Thursday Night Chop Down!


Well-Known Member
You know a harvest is a harvest. You took her to the mountain top, then through her ass off, MUHAHAHA :fire:

Oh yes, the dark side. I am thinking of a permanent change of residence as well. But there are a few of you which will bring me back as I have found some form of friendship across this wacky weed site :lol: Hope y'all give it a chance, some good peeps over there, and they always like more good peeps wanting to learn and share, no matter your growing skills.
you're right. a harvest is a harvest!! it might have been more than i initially thought.

I have a couple questions about supercropping.... can I bend them over when they are going into their third week of flowering? does it matter if i bend inward toward the center? or can i also bend them outward?

LOOK at those scissors! If i was growing 6+ plants, i don't think i could keep up haha!

How was your Memorial Day?
ya know, the six plus flowering plants don't require all that much care..... It's the fifteen plus that are in veg cycle!!!! those things drink way more than the flowering girls. plus some of them are in smaller containers, that requires watering more often. but i like to keep them in small containers as long as i can. i feel i can keep the moisture more accurate when they are in smaller ones.

My holiday was a awesome one!!!!! so much food,friends, and buds!!!!!!! even rolled/smoked 3 tulips!!!!!! I truly appreciate the holiday, the entire time I was smoking, I thought about all our heroes and the people who fight for our freedom and make it possible for my friends and I to even enjoy something so great.

dam bro, that looks like it was a real pain in the ass. hope the bud is well worth the effort, LoL. and yeah, those scissors, WoW!!
Thanks for the bump bro!!! to me any amount a weed is worth it!!!! I learn something new with almost every plant, so the knowledge and experience is priceless to me. I'm about to head over to see how maple and sweetie are doing!!!

hey stoney, chop is a chop. what a weekend. burned out to the max. smoked a shitload of bho.blueberry is about gone for me. still holdin a few j's. green crack has been enjoyed . nice chop. got to go lay daown again. lol. just stopped in to say hey. hope ur weekend was stellar.
Stellar indeed, my friend!!!! It sounds like you had quite the mind twisted time to!!!!!

nice scissor hash stoney!!! too bad about the time consuming harvest, but like hammer says, a chop is a chop! it's been hard for me to make "the switch" cause i'm not growing anything right now (other than a tomato plant), but i think i'm gonna start a thread in the 'california' subforum where i'll review some of the strains i pick up at my bay area dispensaries... maybe the occasional smoke report as well ;) . i'm not sure what went wrong with riu, i always found it to be a pretty awesome site here, but i guess trends are trends(?) . anyway, i'll still be around on both, keeping in touch with my peeps until it's time for the seeds to go in (still a few months away though...).

so now that you have a few dollar hat harvests under your belt, you still think it's worthwhile?
aahahh that hash was very trippy!!!! it had been a while since i had a sativa!!! I didn't give her any water for over a week before i chopped her,she was week and wilted. when i hung the buds they were dry in about 27 hours!!! i put them in jars already. but the best part was the buds didn't really shrivel up as much like normal. I'm gonna wiegh it after i burp it a few more times. It can't be to small though... it filled two jars!

I'm not gonna make a switch any time soon. I really do like it here at RIU. I just wish i could get an LED sub-forum...... plus i don't have the issues others complain about. I don't get the "trolls" as they call them. only really cool kind folks come by here!! and I appreciate every one of you guys that do stop by and check out my growing and stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As for the DT hats.... I will continue to use them forever!!! but they have thier place. they are not for all plants but I will continue to use them in certain times. I would like to try a different method. This is an LSD plant grown under and LED by Grumpy Old Dreamer that he posted in my "other" thread. I would like to try this.



Well-Known Member
Hell yeah Stoney! I saw that scrog on your "other" thread, that looks incredible, reminds me of smellytreez and his magic haha. I think the hats are like a poor man's scrog lol, or something like that. Awesome about the sativa, I'm a sativa man myself, although I do enjoy my occasional night time indica to change it up. I alwayslike to have variety available, that's why I'm so lucky to live where I live! Hopefully the rest of the country will follow suit in due time...


