Uc Police Are On This Site As U Read

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Active Member
growin is 2 years and an unlimited fine in uk. i believe. look it up on bbc.uk

Well that depends, i know someone who got caught with 40 plants and got a £50 fine and nothing else. Funny enough he lived next door to a cop, who could smell them.. duh


Well-Known Member
I can see the headlines now:

"Police, SWAT Team Raid Stoner's House: find Scraggly Bagseed Plant under 23w of CFL."
It would look like this in the papers: Police raid marijuana growhouse, seize plants worth $10,000.00 street value. Even if it was a scraggly Bagseed Plant under 23w of CFL.


The Gardener
What's the punishment in England ? DEATH ?

Cali doesn't have any prison room for non-violent offenders.
Jail if your a dealer , A fine if its personal , Thou i have heard that some cops weight up the soil pots buds and leaf every thing . Its only to make there busts sound a little bit worth while and it hasent been a complete was of tax payers money surviling and busting some toking for 4 plants .


Well-Known Member
we here at the doj would like to thank you all for your cooperation. your ip addresses have all been logged and we should be getting around to you all within the next few months. sorry for the wait, but we're a bit busy prosecuting criminal jaywalkers and doing lines off our autographed photos of harry anslinger. those of you outside of our jurisdiction are free to go. ha ha ha, no one is outside of our jurisdiction.

we would also like to thank the good folks at all of the major seed distributors for handing over all of that personal information on their customers. without your help who knows how many closet grow would have gone undetected and how many dangerous criminals would still be walking the streets.


Active Member
If they are they can go ahead and eat a dick! I do this purely for entertainment and do not attempt any of these stunts


Active Member
im a cop tell me where u live so I can make sure your plant's are legal full adress please Kalihustlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Well-Known Member
Hey wait....

I'm an international agent or some high level officer in your local area, especially if your local area is near mine. Now normally I would throw you directly into federal pound you in the ass prision for this sort of drug infraction, but.... Since you are all so nice I am willing to over look it so long as you hand over your weed.


Well-Known Member
kenaz.. You made me laugh, thanks!
'Twas my pleasure.

Seriously: I would think twice about posting pics of my 10 kilo/month operation(*) -- but I doubt cops are losing a lot of sleep over a couple plants in somebody's cabinet. If you get busted, it's because you talked to the wrong person or your neighbor smelled your grow: it's not because of anything you posted on Rollitup or any other board.

(*) Note to any LEO who may be reading; it's a joke. I'm still trying to figure out how to grow 10 grammes a month, never mind 10 kilos...


Well-Known Member
you guys do realize we are from all over the world rite? which cops exactly are coiming to get us? like its been said plenty of times in here there is no one really worth bustin, we all do small personal ops for the most part. the town i live in is about 110 000 people and has more dope dealers than you could imagine from coke to crack to weed, and the police cant even get a good raid on the crack spots here......i dont think im worried about my 6 plants....
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