Thundercat's Groooooooow


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, hows everyone doing this fine friday night!

Been a lazy day around here today. I scraped a batch of platinum delight oil which turned out beautiful. It was a bud run that was fresh frozen so I don't know what went in, but I got about 1.4 return from it which made me :). Its some pure gold, a little more of a taffy texture then shatter, and tastes very floral.

I also did a Cindy99 bud wash today :). Again it was fresh frozen so I didn't bother to weigh it, but after freezing it crumbled really nicely into almost individual calyxs which was sweet. Then I put it into 2, 1 quart mason jars which filled them just under half way. Both the washes turned out beautiful, and I just started evaping the first of the B grade. I also prepped the batch of frozen Sin's OG. Both those jars are about half full.

I might have some bud porn later if the wife uploads my pics.


Well-Known Member
Having a good friday over here :-) All these concentrates sound amazing, pretty jelly but I cant complain though because I gots plenty of trim and sugar buds sitting around. Iv decided to go frenchy style with it though, plan on getting the machine and bags soon.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, hows everyone doing this fine friday night!

Been a lazy day around here today. I scraped a batch of platinum delight oil which turned out beautiful. It was a bud run that was fresh frozen so I don't know what went in, but I got about 1.4 return from it which made me :). Its some pure gold, a little more of a taffy texture then shatter, and tastes very floral.

I also did a Cindy99 bud wash today :). Again it was fresh frozen so I didn't bother to weigh it, but after freezing it crumbled really nicely into almost individual calyxs which was sweet. Then I put it into 2, 1 quart mason jars which filled them just under half way. Both the washes turned out beautiful, and I just started evaping the first of the B grade. I also prepped the batch of frozen Sin's OG. Both those jars are about half full.

I might have some bud porn later if the wife uploads my pics.
Good Friday here as well and to yours also..sounds good TC,would like to see some of that.


Well-Known Member
Glad everyone had a good friday!! Whodat I can't wait to see some whodat cannoli's!! That totally seems like your style.

Raider I didn't take any pics of that oil, but I have some bud pics.

Here is the dried platinum delight.

I'm gonna post these on the auto contest too, but here is the Critical cheese auto I ran. I checked it last night and it dried to 4gs on the dot and went into a jar. It smells very pretty, I'm gonna guess its smell is critical + dominant, as my critical jack has a similar smell. The Critical Cheese does have a uniqueness to it though, and I'm actually about to go try it out now that I'm thinking about it :).

I'll try to get a picture of that PD oil from yesterday, and I need to go check on my Cindy oil and see how thats doing. Catch you gays latta!

Peace TC


Well-Known Member
Yep the auto isn't big, but it was solid, and the smell makes me very excited about it....still havn't made it to that room of the house. I'm definitely gonna be doing some more toying with the autos since I can set them up in my veg room and let them do their thing.


Well-Known Member
I got a little high looking at that beech. Looks amazing.

tc... Not sure why but I'm really digging the picture with your finger pressing on that straw.


Well-Known Member
lol didnt notice the straw or finger :eyesmoke: Im digging the TC shirt though!
The PD looks,,,, delightful!

Hey beech, I dont know much about oil ect, but do all the bubbles mean anything? Looks good :-)


Well-Known Member
Looks beautiful beech, great golden color definitely nice and clean!

Thanks Jig I'll let the wife know she took em, I liked the way that one turned out too, maybe since she used a filter or whatever and put the frame on it. I also like the way the leaves looked, just a little fade on them :).

Hehe Whodat I realized while she was taking the pics that I had that shirt on and though well I gotta get that one in there. The PD is very nice, the smoke is smooth and has a great kick to it!! The flavor is nice, but not overly pronounced, so thats my only hope with the other phenos is that one might have a really kick ass flavor to go with the awesome smoke. If not I'll settle for good yield and fantastic trich production.

Oh and my thoughts on the bubbles. Atleast with mine, after I scrape it, and mush the crystals together there is sometimes some air bubbles in it, but that is all it should be.


Well-Known Member
hehe Nice Whodat, I should have put that in my first post on this thread!

Well fellas, I'm pleased with how the little Critical cheese auto turned out. It smokes very smooth, with a balanced high I'd say. It tastes very similar to my critical jack at the beginning of the inhale, and then has a very different flavor I can't really pin point on the exhale. Each time I've smoked it I have felt this tingling feeling pass over the surface of my skin that lasts for a few seconds and almost feels itchy then fades. The wife didn't notice this, so its prolly just something weird with me :).


Well-Known Member
I took down another platinum delight the other night( the purpleish one) I''ll have some pics later. I think it was a GSC dominant pheno, as it looks just like every picture of GSC I've ever seen. It seems like the yield will be pretty decent, and the buds are beautiful and trich covered. As it happens this plant was a runt when it went into flower and sadly was one of those I didn't get a clone of, but atleast I got some pretty purple(ish) buds, and a bunch of other great looking phenos :).

Last night I took down my second powernap to finish up, it was a clone of the same plant and seems to me like it turned out nicer then the original since it wasn't topped in flower. I'll have some pics of that too. I've gotta say I'm really impressed with these Sin City genetics, everything I've flowered out so far is just covered in big fat oil filled trichs.

I also gotta report I found another Sinmint male(which makes 2 males and 2 females out of 5 so far), and another Lemon G male(which is 2males and 1 female out of 3). I thought both of my Tangerine powers were females, but one might be a true hermaphrodite. I noticed yesterday it looked like it was forming some balls so I'll have to keep my eye on it, maybe I'm wrong.

In the next few days I'm gonna get another batch of seeds in, and continue my strain expansion. I havn't decided exactly what i'm gonna get strarted, but I'm considering some more of the SCS genetics I got at the cup, I was also considering running through some of the other freebies I have hanging around. If theres anything you'd like to see lemme know I'll see what I've got!


Well-Known Member
All right here is that #5 Platinum Delight guys. I loved the purple that came out on it.

Its up drying and will go into jars in a couple days I imagine. I've really enjoyed all of the PD and most of the Sin's OG I've harvested so far and I have no doubt I'll enjoy this one as well! I've got a few more that should be done in the next couple weeks, so the show shall go on!


Well-Known Member
I've also got Powernap pics from last night!

Here are also a couple pics of the minty smelling boy Sinmint plant. Its growing real nice, I"ve still got it in my flower room to let it mature further.


Well-Known Member
Damn, they all look fantastic. Holy raised heads on that powernap!

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Thundercat again.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys I'm soo happy with the "raised Heads"! I feel like I've always had good buds, but these genetics are nice for sure.

Its funny you mention no dabs Beech. I actually havn't dabbed since sunday which is the longest I've gone since april :). I reclaimed my rig again, and I havn't gotten around to buying more tane for my torch so we've just been enjoying some flowers. I didn't put tons of the powernap into the freezer for oil, but I'd guess around 7-10g if it was dry. The rest went on the drying rack.


Well-Known Member
Hey mr. oil man, TC, Tangy Crude, oil-crude oil get it? Thats how high I am.
Thought Id share a pic of the bubble with ya since I mentioned it. No machine yet this was a test run by hand :-) This post has taken me what seems to be at least 10 mins lol BB King on tha tunes bongsmilie
