Touchet's Liquid Light Challenge!


New Member
Ok, here's the deal. I have been using Liquid Light for several months now. I keep telling people that nothing else compares. Whether organic or not, anything else the average joe blow grower can walk into a store and buy is not gonna compare.
I am willing to put my money where my mouth is. We'll take a poll and whatever product is recommended the most by the users of this site will go head to head with Liquid Light in a controlled test. I'll buy it the day the poll closes and we'll start the next day. I will video tape all the feedings for accuracy. So there it is, you name it, I'll buy it and we'll all find out what the best foliar feed on the market is.

I have two clones on stand by currently, neither being fed anything other than the nutes according to the feeding program stipulated by Dutch Master. And it's to the "T" folks. I check PPM and PH daily on all my tanks. Both plants are under the same light, next to each other, same veg tray, right now.

So lets hear what you guys think is the bomb foliar feed and we'll make it happen!!


New Member
Oh yes, thats what I use it with. And the results are amazing, check my journal, I have flowering shots in there as well as veg shots of the plants with and with out LL from DM. So it still stands, any product head to head with Liquid Light. I'll even sweeten the pot a little, no pun intended. If whatever is suggested actually out performs LL in a head to head challenge I'll buy the person that suggested it a bottle of the winning spray.


Well-Known Member
I use Alg-a-Mic 5ml per liter of RO water. I correct to a pH of around 7 with soluble silica additive. It normally takes me about ten drops of silica per liter of solution. Your need for silica will vary depending on the pH of the water you begin with. I also add 3-4 drops per liter of Dr. Bronner's soap as a spreader/sticker.

PS: I think that to make things fair for whatever the challenging foliar additive you decide to use, that you use Penetrator (i think they have recently changed the name to Saturator) with both plants.


New Member
I use Alg-a-Mic 5ml per liter of RO water. I correct to a pH of around 7 with soluble silica additive. It normally takes me about ten drops of silica per liter of solution. Your need for silica will vary depending on the pH of the water you begin with. I also add 3-4 drops per liter of Dr. Bronner's soap as a spreader/sticker.

PS: I think that to make things fair for whatever the challenging foliar additive you decide to use, that you use Penetrator (i think they have recently changed the name to Saturator) with both plants.
Gladly. As long as it doesn't interfere with the other foliar feed I will.

So far it seems that people either don't foliar feed or they already know nothings as good. Your the first person to suggest anything for the competition other than something I have to grow. I'm already growing enough stuff.


Well-Known Member
I don't think many people foliar feed because it doesn't normally have any visible results. Unless people are spraying for bugs, mold or to correct a deficiency people see it as a waste of time/money, or just haven't considered it to begin with.

some random comments
Those sprays that claim to add nutrients, or products such as Liquid Light don't work. Stomata take very little water in, so watering through the leaves is pretty useless
We used it (LL) over about 5 different harvests without a noticeable gain in yield.
It's expensive, usually have to buy several different products, & then use during veg & flower stage. I ended up spraying all plants about every 2-3 days. & I know it's safe, but do you really want all these extra chemicals on your buds?
It's extra work you don't need to do, money you shouldn't spend on product, and in my experience, not worth it at all.
I've seen foliar sprays mentioned as a suggestion to cure some nutrient deficiencies, but nothing about actually promoting growth or increasing yields.
There seems to be a bad attitude towards spraying in general, especially with LL, however it appears that people who call it snake oil are mostly people who have never used it.

I also see a lot of people shooting down the claim that LL will make your 600wt light act as a 1000. People love to call dutch master fools for this statement. I personally have never seen DM make that statement, in fact, the only time I have seen that claim is when people are repeating it to say it's bullshit.

I decided to take a chance on three products for this grow, all of which make outrageous claims. So far, the liquid light was worth every penny. (the roots excelurator I am not impressed with, and snow storm ultra I have yet to try.) Not only is it good for the final yield, it helps my clones get bigger before they are put into flower, and it helps my mothers produce cuttings in about half the time they normally would.

Looks like there is a lack of competition for your challenge. The only other spray I've seen used is spray N grow, and it basically did nothing.

** I found this spray called Halo that is getting excellent reviews, and makes claims similar to LL.

Activates growth mechanisms that result in improved plant vigour, increased plant stamina and an improved stress-defence response.

Activates Cell wall expansion, cell elongation, protein and sugar transport and promotes flower initition, fruit set & size. Increases photosynthesis by up to 20% and nutrient uptake in plants. These ultimately provide value to growers increasing yield and fruit quality.

Activates defence mechanism increasing the plants ability to defend itself against certain viral, bacterial and fungal plant diseases.
Liquid Light says that it has nutrients, carbs (sugars), amino-acids, and phyto-nutrients, which I don't know what that term means in Australia, but in the context I could find on Google it means anything that isn't not necessary for life, but which aids, life by preventing, or helping in the struggle against things like weather, drought, pests, disease.

Spray N Grow is just from what I remember off the back of the label a Zinc deficiency fixing spray.

I admit I haven't used either Liquid Light or Spray-N-Grow but I have a sample of one and a big bottle of the other I bought before I know half of what I know now.

As per your challenge the only other product I know of, I would consider putting it against is Sonic Bloom by Dan Henderson, however Sonic Bloom uses a CD, or an audio device to play a signal under the music to promote stomata opening, which it seems may be what liquid light is doing. If you were open to playing the CD for both plants, then you could do Sonic Bloom on one side and the Liquid Light with your normal regime on the other, though I don't know if that would be a fair result in the long run, you might find you love Sonic Bloom however, your thoughts are appreciated.


I have been using LL, used to use snow storm and neem oil but after using the liquid light the plants seemed fine without the others in trichrom production smell and well everything.

It's been about 6 months since i started and I only now have heard of some that may be better bud blood and then i read a mix up above that I will have to try.

Like the journal's thanx for your info and experience.


New Member
I am waiting to receive my sample of Optic Foliar's 3 products, Transport (like Penetrator), MegaWatts (like liquid light), and Rev (amino acids and micro-nutrients). If you email them they will send you some. I'd be down to report my results. The only reason I'm interested in these instead of liquid light + penetrator, is because I am low on fundage and they will send me some for free to try.

Edit: P.S. I use SSU as a foliar and I add it to the nute solution as well. It is like gold in my opinion, but use it and find out for yourself. I definitely consider it vital in my nutrient cabinet, and it is not bullshit by any means in my opinion. Much like Bushmaster, it DOES THINGS.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Ok, here's the deal. I have been using Liquid Light for several months now. I keep telling people that nothing else compares. Whether organic or not, anything else the average joe blow grower can walk into a store and buy is not gonna compare.
I am willing to put my money where my mouth is. We'll take a poll and whatever product is recommended the most by the users of this site will go head to head with Liquid Light in a controlled test. I'll buy it the day the poll closes and we'll start the next day. I will video tape all the feedings for accuracy. So there it is, you name it, I'll buy it and we'll all find out what the best foliar feed on the market is.

I have two clones on stand by currently, neither being fed anything other than the nutes according to the feeding program stipulated by Dutch Master. And it's to the "T" folks. I check PPM and PH daily on all my tanks. Both plants are under the same light, next to each other, same veg tray, right now.

So lets hear what you guys think is the bomb foliar feed and we'll make it happen!!

Before you make bold statements like that my friend you should at least have a decent understanding of chemistry and what ingredients commercial products actually contain.
