U.S. Driving High - Got any tips?

one thing thats really helped me..
whether dropping off product or just tokin while driving..

i keep my german shep doberman mix in the back seat...especially when dropping weight.
spit flying actively trying to claw through the window. you get the idea.
i can get out the car without the cop freaking out.. meaning he doesnt get a chance to look around and sniff shit

ive gotten out of a couple nasty situations woth that..then learned from the experience...

When I used to drive back to my hometown from school i'd always leave late at night to avoid traffic and take my husky dog with me. In the southeast you get pulled over for just being the only one on the road after 1:00AM and being in your 20's, but every time a cop would pull behind and start to get right on my ass to run my plates/try to freak me out my dog would pop her big fuzzy wolf head up and they'd just slowly back away. They dont wana deal with that shit, I dont blame em.