To top or not to top, lst or other


Well-Known Member
looks like a good start too me.but personally i'd move the hold up more towards the top of the plant, you know keep that top down more!


Well-Known Member
I did just that after I took that photo. Whats the next step from here? Anyone have suggestion on what TeK I should try out?


Well-Known Member
just leave it be..don't be so hasty to try all the tricks at once....when the plant starts shooting lats then you can get all Mr. miyage on it....peace!


Well-Known Member
LST will always be much less stressful than topping a shoot. I always suggest using the LST technique over topping. I don't like to stress my girls out.



Active Member
I just accidentally, Super cropped my plant and she seems healthy and loving it. I'm going to use this from here on out.. Best of luck


New Member
top it when those secondary leaves come out of the node. .. cut it off and those 2 calyxs becum main colas. usually done on the 4th-5th node


Well-Known Member
Topping an Lst will increase yield, but topping will slow em slightly.

I start em early any way, an top em at 2-3 weeks.

I use topping outdoor cause i wont see em for a week or so at a time i want em to stay short bushes to hide em easier.

But indoor Lst is My favorite method. It takes regular maintance to keep em low.

Check out this guy on utube topping outdoor its totaly off the hook hes a NINJA!



Well-Known Member
Hey guys thanx for the replies. This is an experiment plant so I think I might try topping!

@ allovher I will post another pic and maybe you could point out where I should cut it on my plant that would be awesome! Ill re post here soon as I see some substantial growth. THX!

@ SCARHOLE That guys ridiculous!

@ glassblower3000 I would like to top it and LST. I just want a nice dome bush would that get me what im looking for?

BTW this is a Purple Haze and its 3 weeks old since reveg took place.


Well-Known Member
BumP... Any suggestions which way to do this? Will Lst'n perform equally if not topped or should I top??