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah Stoney! I saw that scrog on your "other" thread, that looks incredible, reminds me of smellytreez and his magic haha. I think the hats are like a poor man's scrog lol, or something like that. Awesome about the sativa, I'm a sativa man myself, although I do enjoy my occasional night time indica to change it up. I alwayslike to have variety available, that's why I'm so lucky to live where I live! Hopefully the rest of the country will follow suit in due time...
I sure hope we get some cool regulations over on this side of the country!!!! I saw you post somewhere that you tried some chocolate thai... did it taste like chocolate at all? I have BIG update coming to soon to show off some of the results from my new lighting setup. i already took the pics, now i am just uploading them.


Well-Known Member
Yeah bro, it smelled and tasted EXACTLY like chocolate!!! I sample smelled like 10 varieties of sativas at this dispensary, and when I smelled the chocolate Thai it just blew me away. Like I was sticking my nose in a jar of nestlequick lol. And the high was incredible too. Inspired me to (plan to) write some strain reviews...

Look forward to your pics Stoney man!


Well-Known Member
Yeah bro, it smelled and tasted EXACTLY like chocolate!!! I sample smelled like 10 varieties of sativas at this dispensary, and when I smelled the chocolate Thai it just blew me away. Like I was sticking my nose in a jar of nestlequick lol. And the high was incredible too. Inspired me to (plan to) write some strain reviews...

Look forward to your pics Stoney man!
That sounds like a strain in my future!!!!!!! I'd like to hear your opinions on some of the other kinds you tried!!


Update time..... Just wanted to let you guys know what i had growin' on!! My girls are absolutely loving this new lighting situation!!!! it took me a while to get the temps and RH to settle in but now they are right on the money!!!!!! one thing I have noticed about vegging with LED is that i seem to be getting more side branching than normal. I'll start with the veg cabinet:

this fist plant is my tangerine dream. she seems very happy. her leaves are up at attention. I transplanted her in her final container a couple days ago.

this one is an NYPD. I just transplanted her a few hours ago. she is full of side growth and bushy nodes!!! she is only a few inches tall.

I have two blueberries that look just like this one. If I had room in the flower cabinet they would both be in there right now! she looked a N def. so I gave her some Jack's 30-10-10. my blueberry plants love that stuff!!!

and here is a group shot of all my little ones.... they even have side growth already!!! if you notice in the bottom corner is an AK-47, I know i said i was gonna drop the strain for a while but a friend was disgusted that i wasn't growing it, he brought me a couple clippings. and one rooted already!!! welcome back AK!!!

and here are two final family shots... one with the flash and one without for the LED fans.

On to the flowering plants.... i didn't take photos of all of them I just took some shots to show how quick they flower under the new light. The youngest of them all is an NYPD that i just put in and will have her first night in the dark tonight.

These are of a Wonder woman that just started her third week of flowering. she stretched more than i wanted and is a tall girl!!! I hope she turns into a fat girl!!!! but she is getting frost already!!!! and i bleached her leaves a little with the new light.

here is a twin sister of the wonder woman. she was put into flower one day after the girl above. she is just as tall.

and last but not least, she is a Blueberry that has had only 10 nights in flower. she has small buds on her already!!!



Well-Known Member
Ahhhhhhhhh...I saw your scissor hash, fitting since I just did a preliminary trim on 2 nugs off Behemoth, my DWC girl...I trimmed one with scissors, and the other I did some finger plucking...I dunno, I saw a video of the greenhouse guys doing it once, tried it for myself, and every now and then it's a fun way to trim a nug....But the moral is, I just got a gob of fingerhash WAY larger than I thought possible for the amount I trimmed...sensational!!

Sticky icky brother...Plants look good!!


Well-Known Member
Looking great man... Hey I was just wondering (sorry if I missed this) but how many plants do you have going at a time, veg and flower? I see you got 6 strains going, awesome!! just wondering how many plants it takes to have a weekly chop down???:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
That sounds like a strain in my future!!!!!!! I'd like to hear your opinions on some of the other kinds you tried!!


Update time..... Just wanted to let you guys know what i had growin' on!! My girls are absolutely loving this new lighting situation!!!! it took me a while to get the temps and RH to settle in but now they are right on the money!!!!!! one thing I have noticed about vegging with LED is that i seem to be getting more side branching than normal. I'll start with the veg cabinet:

this fist plant is my tangerine dream. she seems very happy. her leaves are up at attention. I transplanted her in her final container a couple days ago.

this one is an NYPD. I just transplanted her a few hours ago. she is full of side growth and bushy nodes!!! she is only a few inches tall.

