Top leaves drying out and curling


Active Member
It started 2 weeks ago. I'm on day 52 from 12/12 now. I've tried Cal-Mag+. I use Dutch Master Gold Nutes. With some goodies(Bud Candy, Fulvic Acid) I stopped giving them Floralicious Plus(because of thinking it was excess Nitrogen), I stopped giving them Hygrozyme(because I though t that it was breaking down too much Nitrogen for the plant). And when I try to loosen the top soil, its a bunch of thin roots. I checked to see if it was root bound, and it didn't look like it was, but loosen a piece of soil, and it's ALL thin roots. It actually looks like these thin roots have become the soil, though u can't see it that much it ur eyes, cause the roots aren't thich anymore as they were b4. I wonder if my plants are root bound. All I know is my leaves are turning yellow, and edges are burning, the very tips are curlin inward/upward, leaves are drying out on top, and flowers have stopped flowering. I can tell they're at a stand still. They were flowering agressively, and just stopped. Looks like ALL my girls are stuck on frozen! If this makes any sense to anyone. My PPM's never passed 1050, and now I brought it down to PPM 850, cause I was afraid I was burning them. My pH is never under 6.0 and never over 6.5. I try to keep it at 6.3. And my run off has been the same as what goes in. Another thing is that all of a sudden they are NOT taking in ANY of the water or nutes I give them. It seems like I went from watering/feeding them 3 times a week, to like water once a week. I also thought it was light poisoning. I have 1-400 watt, and 1- 600 watt. the 400 w is 16-24 inches from the canopies, and the 600 w is 20-26 inches from canopies , and the bulbs are 18 inches away from 1 another. The actual Temp under canopy is never over 79/80 f, the actual room is never over 73/74 f.
This is what it seems like....... The plants are having nute lockout, being underfed, and having nute burn at the same time. Which isn't possible, they can't be overfed and underfed at the same time. So please tell me if u can help figure out my problem. Just take a good look at these leaves, u'll see how they look. Please don't come in this thread with attitudes, and misinformation. If u don't know what it is please don't act or think u do. I need help from people that KNOW what is going on, thru experience. Thanks! This isn't my first grow, but I don't know everything obviously.(though this is my first soil/soilless grow)

Hey, did you ever figure out what was going on here? This sounds like the same problem I'm having. Looks very similar too. No idea what has happened.