tiger loose in the zoo, eating people


Well-Known Member
tigers have been in that enclosure for 40 years. none have ever eaten people before. that tiger was beyond provoked.

so how does one test the limits of an enclosure? people want to get as close as they possibly can. i've been going to that zoo since i was a wee lad. i never got eaten. we always went to feeding time at the tiger area. it was really cool. 10 feet away while they tore into chunks of meat. the lions would roar and you could here it everywhere. it was a huge cement room. almost like an ampitheatre (sp) with a wall of cages along one side. one of the highlights of my childhood.

if my neighbor had a pitbull and i went to the front window of their house and tapped on it until the dog jumped thru the glass and bit me, who would be to blame?


New Member
tigers have been in that enclosure for 40 years. none have ever eaten people before. that tiger was beyond provoked.

so how does one test the limits of an enclosure? people want to get as close as they possibly can. i've been going to that zoo since i was a wee lad. i never got eaten. we always went to feeding time at the tiger area. it was really cool. 10 feet away while they tore into chunks of meat. the lions would roar and you could here it everywhere. it was a huge cement room. almost like an ampitheatre (sp) with a wall of cages along one side. one of the highlights of my childhood.

if my neighbor had a pitbull and i went to the front window of their house and tapped on it until the dog jumped thru the glass and bit me, who would be to blame?
whoever made that crappy window....:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
if my neighbor had a pitbull and i went to the front window of their house and tapped on it until the dog jumped thru the glass and bit me, who would be to blame?

too-shay too-shay(ha dont even know if i used that right)

yeah i followed this on the news out here, they called it the, "Christmas day tiger massacre!" haha jk but woulda been an awesome title.

looks like they were throwing shit at it, they said they found cups, and pine cones and i think even they threw a garbage can in at it, not sure about that one though. but yeah looks like various shit was thrown at the tiger.

yeah shit i guess even if it was a little kid, who cares. natural selection, the annoying little friend of your sons who keeps screaming at the tiger and waveing his arms around doesnt live to annoy you for the ride home. haha.


Well-Known Member
btw wouldnt it be cool to have a tiger in your house? oh its possible, i remember a couple years back i was watching some show, were police raided a big time drug dealers apartment in New York City, the dealer was long gone but he had a full grown tiger in there! wtf!! the poor tiger was in too small of a cage, but he had it in there. apartment had to be sound proof or somthin. but yeah, imagine the "boys" comin to raid your house, and you let tony the tiger out, oh man i wonder how he'd like the boys kickin the door down! what a show.

A W 0 L

Active Member
san fransisco zoo tigers escaped. rumors of people being hurt and at least 1 tiger being shot. this is breaking news and just rumors at this point but it's all over the news.

cbs5.com - 4 Tigers Escape Cage In SF Zoo, 1 Person Dead

dude got his throat slashed by a tiger. another dude got all f$cked up.

I was hearing about this too.. it was on the news a few days ago. However I heard a slightly different story.

The teenagers or what ever.. where antaganizing the tiger and it escaped and killed one of the kids and injured the rest. Suposedly they where intoxicated.. I think it serves them right and I feel bad for the tiger if this story is accurate. lolcat