TUTORIAL: How to Roll a Joint


Well-Known Member
I was just hoping to see a pro roll a joint and show others how it is done. [...] others can do it blindfolded due to repetition.
I've been rolling them daily for over two decades, but just looked at my hands while rolling one, and I'd need a high-speed camera before I could make a video useful to others. :bigjoint:

I was dead serious about my left /right handed comment btw. If you are right handed use the left hand for the tip so you can use your 'best' hand for rolling the larger part with the weed in it.

Another pro-tip:

Don't twist the top, burn it off and you will have a much better starting point. If you twist it will burn in on the sides more easily. If you need to save it for later, the proper way to close it is folding it, like so:

That way you (or customers) can pull it open and still burn it off evenly (without having to push the contents back in after untwisting).

Note the straight line:


Well-Known Member
Well if you have herpes I'm assuming you're smoking the joint by yourself. So in that case, I think that would be fine
Assume is to make an ass of u and me. Please don't assume. But to the contrary I was not smoking alone. I was smoking with your mom, which coincidentally is how I got the herpes of the mouth.

Yes, I went there. I made a mom joke. Why? Because I'm a childish prick. Good day madam.

Please note; I pick on everyone. Don't take it personal.


Well-Known Member
That's some procedure to roll a simple joint. I can roll a joint by hand that looks like a Lucky Strike in about 15 seconds. You just need more practice.


Well-Known Member
I was told that my Uncle could roll a nice joint with one hand. Tall thin biker with long hair and beard. A voice I can remember 25 years after I last saw him. He and his wife found thousands of dollars under the carpets of an old house they bought.