To water....or not to water??? That is the question.


Well-Known Member
it wont be anything left in the res when its time to water.... basically u water until it flows out the side then u feed... transplant into finishing containers, the roots shit on soil roots at the same age.

This is (The White x Snowdawg) in 2 liter bottle... using only maxi and calmag
you sir just persuaded me to try this...when i have the extra $$$ to afford nutes and perlite, about how many inches tall would you say that front cola is? also all other colas are off of same plant correct?


Well-Known Member
The bottles are spray painted blk or has tape around them... yes, all colas in the pic r from the same plant. best thng about it is that all the perlite is reuseable... Ease of soil with the growth of hydro + no bugs...

doctor j.. what r u using now for nutes? im using maxibloom. 15/lb... one bag of perlite should do a few bottles


Well-Known Member
i just recently started back up after a couple of years, i'm back at square one as far as equipment and materials, i'm using miracle gro soil with a few cfls till i can get my set up back to the greatness it once was