Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

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i gotta go find all the crap i wrote last night and delete it. seems things have been made right. apologize to anyone who was offended by my ranting. oh well
Ben went off again basically daring them to ban him ... he got banned again ....... Bans can and usually are temporary for those that dont know.
Ben went off again basically daring them to ban him ... he got banned again ....... Bans can and usually are temporary for those that dont know.

i could have sworn he said he had invites to "better sites" anyways. why would he want to come back?

until he changes his attitude and learns to follow the rules, i'll keep banning him. there seems to be another mod who feels i'm wrong yet doesn't have the ability to address anyone about it. at least i'm out here trying to work this out.

ben is welcome here, as long as he can STOP attacking and insulting people. it's pretty basic stuff. :eyesmoke:
Sounds like the "you can't fire me cause I quite" argument. He wants to be here oh so bad. These forums are his life. Many of us would want him here if he could just lose the negativity. Unfortunately, I don't think it's going to happen. He's convinced that the "herd" is out to get him. I, for one, have stopped even posting on threads that he's a part of. I don't enjoy being called names. I don't enjoy being a part of a thread that is 80% argument and 20% real productive discussion. Any way you cut it, he poisens threads. All you have to do is look at all of the threads he's posted in. Once he posts, the whole thing goes to hell. I truly hope some day he can come back with a new and improved attitude. But, I know that's a fairytale.

Sorry you have to be dragged through this grade school crap. Whatever you decide to do I, for one, support you and RIU 100%.
r u for real? I have not read, nor will I waste my time reading what u two say r insults & attacks on other people, it is simple as this, go to ur damn profile & choose to IGNORE HIM. u collective gardener say u have stopped posting in his threads, then WHY the hell r u posting here? to me the grade school crap is the 2 posts above me, plain & simple. This is a site for ADULTS. Why should one have to be "cordial" all the time? The fact is while some people may be offended by him, many others enjoy his posts, admire him, etc. and the PROOF is the over THREE HUNDRED & THIRTY THOUSANDS VIEW this post alone has had. Again, no matter WHOM is the person, others view as offensive, etc. & so on, AGAIN, that person or persons can CHOOSE to IGNORE another person & be done with it. When people CHOOSE not to utilize that feature, and instead complain about a person, in posts etc. & tell people how they should act to be part of this community or be banned then THOSE ARE THE PEOPLE causing the drama....and I think the majority of members on RIU would agree with that 100%, & this is the last I am going to voice MY OPINION about this nonsense, TYVM. So let's move on & back to the subject at hand shall we....
r u for real? I have not read, nor will I waste my time reading what u two say r insults & attacks on other people, it is simple as this, go to ur damn profile & choose to IGNORE HIM. u collective gardener say u have stopped posting in his threads, then WHY the hell r u posting here? to me the grade school crap is the 2 posts above me, plain & simple. This is a site for ADULTS. Why should one have to be "cordial" all the time? The fact is while some people may be offended by him, many others enjoy his posts, admire him, etc. and the PROOF is the over THREE HUNDRED & THIRTY THOUSANDS VIEW this post alone has had. Again, no matter WHOM is the person, others view as offensive, etc. & so on, AGAIN, that person or persons can CHOOSE to IGNORE another person & be done with it. When people CHOOSE not to utilize that feature, and instead complain about a person, in posts etc. & tell people how they should act to be part of this community or be banned then THOSE ARE THE PEOPLE causing the drama....and I think the majority of members on RIU would agree with that 100%, & this is the last I am going to voice MY OPINION about this nonsense, TYVM. So let's move on & back to the subject at hand shall we....

it is up to the member to post respectfully. as per the terms of use. there really is no debate. if you can't post without insulting people you aren't welcome here.