I have two blueberries that look just like this one. If I had room in the flower cabinet they would both be in there right now! she looked a N def. so I gave her some Jack's 30-10-10. my blueberry plants love that stuff!!!

and here is a group shot of all my little ones.... they even have side growth already!!! if you notice in the bottom corner is an AK-47, I know i said i was gonna drop the strain for a while but a friend was disgusted that i wasn't growing it, he brought me a couple clippings. and one rooted already!!! welcome back AK!!!

and here are two final family shots... one with the flash and one without for the LED fans.

On to the flowering plants.... i didn't take photos of all of them I just took some shots to show how quick they flower under the new light. The youngest of them all is an NYPD that i just put in and will have her first night in the dark tonight.

These are of a Wonder woman that just started her third week of flowering. she stretched more than i wanted and is a tall girl!!! I hope she turns into a fat girl!!!! but she is getting frost already!!!! and i bleached her leaves a little with the new light.

here is a twin sister of the wonder woman. she was put into flower one day after the girl above. she is just as tall.

and last but not least, she is a Blueberry that has had only 10 nights in flower. she has small buds on her already!!!

Just amazing Stones. HAD to bump that shit. That wonderwoman is gonna be a beast!!!!!


Well-Known Member
AWESOME update Stoney :clap: As for supercropping, you can break her any way you like, forward or backward. As for doing it 3 weeks into flower it can be done. But how the plant responds depends on the strain and its vigour. It may be bad, or good. I dont think I have done it that far into flower yet.


Well-Known Member
AWESOME update Stoney :clap: As for supercropping, you can break her any way you like, forward or backward. As for doing it 3 weeks into flower it can be done. But how the plant responds depends on the strain and its vigour. It may be bad, or good. I dont think I have done it that far into flower yet.
I have supercropped a few of my plants prior to 3 weeks flower. One of them didn't like it at all and snapped in half, so I put some rooting solution on her and stuck her in some soil. The others did great, started beefing up, and growing straight towards the light.


Well-Known Member
Ahhhhhhhhh...I saw your scissor hash, fitting since I just did a preliminary trim on 2 nugs off Behemoth, my DWC girl...I trimmed one with scissors, and the other I did some finger plucking...I dunno, I saw a video of the greenhouse guys doing it once, tried it for myself, and every now and then it's a fun way to trim a nug....But the moral is, I just got a gob of fingerhash WAY larger than I thought possible for the amount I trimmed...sensational!!

Sticky icky brother...Plants look good!!
Thanks Meta!!! finger trimming huh?!?!?! that sounds like it could be fun to try. I gonna have to do that one of these thursdays!!! the only thing better than scissor hash, is finger hash!!!

Looking great man... Hey I was just wondering (sorry if I missed this) but how many plants do you have going at a time, veg and flower? I see you got 6 strains going, awesome!! just wondering how many plants it takes to have a weekly chop down???:mrgreen:
Thank you, to have a true weekly harvest with no open weeks, you really should have 10 plants flowering. I however don't have that many so I have to skip a week here and there. right now i have seven girls i flower. i like to have eight of them but these seven are much bigger than i normally have in flower. i just don't have the space or the lighting for more than that.

The veg cabinet is where I need to juggle quite a bit. right now I have: BB, WW, NYPD, AK47, TD, and a friend just gave me White rhino last week. so those are the six i currently have. sometimes i will drop one and pic up another in it's place. If the room is the, I like to always have three of each strain going. One to put in flower, one to keep, and one as an extra in case one dies. I don't really worry about how fast they grow as long as they stay alive. If it gets to be to much and i don't have room and i feel confident, I'll give one away to a friend. and i don't play favorite on which plant goes into flower, biggest plant goes in!

so altogether for six strains and a weekly chop, it takes about 28 plants total. i only have 20 growing. so that is where my gaps will come from. I hope that all makes sense i my crazy explination..... Thanks for stopping by and checking out my grow!!! you're welcome back anytime!!!!! take some rep with ya.

Just amazing Stones. HAD to bump that shit. That wonderwoman is gonna be a beast!!!!!
Thanks man!!! things are fairly healthy right now and growing green!!!! Thanks for the bumpity bump!!! hey, what kind of tomatoes are you growing?

