Topping my auto's to reduce popcorn buds? :(


Well-Known Member
Sometimes an auto is not a full auto. It is determined by what generation of breeding that seed is in. If ts first generation then good luck they are gonna be half auto half photo. You need to find a reputable seed company with guaranteed autos. I have personally witnessed this problem with my buddies plant who thought he had autos and kept them under 18/6 the whole time and realized that only half were autos and the rest were regular. If you would like me to elaborate I can but he had to switch them all to 12/12 to get them to flower cause he only had one tent thinking autos he didn't need more than one tent.
i think he was referring to the strains like the iranian auto or guerrilla gold that veg on 24/0 then flower when a dark period is introduced or flower anytime of the year outside

the majority of auto's on the market anymore are completely auto


Well-Known Member
I thought of another possibility, do you think the seed company could have messed up a simple order of 2x the same seed?
I know that seems stupid as the seeds must come out the same jar but they are so different..

Guess I'll never truly know untill i smoke some :)

they are just different pheno types auto's are not very stable in appearance from one seed to another


Active Member
But this is so different in so many ways.. I cant wait to smoke some to see if there's much difference :)


Active Member
Chears for the link kevb123, thats exactly what i thought and it worked perfectly, for one of my plants -.-
The other has still got random buds branching off, i dont think itll turn out to be popcorn bud though :)


Active Member
Soo, you guys still think its the same seed?

Also, think its still alright to LST again? Just need those tops at the same height as the rest, without the tops stretching :)

Saafe guys

Edit* Thumbnail is a different pic, couldnt rotate it -.-

