TVMASDL Grow No. 1


Active Member
It kind of seems like it has developed two main stems???

There are two stems jutting opposite directions from each other, and they're both developing new leaves perpendicular to the last set on each particular stem.

It's interesting...maybe I'll post a pic in a few more days when it's bigger and easier to see what I'm talking about.


Active Member
Day 18

So I transplanted "her" last night, she seems to be doing alright so far.

I figure I should start feeding her with my 30-10-10 nute at about 1/4 strength.

Question for feeding, should I just foliar feed and water with distilled water? Or not foliar feed and water with the nutes? Or foliar feed AND water with the nutes?

Also, how often should I feed? The plant is in a 10" diameter pot (5L, my estimate) so I'm only going to be watering every few days. Should I feed every time? Or every other time? Will the frequency of my feeding be more often if I'm just foliar feeding and watering with distilled water, or will I still only feed it when I water?

Experienced soil growers help a noob out!

I'll give you some +rep if that's all you care about. :hump::hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
I'd skip the foliar feeding all together for now, until you learn more about the hows and whys of it. You dont need to feed every time you water. It would be too easy to overdo it, and then you start getting unused ferts building up in the soil etc...
Its still small so maybe feed, water ,water, feed. Until it gets bigger then you can feed every other. Chemical ferts I would never use full strength so keep to 1/4 for now, 1/2 strength when it gets bigger. Using distilled water you might wanna look into using some Epsom salts for calcium and magnesium. With just those nutes and distilled water you could end up with some micro deficiencies. Have you been reading the GrowFAQ?


Active Member
Yeah, I've read it quite a few times now. I was just curious on those couple of things still.

Thanks for the reply! So I'll feed her today, and then water the next couple times, then feed her again.

+ rep :hump:


Well-Known Member
its growing knows whats up. ya def feed water water feed. lets see a pic and see how shes coming along


Well-Known Member
looking good and healthy bro. good move with the mound. this could end up leveling off after a few waterings but it will do the trick


Active Member
Yeah, I figured it would help with support. And I remember reading somewhere about stems being susceptible to rotting if you water them after a transplant, so I decided to make that mound and just water around it, I heard it helps with the root system too as they seek out the water that's around them.

Glad everything looks decent. :hump:


Active Member
So my wife and I rigged up one of those 2L bottle CO2 deals (with the yeast and sugar, you know). We don't have any hose running to the plant or anything, just a hole in the cap on the bottle, and it's placed right next to the pot at a little below plant height.

My question is, we have a fan blowing on the plant pretty much 24/7. Is this fan going to mess with CO2 dispersion? Is it pointless to have the CO2 bottle in there with the fan pointing right at it?

Thanks. :hump:


Well-Known Member
I used the sugar & yeast method before. That co2 setup really only makes a measureable amount of CO2 when you shake it up with your thumb on the cap and then release it. I dont think its making much if any CO2 when its just sitting there. Fan or no fan. And its not going to do much for you unless the CO2 is released into a confined space. otherwise the PPM are too weak. Sure, every little bit helps but sugar and yeast aren't free. I dont bother with the sugar and yeast method anymore. if i was growing something small in a rubbermaid or small box then I think it would help more but....just my 2 cents. It won't hurt though, so have at it if you like. :)


Active Member
Yeah that's kinda what we figured. Couldn't hurt right? Haha.

I'll post some more updated pics in a few days.


Active Member
Here's some more pics, as well as a better shot of the stem that has veered off into two tops. You can see the second top a lot better in the overhead pic too.

I wonder when would be alright to clone that other top, just sever it at the bottom of the V. Anybody?



Well-Known Member
You COULD clone it now. But its small and would be difficult. You should definately wait a little longer if you want to clone it. Personally, i would leave the two heads alone and clone a different branch once it has one suitable. Looks nice n healthy. How long do you want to veg it?


Active Member
Here's some more pics, as well as a better shot of the stem that has veered off into two tops. You can see the second top a lot better in the overhead pic too.

I wonder when would be alright to clone that other top, just sever it at the bottom of the V. Anybody?
wow she is a beauty,clone or from seed?


Active Member
It's from bag seed. It's turning out a lot nicer than I thought it would from bag seed, thanks! Leaves lead me to believe it's mostly indica. Love that couch lock :weed:

I want to keep this one as a mother and take clones for flowering later. I want to start a small SoG grow in my closet setup, maybe throw in 3 clones every 2 weeks. I heard you can take clones roughly every 2 weeks, so with my small space I figured SoG would be a winning proposition.

I'll post a pic of the whole closet setup here soon so you guys can take a look, I think it's pretty neat. :hump:


Active Member
It's from bag seed. It's turning out a lot nicer than I thought it would from bag seed, thanks! Leaves lead me to believe it's mostly indica. Love that couch lock :weed:

I want to keep this one as a mother and take clones for flowering later. I want to start a small SoG grow in my closet setup, maybe throw in 3 clones every 2 weeks. I heard you can take clones roughly every 2 weeks, so with my small space I figured SoG would be a winning proposition.

I'll post a pic of the whole closet setup here soon so you guys can take a look, I think it's pretty neat. :hump:
oh yeah i'll definitely take a look,and as for the clones,yeah man do it,a nice harvest every 2 weeks sounds like a plan,rock on my dude