Thundercat's Groooooooow


Well-Known Member
*This update brought to you from the parking lot of the only bar I've ever seen busy at 10am in the morning!

I trimmed them the other night, and had them drying on a screen until yesterday. I just put them into some paper bags, and then maybe tomorrow or saturday, I'll start jarring them up. Even being a bit early its some real good smoke. Still a bit harsh, so hopefully that will get better after some curing. THe taste is good, and the high is great, so nothing to complain about. I only had to remove like a joints worth of bud due to the mold, so that didn't hurt much. A larger dehumidifier is part of my next equipment upgrade, and I'll be getting a new bullb for my 1000w.

My one WW clone that survived is looking good, and finally really starting to grow. And all 4 of the mango seedlings are looking pretty happy. They jsut started their second set of leaves, and are about 1.5 inchs tall now. They've got some small roots just starting to pop out the bottom of the rock wool. A couple weeks and I'll get all them into the flood trays. Once I get some clones off them and rooted, I'll switch them to flower, to sex them, and then keep my female clones as moms. Or something like that, maybe I"ll flower the clones, and keep the otehrs as moms.

Well guys thats all I've got for now, I'll talk to ya in a few days, Peace TC


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the updates "via parking lot" Haha good job bro. Thanks for puttin in the effort. bongsmilie

Mango sounds delicious:weed:Cant wait to see those beauties!!! Later TC! - BTF



Active Member
AHhhh, so you won't believe this!!!!

So I told you my dehumidfier went out, well three days later I'm checkingout the buds, and I find a small spot of mold. So yesterday, I made the decision to cut them a week and a half early again. I hated doing it, but I didn't want to take a chance on loosing bud from the mold. Its all trimmed and drying now. Its kind of a bummer, but itall looks really good. I've been smoking that little plant I cut about 2 weeks ago, and it smokes good, so I'm sure this will all be good once it dries. I still never got the pics, cus my camera battery went dead, but I'll take some of the buds. I weighed it wet, and tried to get an estimate on the dry weight, and I am fairly confident I'll have about 11 oz, thats a low estimate as well. We'll see in week or so.

I believe one of the WW clones that looked so bad, is going to make it, and I also pt in my mango seeds, and it looks like 4 of them are gonna grow up nice. I'm gonna have some down time on my flood tables, but I'll be back up and running by the end of october hopefully. By then the humidity will be coming down, and I'll have a dehumidifier by then too. I'm gonna be ordering some new genetics in the next week or two as well, I need to get some seeds, and some moms, so I can keep a cycle going.

Hope everything is well in all your gardens, and lives. Its down to the last couple days or weeks till my daughter gets here, and we're getting pretty excited. I'll check in as soon as I can! Peace TC
Bummer 'bout the mold .. and cutting em early ...oh well .. a spray solution of 1/2 alcohol ( strongest I can find ) and 1/2 water with about one drop of liquid dish soap .. as a spray kills mold


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the interest guys, its always nice to see posts when I havn't been on in a couple days.

The mangos are doing well, they all are on the second set of leaves, and have tons of roots popping out the bottom of the rockwool. I put them into some pots with hydroton today, so the roots will be able to grow into their permanent home.

I tried to put in my bean order, but it wouldn't go through for some reason, so I gotta call them tomorrow, but I'll have a nice selection of new genetics to work with soon.

Oh and my lone WW clone is doing very nice, finally starting to puton some new growth, not just stay alive so I'm happy about that too. The rest of my WW is dried, and is curing for now. Its already got a great taste, and high. It deffinitly seems kinda speedy, I find my self walking around, and pacing while I talk to people. Its been pissing my GF of since she hasn't been smoking cus of the kid.

Which by the way, I'll be having a baby girl on wednesday, so this is gonna be an exciting week!!

Well I'll talk to you guys latta on, Peace! TC


Well-Known Member
You are having a kid in a couple days??? Holy crap. Congrats. Fuck. I mean I've seen some big harvests and stuff on this site, but having a kid is a big deal.

Not like you and I chill, but I can tell the care and attention you pay to your various grow projects through your journals... and it's nice to know that there will be a little girl that will have good parents (i'm extending my good image of you to your GF). Too many kids with no one who cares.

