transportation-ability of cuttings


Active Member
whats the best way to transport fresh cuttings?

I was thinking of growing a couple mothers at my moms house, then taking the cuttings to my dad's house - about a 1.5 hour drive - and flowering there.

Is this possible?



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
just put them in a dark box tell u get theirand leave them in the dark tellyour spisific light schedual.


Well-Known Member
as long as they have good roots they should be fine for that careful tho would suck to get caught with a bunch of plants that dont even got bud..


Active Member
why not grow the mothers and the dads and the flowering clones at the moms.
my friend just gave me an hps and i want to use it for flowering. The space where i'm vegging is small, i'm using T5's, and have a couple of fans blowing on the plants. I can't really add ducts and vents to compensate for any added heat without cutting into the walls or the door leading into the space. Temps are already between 87-90 degrees.