Trump trashes Iran nuclear accord

Is the US leaving the Iran accord good for the US?

  • No, it shows our word means nothing

    Votes: 12 50.0%
  • Yes. it shows that we are not fools

    Votes: 12 50.0%

  • Total voters
Fair enough, but I'm going to post my opinions and it is perfectly okay with me if you are offended.

You may believe that there is a way to avoid war or conflict with Iran, but I do not. Therefore, I believe that less lives will be lost by dealing with them now vs. later. I do want peace but the lessons of appeasement have not been lost on me.
You see no alternative to war with Iran? OK, that's your opinion. Before endorsing this adventure, perhaps we could revisit a recent action?

Exactly how well did that dust-up with Iraq end up? You are saying that was inevitable too, I suppose. Before beginning this next adventure maybe we should think twice? It's not just the war but what happens after that we should prepare for. Is it our opinion that we can just bust up shit and leave like Shrub thought we could do in Iraq.

I'm sure this has exhausted you. Too many details.
We have plenty of issue..why start new shit now?

Aren’t we equally friends with Israel and Palestine? (Rhetorical)
Because they do not now possess nuclear weapons and will in the future. They are experiencing political unrest so squeezing them now makes sense to me. I believe conflict with Iran is inevitable and acting now will minimize loss of life or possibly even get to a peace solution. The deal we ditched on gave Iran a path to nuclear weapons further down the road, which will start a Mideast nuclear arms race. I just don't like kicking the can down the road. So squeeze them now for a peace solution.
You see no alternative to war with Iran? OK, that's your opinion. Before endorsing this adventure, perhaps we could revisit a recent action?

Exactly how well did that dust-up with Iraq end up? You are saying that was inevitable too, I suppose. Before beginning this next adventure maybe we should think twice? It's not just the war but what happens after that we should prepare for. Is it our opinion that we can just bust up shit and leave like Shrub thought we could do in Iraq.

I'm sure this has exhausted you. Too many details.
I don't favor the US making a first strike.
Actually, yes they do.

Iran was subjected to more searches than any nation in the history of the planet.

Every single entity on this planet, including ours, stated emphatically that Iran were following the rules to the letter.

But where have we heard this before?

OH YEAH!!! When the George W. kept on insisting Iraq had WMD's when the rest of the planet kept saying they didn't.

And guess what? They didn't.

The fact is republicans want war. They love war. Because they're in bed with arms dealers and oil tycoons and it makes them shit tons of money, and they don't care how many people, including Americans, have to die to get it.
Actually, no they don’t. Liar
Doubtful, meaningless, anyway.
No, they don’t. Liar
The rest of the planet actually said Iraq DID have WMDs. Liar
I signed up for the draft, per my duty, but did not choose to serve. I had other interests that were a better fit for me. Many of my family members have served and a few still on active duty. Are you for only allowing service members to vote?
No. But it should be a requirement for deciding to go to war.
Correct. But we have been in conflict with them for many years and they chant "death to America", so I'm not really going out very far on a limb with my outlook.

Wasn’t the Israel doing that recently? Oh wait- that was Palestine..
I think Israel would be stupid not to take Irans promises to destroy them seriously. I have no opinion on what the best move for Israel is.
^Bombing your neighbors is bound to rile them up, wouldn't you say so?
Actually, no they don’t. Liar
Doubtful, meaningless, anyway.
No, they don’t. Liar
The rest of the planet actually said Iraq DID have WMDs. Liar
^factually incorrect.

Please note how Bugeye and Peabody mirror each other's unfounded opinions.

Like minds.