Right on TC.

Thanks for the updates.



Well-Known Member
*This post brought to you from the Labor and delivery department at the local hospital!

Thanks alot Jig, I try to be a good person, and share a good attitude with everyone I can. I do my best to ride the good Karma train, and I'm hoping that as my family grows, that the good karma will continue to come back to me. We came into the hospital tonight, and they are going to induce her at 6am, so I should have a baby by this time tomorrow!!

I havn't been paying as much attention to this garden since I set it up as I wish I would have been, but I'm gonna try to start to. I need to give all my girls more attention, and I'm really gonna try to do this as my mangos, and WW clone get bigger. I mixed up a real light nute solution today, and sprayed the hydroton around the rockwool they are in. I don't have much experiance with rockwool, but it doesn't seem like it would have many nutes, if any at all. The seedlings are about 2 weeks old, and looked like it wouldn't hurt. We'll see how it goes, and hopefully they will start taking off.

Well I'll post up once I've got a baby, maybe I'll even post up a pic or two, I finally got batteries for the camera!! See you guys tomorrow, Peace TC


Well-Known Member
Well things went well. She only had to push for 10-15 minutes, and at 10:35 last night I had a little baby girl, Chloe Anabelle! She was 7lb, 3oz, and 21inchs long. She is doing good, and is happy, and healthy. Heres a couple picture of my little thunder kitten!

Hope you guys have a good night, and I'll talk to ya soon, Peace TC

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the interest guys, its always nice to see posts when I havn't been on in a couple days.

The mangos are doing well, they all are on the second set of leaves, and have tons of roots popping out the bottom of the rockwool. I put them into some pots with hydroton today, so the roots will be able to grow into their permanent home.

I tried to put in my bean order, but it wouldn't go through for some reason, so I gotta call them tomorrow, but I'll have a nice selection of new genetics to work with soon.

Oh and my lone WW clone is doing very nice, finally starting to puton some new growth, not just stay alive so I'm happy about that too. The rest of my WW is dried, and is curing for now. Its already got a great taste, and high. It deffinitly seems kinda speedy, I find my self walking around, and pacing while I talk to people. Its been pissing my GF of since she hasn't been smoking cus of the kid.

Which by the way, I'll be having a baby girl on wednesday, so this is gonna be an exciting week!!

Well I'll talk to you guys latta on, Peace! TC
Holy shit man. Congratulations my friend. Is it your 1st? I have 2. One is 8 the other is almost 19 months.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Well things went well. She only had to push for 10-15 minutes, and at 10:35 last night I had a little baby girl, Chloe Anabelle! She was 7lb, 3oz, and 21inchs long. She is doing good, and is happy, and healthy. Heres a couple picture of my little thunder kitten!

Hope you guys have a good night, and I'll talk to ya soon, Peace TC
Wow! She's beautiful. Girls are great. I love my daughter. I tell her older brother that if anyone fucks with her he's going to break bones.....


Well-Known Member
THanks guys, she is great!

She is my first, and prolly only one! One of us is getting our tubes tied at some point soon. Might be me, might be her, but shes in agreement one will be enough, and if we decide she needs a brother down the road, we'll adopt one. That however isn't really in my plan. This one wasn't in my plan either, but crazy shit happens when you have sex on large doses of mushrooms.

Regarding my other girls, the seedlings are looking good, they seemed to like the misting with the nute solution, they were bigger when I went home today to check on them. The WW clone was also a bit bigger, so thats good. They are all growin kinda slow I think I messed up the PH last week when I watered them. I'm hopeing this water Im using will get them going now. Its ph'd right, and has the extras to help out. Its a light veg mix, with a little cal mag to round it out, ph'd to about 5.8-6.0. I'm really hopeing by the end of this week to see the start of some multi leaf nodes.

So I'm gonna try to get some rest till her next feeding. You guys have a great night, and I'll check in tomorrow, Peace TC


Well-Known Member
Gorgeous girl TC! Congratulations! :clap:

There's no shame in a man getting a little snip and go, to spare the mother of his children major sugery...

Not to overstep, just my perspective. :peace::weed:


Well-Known Member
I have no problem with it at all. I tried to do it like 2 years ago, lol! She wouldn't let me then, I think she will now.