Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

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Dave, I need your help brother. I have one Church and it's looking like hell. I've given her pure N and it's only seeming to get worse. I have watered / not watered / nuted / left it alone and it's still losing all it's leaves. I'm posting a pic for you. I "read" the plant as needing N, but it's not responding positively to the N. Some of my kushes are doing the same thing. Thanks so much and I'm sorry for posting in your thread Uncle Ben, but this is really important.


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Planting outdoors in soil brings problems I haven't experienced. There are rodents that can damage root systems. Im not sure how the symptoms manifest themselves though.

Did you plant directly into the native soil? Maybe the ph isn't quite right. I dont quite know to be honest.
They were transplanted from 1 & 2 gallon pots into the ground. I did dig extra deep and put some of the good soil mix in there and around it afterward. I hated the black "circle" so I topped it off with about an inch of "dirt" from around the plant to make it blend in more. I just went out and checked the pH and it was about 7 when I mixed it with my 7.4 tap water. You think maybe I should add some acid to my water when hand watering?
They were transplanted from 1 & 2 gallon pots into the ground. I did dig extra deep and put some of the good soil mix in there and around it afterward. I hated the black "circle" so I topped it off with about an inch of "dirt" from around the plant to make it blend in more. I just went out and checked the pH and it was about 7 when I mixed it with my 7.4 tap water. You think maybe I should add some acid to my water when hand watering?

7 wouldn't cause any problems, so I dont see that as the problem. Im stumped as to what it could be. I can only guess something is wrong with the root system and its preventing nutrients from being absorbed.
Dave, I need your help brother. I have one Church and it's looking like hell. I've given her pure N and it's only seeming to get worse. I have watered / not watered / nuted / left it alone and it's still losing all it's leaves. I'm posting a pic for you. I "read" the plant as needing N, but it's not responding positively to the N. Some of my kushes are doing the same thing. Thanks so much and I'm sorry for posting in your thread Uncle Ben, but this is really important.

Could be grubs gettin at your roots
Here are 2 that I used Uncle Bens method on. Only difference is I take off the first set of bottom branches 1 week before applying 4 top method.
Dear Uncle Ben,
The questions that I had asked on my prior reply were pertaining more to what would happen to my plants if I topped at this stage?thanks for your replys,
ganja geek
ive aqsked this question and he did the same thing to me just blew me off and told me to read the beginning of the thread. I had already done that b4 I asked the ? and the answer is anyones guess I suppose. I did it the way I thought it would be done and none of the plants gave me 4 dominant colas and I saw a guy who did it the other way that I thought was wrong and he didn't get 4 main colas either. We both got 2 dominant colas and 2 smaller colas. If this site does fail because people not helping people I think it's ironic that he is calling out every one else out for not being helpful. Expect him to make you feel like a retard for wanting to try this.
did you clone from a seedling or a clone?-

alteranting nodes will produce different results, but their are techniques to combat this, do the research, or the experiment(it's research), it's the only way to understand your garden, if this is your first grow, you have along way to go to get results like ben anyway
I always thought "topping" meant pinching the new leaf growth out of the top of the plant but after reading all this info I'm thinking I'm very wrong. I've "pinched" them all (and not just on top either but also side branches) and then I went and cut one like I saw from Uncle Ben. Have I messed up everything?
I always thought "topping" meant pinching the new leaf growth out of the top of the plant but after reading all this info I'm thinking I'm very wrong. I've "pinched" them all (and not just on top either but also side branches) and then I went and cut one like I saw from Uncle Ben. Have I messed up everything?

probably. Without a photo nobody can tell their ass from their mouths, so post a picture if you want a plant opinion. :)
I don't get what is so hard about topping, and whats the difference between uncle ben's technique and regular fimming. Topping=2 tops Fimming=4 or more. I simply cut the 6th node just as the leaves begin appearing, only about a quarter of an inch. As for fimming you would wait til the leaves are out and snip around 50% of the growth.
The difference is when the hormones flow they flow evenly into 4 stalks (uncle Bens) and Fiming normally is not so evenly done. Normally you have many branches below the fim.
IF I'd had that ability I would have done so. Your patience and understanding is underwhelming
Well Meg, I can see that your brunette hair is in need of styling, maybe a perm. I know from the wealth of info you've provided. I also know that you've 'messed up everything' with that attitude.
IF I'd had that ability I would have done so. Your patience and understanding is underwhelming

would have said the same thing if she hadn't, it is hell to properly advise anyone without pic's, has nothing to do with patience or understanding, I have lots
wow meg, you are pissing off some RIU "heavyweights" right now. i think i read that term in another thread. someone calling the more knowledgeable elite members heavyweights. i though it was clever and pretty accurate ;-)

and on this site, photos are key. so get some photos and we can try and help but with that attitude, good luck
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