

Well-Known Member
I noticed sometimes your posts dont seem to say anything that 5hit, is it a site error or something? cuz your post is blank even when i try to highligh any words that might be blended in or whatever.


Well-Known Member
Unless you have a specific reason, like making a ScrOG, I'd use LST instead of topping.

I don't like what topping does, in most cases.

I have fimmed one plant this year because it was over four feet tall in a greenhouse, several weeks ago.

This pic is the most recent of the Fimmed plant.

Note how many tops are competing.


Well-Known Member
veggiegardner, why dont you tie down tops? Wont that help out with the competence? And also increase yield? Thats the whole reason why i even FIMMED my SSSDH plants.