To flush or not to flush... I just read a short story on it and still ?????????


Well-Known Member
So I'm not sure where I found it but it was a basic breakdown of plants and how nutrients go up and down them and how flushing effects that and how if you drown your plants (like literally put them in water (just the roots)) they will start to "cure" while still alive by creating alcohol from the sugars they have in order to live a little bit longer. I guess that's how plants survive a flood. If anyone knows the post please for the love of god. Break it down in lamens terms for me. Do I flush? Do I taper off my nutes? Do I take my effing pot and sit it in the bathtub full of water for 3 days in the dark? WTF?! I need Science! SCIENCE!!
man i woundnt put it in the bath tub and fill the bath tub with water if you are going to flush your plant you should do it when it is time to harvest. but yeah this is how i flush mine i got a 5 gallon pot for my plant and really you just what to water it with 8 gallons of water to flush only. like if you have a 4 gallon pot for your plant you want to flush it out with 7 gallons of water. you get what i am saying?


Well-Known Member
So I'm not sure where I found it but it was a basic breakdown of plants and how nutrients go up and down them and how flushing effects that and how if you drown your plants (like literally put them in water (just the roots)) they will start to "cure" while still alive by creating alcohol from the sugars they have in order to live a little bit longer. I guess that's how plants survive a flood. If anyone knows the post please for the love of god. Break it down in lamens terms for me. Do I flush? Do I taper off my nutes? Do I take my effing pot and sit it in the bathtub full of water for 3 days in the dark? WTF?! I need Science! SCIENCE!!
I will give you the information, its all up to you to make a call :D

heres of Riddlem3s thread

and another example ,

Its very good with those information, just read it up bro !

Good luck and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
I still hold it depends what nutes your putting in and how much. There are applications where flushing is needed... me and my friend both noticed a chem taste starting to show in my buds the couple times I didnt flush. So with 2 weeks left I do one watering plain water, then one nutes. That leaves me about with a week, and it all plain water from there.

But I dont do an actual flush where you run water through (twice the volume of thepot) as above poster said.


Well-Known Member
Hey i just smoked the drying one now, not curing yet....its pretty good and soft too....drowning the roots before harvest and the result is so true !!! y'all should try about few months im gonna try to boil roots before harvest , it will process faster..Im happy right now...all the credits to this Riddlem3, hes should read two links that i posted in above.


Well-Known Member
Hey i just smoked the drying one now, not curing yet....its pretty good and soft too....drowning the roots before harvest and the result is so true !!! y'all should try about few months im gonna try to boil roots before harvest , it will process faster..Im happy right now...all the credits to this Riddlem3, hes should read two links that i posted in above.
How did you go about drowning them?