lots of official flying sites with flying clubs that will gladly teach you how. Its not really that expensive when compared to things like cars, women and wine. I have some of the really small airplanes and can fly them in my living room or in my back yard.

R/C Helicopters can do crazy shit like this ....



Well-Known Member
in my spare time I play ps3, look on the web, me and my partner take our dog for a long walk through the countryside, visit the beach, go for a curry, diy ect....