AWESOME update Stoney :clap: As for supercropping, you can break her any way you like, forward or backward. As for doing it 3 weeks into flower it can be done. But how the plant responds depends on the strain and its vigour. It may be bad, or good. I dont think I have done it that far into flower yet.
i think i might let them go then. I'm definitely going to try it on my blueberry, she is already to tall and won't see a light change for a week or two. although I might try one of the flowering ones to experiment. I'll have to think about it, the lights don't come on till six. so I have a few hours to think about it. Thanks Gumball!!!!!!!

I have supercropped a few of my plants prior to 3 weeks flower. One of them didn't like it at all and snapped in half, so I put some rooting solution on her and stuck her in some soil. The others did great, started beefing up, and growing straight towards the light.
I will try it on my veg girl first. I'll probably end up trying it on one of the flowering plants. since i have two of the same DNA and only one day apart in flowering, I may try it. this way I have a control to see how much is different.


Well-Known Member
SWEET MACRO shots man they look great!
ya know, the six plus flowering plants don't require all that much care..... It's the fifteen plus that are in veg cycle!!!! those things drink way more than the flowering girls. plus some of them are in smaller containers, that requires watering more often. but i like to keep them in small containers as long as i can. i feel i can keep the moisture more accurate when they are in smaller ones.

My holiday was a awesome one!!!!! so much food,friends, and buds!!!!!!! even rolled/smoked 3 tulips!!!!!! I truly appreciate the holiday, the entire time I was smoking, I thought about all our heroes and the people who fight for our freedom and make it possible for my friends and I to even enjoy something so great.

How many plants do you have total haha? I would think the flowering ones would drink more water, weird!!
Glad to hear your holiday was good, mine was pretty good as well, boat, food, friends/family, etc! I do appreciate what our people have done for us...Just makes me want to light one and dedicate it to them :)


Well-Known Member
Thats great stoney, a side-by-side comparison, i say go for it. It may let you know if you cant, like I have had some that did not want to break, so I tried to use a tool (thumb against stem on one side lighter on other side of stem) and she no like. So if they are so turgid (I think thats the right word) then just try a less turgid branch.

Y'all can now tell your girls your turgid for her :D silly stoned me :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
SWEET MACRO shots man they look great!

How many plants do you have total haha? I would think the flowering ones would drink more water, weird!!
Glad to hear your holiday was good, mine was pretty good as well, boat, food, friends/family, etc! I do appreciate what our people have done for us...Just makes me want to light one and dedicate it to them :)
now that i think about it, the flowering plants use more volume per plant but the vegging plants get watered twice as many times but half the amount of water. i never really measured it out, i just know it always seems like I'm filing another water jug up!!! every couple days it's 3 or 4 gallons!!!!! I have a good well, not to hard or soft, with a little amount of minerals in it.

very nice stoney, great things are growin on there, LoL.
it's like my plants just know it's summer time out!!!! ever since the equinox they have grown better. i swear they can feel it!!!!!

Thats great stoney, a side-by-side comparison, i say go for it. It may let you know if you cant, like I have had some that did not want to break, so I tried to use a tool (thumb against stem on one side lighter on other side of stem) and she no like. So if they are so turgid (I think thats the right word) then just try a less turgid branch.

Y'all can now tell your girls your turgid for her :D silly stoned me :mrgreen:
well i took the plunge!!!! I went back to one of your videos, and watched you bend them one more time.... then i went downstairs and bent them all over!!!! she seemed to like it... sadistic little bitch!!!! so one of my wonder woman plants is now a hunched over woman!!!! here are a couple pics.... let me know what you think, did i do a good job? or did I fuck it up?

as you can see she was getting bleached and something needed to be done.

I bent over four branches... here are three of them.

and a final shot of her and one of her under the light... I will check on her in a few hours and she how she is doing.


Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
oh no man! im asking!! i tried supercropping,the pinching dealio that does the same thing u did.but i pinched the whole top right of.i cloned it and am packing a bowl of it as we type! but im thinking i might do what you did on my outdoor.over 6-7 ft the street behind my house will see them.but i could do something like youve done to fix that problem. but i was told to lightly pinch one direction,then 180 deg-lightly pinch again.then it should sorta fall over.well mine sorta fell off!lol


Well-Known Member
Sometimes, yes you should pinch them some first. But its not the rule. It depends on feel of the plant. Plus if the height will end up causing problems down the road then you gave less vested and to lose by taking action now as opposed to then! Pinching is to prevent breaking the stem mostly. They look fine also, did a good job man!