trayvan martin


Well-Known Member
Lame ^^
I noticed you waited almost an hour for me to log off before you posted more faggy nonsense directed at me. LOL
Or I was doing something, because I have a life and family, and we're 5-8 hours ahead of you geniuses so it was the morning time?

Transferrence occurs again.


Well-Known Member
Why always the references to gays and paedophiles?

Serious question at this stage, your obsessed with 3 things (in descending order):
1. Gays
2. Uncle Buck
3. Paedophiles

I understand your obsession with no. 1 drives your obsession with no. 2...but why the obsession with kiddie fiddlers?

bikers are well known for enlisting underage sex slaves. no self respecting woman would want to touch those STD ridden, filthy dirty fleabags.


Well-Known Member
Whatever, Homokin. lol
Can you not make even just one little post without a reference to homosexuals?

3 words in that, that's at least a 33% "homosexual word related" score for just one post.

I bet it's dark in the closet, just come out, noone here will judge you (except maybe Wordz, lol).


Well-Known Member
I make a lot of posts on RIU, but when I am dealing with a blatant homo like yourself, I just have to call a fag a fag. Sorry fag. Remember you started this with your references to cock.
5 references to homosexuals and cock in one post, peppered in with some obvious homophobia. now i know why pictures of gay sailors bother him so much, he's trying to suppress latent feelings of homosexuality.

it's science.

Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli. The groups did not differ in aggression. Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.


Well-Known Member
5 references to 1homosexuals and 2cock in one post, peppered in with some obvious 3homophobia. now i know why pictures of 4gay sailors bother him so much, he's trying to suppress latent feelings of 5homosexuality.

it's science.

Only the 6homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male 7 homosexual stimuli. The groups did not differ in aggression. 8Homophobia is apparently associated with 9homosexual arousal that the 10homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.

And you're just a diddler and not a homo.


Well-Known Member

And you're just a diddler and not a homo.
It doesn't count when people who arnt trying to transfer latent homosexual feelings say words related to gay people.

Youre fucking obsessed with calling people gay.

Its a fairly obvious case of the rainbow calling the clouds gay, science supports this assertion.