To top or not to top?


Active Member
Hi all. Just wondering what the pros and cons are of topping?

I have 6 plants I started from some coota hooch I got and decided to grow some for myself. What I am trying to figure out is if I should top and LST or just let it grow normally and set it into flower? I have a 1m x 1m x 2m tall cabinet I made for my grows so space is a bit of an issue. I am also growing under 6 x 2 foot flouro tubes. I know its not ideal but its all I can afford at the moment! I have read that some growers dont like to top as they like the chunky buds that come from the top shoot. I am caught between and dont know which way to go!
Any help is greatly appreciated


Active Member
Positives to topping: Multiple Cola's, where most of your bud comes from
Cons to topping: I guess technically if you have problems with mold and pests it could infect the plant, but thats not usually a problem for indoors


Well-Known Member
there is no cons in this method... it increases ur croo.. in no way can this bring bad to u... look up supercropping... then top and supercrop the new tops


Active Member
cons is space.... if you dont got the space... sog is the way to go.. and if ur doing a gro-op and dont have a lot of time... u cant be bothered with trimming fimming topping lsting and super cropping


Active Member
hmm and space is something I dont have abundance of and the entire grow space is just under 2m3