Well-Known Member
This website has some good advice.
AzaMax is a slow acting systemic that will not eradicate an abundant population.
It looks as though a combination of throwing out anything that’s infested and treating lower populations with a varying amount of different products.
Beneficial nematodes - bacteria - root drenches - contact spraying - systemics - throwing out anything infested.
Not sure if the guys above realise that root aphids aka rice root aphids are a different type of aphid to those found on the plants themselves.

How to Get Rid of Root Aphids | Planet Natural
How to spot and organically control root aphids. A growing problem, especially among indoor growers, and spreading through parts of the country where they haven't been seen before.
AzaMax is a slow acting systemic that will not eradicate an abundant population.
It looks as though a combination of throwing out anything that’s infested and treating lower populations with a varying amount of different products.
Beneficial nematodes - bacteria - root drenches - contact spraying - systemics - throwing out anything infested.
Not sure if the guys above realise that root aphids aka rice root aphids are a different type of aphid to those found on the plants themselves.