tiger loose in the zoo, eating people


Well-Known Member
I suppose its obviouse to point out, that the zoo will probably be sued by everyone involved. Especially since the city already decided the zoo was at fault and fined them $18,000.



Well-Known Member
Well thats awfull freaky....that Tiger needs flesh on X-mas...or there abouts...the week of...I was about to make a stupid comment...Till I clicked the link and looked at the two dates...that's wierd!!!! I know I used to go nuts when I was locked up on certain days........But I'm no killer. No Tiger either...but thats still nuts!
Reps 2 yer thread Fdd....


Well-Known Member
i can't help but sit here and laugh. if only the tiger would have made it.

its pretty funny that the tiger ran to the zoo cafe to get some food.

poor tiger.. what if a cop ran to dunkin donuts and a tiger shot him while he was chowin like a pig? who is the hero now?


Well-Known Member
If cooked correctly fresh tiger is "Good Eats", mmm fresh tiger, so if I were eating by a tiger I would eat him before he eats me. that would teach him a lesson.


Well-Known Member
only in the greatest places, could something be killed for doing what its supposed to be doing, behind bars, trapped, caged, locked up, my pet!! no kitty, thatsa bad kitty!!


Well-Known Member
it appears the tiger was taunted. they think that the guy that died may have been hanging over the edge of the enclosure. they found a shoe and part of a pant leg in the moat. it could have only gotten there if the attack started there. there were also pine cones and sticks in the moat that could not have dropped there naturally.

Victim may have helped zoo tiger escape - Telegraph


Well-Known Member
Yea They Also Said The Gate Was Too Short And Was Known By The Zoo That The Gate Was Not Regulation Height. Figures


Well-Known Member
They probably wanted to see someone get attacked, by getting really close to the gate


Well-Known Member
A few days ago (maybe thursday?) they found a dead tiger on the side of the highway out here. they said it was shot to death. i think someone had a illegal pet and got freaked out about the tiger attack? it was such a beautiful beast too. but thats exactly what they are, is beasts.


Well-Known Member
Pizip, thats a terrific rack. I may have told you this before, but I just cant stop looking :D
maybe its the water in texas that makes texas boobs marvelous.


Well-Known Member
just a shame they had to kill the tiger. 8 rounds, or was it 18? i don't remember. they have tranquilizer guns at the zoo just for this reason. too bad the cops got there first.


Well-Known Member
I would have done the badass thing and taken my belt off and strangled the Tiger to death with my fucking belt. Fuck acceptance of fate, I'd use my fucking belt to kill that thing if it was going to chew on me.

How badass would that be though?

"This one morning I woke up at 4am, downed some raw eggs, drank my coffee black, went to my favorite stand, waited 7 hours and shot a 16 pointer right in the heart dropping him where he stood!"


"I went to the zoo and a tiger escaped. That same tiger tried to eat me. I took my belt off and strangled the fucker to death with my belt."

Game over. Belt story wins. XD


Well-Known Member
In the words of Bill Hicks, I hate to sound cold, but I am:

These fuckers DESERVED what they got. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that 9/10 times a zoo animal attack is prompted by some asshole fucking with the potentially DANGEROUS animal.
If someone is stupid enough to fuck with a 350 pound Siberian tiger, an animal that can jump several meters, with only a moat and a pretty small fence between them, then I don't call it a tragedy; I call it God pruning the vineyard.
I actually saw the tiger in person a couple years ago, and it's fucking bullshit that she had to pay for reacting naturally to torment.

Rest in Peace, Tatiana.


Well-Known Member
Very true. But still, how badass would it be if someone did end up killing a tiger by strangling it to death with a fucking belt?! Am I the ONLY one who thinks that would be the ultimate badass moment ever?