Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers


Well-Known Member
Don't bother with the magpro or the pro-tect. Just the grow and bloom is all you need. If you can find the foliage-pro great, if not the regular grow works a treat. Wormsway has good prices on it.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
anywhere from 1.5" cubes to 6" cubes, in my reading they seem most specifically designed for hydroponic systems, u just bury the cube in hydroton or w/e soil-less medium....further reading has led me to believe they'll be good in soil, neutral pH and its made from organics, either way i found a pack of 98 for 12 bucks and i ordered them so no more speculating in a few weeks
6" tall would be fine. 1.5" tall is not.

hey U Ben I've been thinking of switching over to the dyna-gro line using foliage-pro for veg and adding mag-pro for bloom, My problem is no one in my area carries this stuff and I'm having a hell of a time finding it on the web. can you recommend a site to order from? also do you use the mag-pro in flower? Or just foliage and bloom? thanks benkiss-ass
It's leaves that produce bud, not bloom foods. I'll repeat myself - keep the leaves happy and healthy. All it takes is getting a handle on plant nutrition. All Dyna-Gro foods are complete without any other supplements.

Good luck,


Active Member
Hey UB.

I have been a silent reader for many pages now....I am very excited to be starting this grow with the knowledge I have gained from your threads. I have some organic nutes here and I was just wondering what you thought of the veg and bloom values.

Grow is 3*1*3 and Bloom is 4*3*6
I have also attached a pic of all the other stuff from the grow label..they are the same for the bloom.


Looks to me like they are ok... still lotsa N in bloom. What do you think?
Thanks again for many hours of great reading....


Active Member
Looks like a great tonic for a weight lifter. :D Even if the product contained what it says it does and no telling what's the amount, not saying it has any real world impact, I wouldn't bother with it. NPK looks alright.

Spend your money and take your chances.

Well unfortunatly I did just like most newbs and bought a few hundred dollars worth of shit that "you can't grow mj without". Well anyways, after actually reading the labels I thought the grow and bloom were not that bad for npk. Shitty part is I had to order them offline and then I came to find out that our local nursery stocks nothing but dyna-gro..... So needless to say, once these expensive nutes are gone....

Thanks again UB. I can imagine how frustrated this must make you at times but know this brother... You are actually educating some ppl. And making our grows go greener!! :bigjoint:



Active Member
There is some interesting software at this site, I am trying to dowsnload the plant modeling software right now.

here is an summary of their stuff:

"One of the main goals of science is to find principles that unify apparently diverse phenomena. With this broad objective in mind, the Biological Modeling and Visualization group apply notions and methods of computer science to gain a better understanding of the emergence of forms and patterns in nature.
The focal point of our work is the modeling, simulation and visualization of the development of plants. This area is particularly interesting because of its interdisciplinary character. Ideas pertinent to plant modeling are related to computer science (computer graphics, formal language theory, programming language design, and simulation), as well as biology, artificial life, mathematics, and physics. The modeling of plants has also an artistic flavor, since the beauty of plants presents a constant challenge for creating visually appealing models.
Our group have developed and continue to improve a software environment for conducting simulated experiments, called a "Virtual Laboratory". It is a source of satisfaction for us that our software is used to support several research programs on plant development and in computer graphics worldwide."

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Thanks again UB. I can imagine how frustrated this must make you at times but know this brother... You are actually educating some ppl. And making our grows go greener!! :bigjoint:

People either learn the hard way or the Uncle Ben way. :bigjoint:

The cannabis industry has found their market, eh?


Well-Known Member
Im hoping my rich old uncle Ben or someone else can help me out. I have a DWC going and noticed some leaves not looking great. I have an Idea as to what it is but dont want to bias anyone with my silly ideas. So guys what do you think it is? Id be surprised if it is what I think it is because in my growing situation its not something I thought I would have a problem with. Thanks for the input.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Im hoping my rich old uncle Ben or someone else can help me out. I have a DWC going and noticed some leaves not looking great. I have an Idea as to what it is but dont want to bias anyone with my silly ideas. So guys what do you think it is? Id be surprised if it is what I think it is because in my growing situation its not something I thought I would have a problem with. Thanks for the input.
With the dark green veining looks like a chlorosis going on.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tip. I did a image search and It looks like you may be right. Now to read up the fix......


New Member
I gotta question I'm hoping UB or someone with accurate knowledge can tell me the answer to.
How do you tell if you have Mag lockout or deff? I have 1 or the other. I have only given her mag 3 times and at less than a quarter of a teaspoon and once I used half a teaspoon of epsom salts. That's the cal/mag I use. So I start feeding her more, slowly? Or less? I'm thinking more often in smaller amounts. I saw the 1st signs of it a week ago and have since flushed and today added nutes and quarter teaspoon of cal/mag and a teaspoon of peroxide.
Some info would be very nice



Well-Known Member
I gotta question I'm hoping UB or someone with accurate knowledge can tell me the answer to.
How do you tell if you have Mag lockout or deff? I have 1 or the other. I have only given her mag 3 times and at less than a quarter of a teaspoon and once I used half a teaspoon of epsom salts. That's the cal/mag I use. So I start feeding her more, slowly? Or less? I'm thinking more often in smaller amounts. I saw the 1st signs of it a week ago and have since flushed and today added nutes and quarter teaspoon of cal/mag and a teaspoon of peroxide.
Some info would be very nice
Have you checked under the leaves for mites or insects? That looks more like bug damage than anything.


New Member
oh really? I do have some fungus flys flying around everyonece in awhile.
But I thought it was mag cause of the crispyness, I know it's not nute burn cause I barely feed her, and when I do it's very low amounts.
I also thought it might be because I have a osilating fan blowing really close to the leafs on one side and that's where most of the infected spots are. Could that make the leafs dry out?
I thought it could be a fungus too, I have no idea about plant problems. something I really gotta work on and need help with.


Well-Known Member
Foliage production - Grow for the most amount of foliage you can going into the flowering response. Maintain those leaves in a green and healthy condition up until harvest, even if it means switching fertilizer to a high N value, like a 9-3-6.
can't help but notice this is miracle grow


New Member
yea it is, but I haven't had this prob before, it's something new to me, so I don't know how to deal with it


New Member
could it also be my humidity? I'm in flower and my humidity is usualy 20-30% I know it's low but could that be the prob?
So hard to tell most of the picks of deff's I see are hard to tell apart and are different from site to site, except for the 20 that have the exact same thread over and over. Any help would be very appreciated. Don't let this beautiful girl go through any more pain.................