people are being offended. they are reporting the posts to me. as a MOD i am addressing said posts. as a MOD i see a member who has repeatedly caused ripples and REFUSES to stop, even after being asked politely. he insists on "being who he is" and has stated numerous times that he will not stop offending people, that he is here to prove his "methods". this is NOT the type of member we want.
r u for real? I have not read, nor will I waste my time reading what u two say r insults & attacks on other people, it is simple as this, go to ur damn profile & choose to IGNORE HIM. u collective gardener say u have stopped posting in his threads, then WHY the hell r u posting here? to me the grade school crap is the 2 posts above me, plain & simple. This is a site for ADULTS. Why should one have to be "cordial" all the time? The fact is while some people may be offended by him, many others enjoy his posts, admire him, etc. and the PROOF is the over THREE HUNDRED & THIRTY THOUSANDS VIEW this post alone has had. Again, no matter WHOM is the person, others view as offensive, etc. & so on, AGAIN, that person or persons can CHOOSE to IGNORE another person & be done with it. When people CHOOSE not to utilize that feature, and instead complain about a person, in posts etc. & tell people how they should act to be part of this community or be banned then THOSE ARE THE PEOPLE causing the drama....and I think the majority of members on RIU would agree with that 100%, & this is the last I am going to voice MY OPINION about this nonsense, TYVM. So let's move on & back to the subject at hand shall we....

Thank you, you have stated this very well, the hypocrisy of these guys is absolutely unbelievable. sns
i thought you apologized. now you're jumping back in?

this is a marijuana grow site.

well, you banned him again, the reason I apologized is because i thought you recanted the ban. Is it ok for me to express my opinion? this is Ben's thread right? I am his friend.
well, you banned him again, the reason I apologized is because i thought you recanted the ban. Is it ok for me to express my opinion? this is Ben's thread right? I am his friend.

no, last night when we spoke you apologized. you agreed with me to an extent and even said ben is a little rough some times. i told you if ben could just chill a little he would be welcome here. you said you were going to bed and would read my reply in the morning. since you were cool last night, and apologized, i let it all go. now you came back with this today. even after you apologize in this thread.

i'll say it again, .... "if Ben can stop being so hard on people this will all end".

he refuses. it's on Ben.
no, last night when we spoke you apologized. you agreed with me to an extent and even said ben is a little rough some times. i told you if ben could just chill a little he would be welcome here. you said you were going to bed and would read my reply in the morning. since you were cool last night, and apologized, i let it all go. now you came back with this today. even after you apologize in this thread.

i'll say it again, .... "if Ben can stop being so hard on people this will all end".

he refuses. it's on Ben.

look i cant win an argument with you, you have all the power and i have none. i did not agree with you. I said ben is a no-nonsense guy and told you about how this thread was being attacked. I apologized for calling you names in anger and losing my temper.
that he is here to prove his "methods". this is NOT the type of member we want. this is a marijuana grow site.

EXACTLY, and why should he have to appeal to some people with "said attitude", he is here to prove his methods, this is a marijuana grow site, that is what he is doing. and this is not the type of member WHO wants, who exactly, how many people. u want to poll this out & let the voice of the community REALLY be heard? For every person who has complained there is another person or two, three, or five, that would support UB. That is the reality. So when you say that is not the type of member we want, the we here suggests the forum & members at large, & I think that statement is false by FAR. Now if you want to state that is not the type of members the mods & owners want, then please clarify that. Because this part of "we" ...meaning ME totally is in disagreement.

"""i'll say it again, .... "if Ben can stop being so hard on people this will all end".

he refuses. it's on Ben.""""

Sorry, again IMO this whole thing is ridiculous, and again if someone like THIS gets banned, then it is obvious this site is not about the good of the membership at large, but only for a select group; no matter how u spin it, THAT is what the truth will be & "we" the members will know it. I totally HATE HATE HATE DRAMA, so I am unsubscribing from this thread for awhile, & hopefully in a few days, I will come back to find, the intent of this site, talking about GROWING MJ, thank you & I bid u all adieu.
that he is here to prove his "methods". this is NOT the type of member we want. this is a marijuana grow site.

EXACTLY, and why should he have to appeal to some people with "said attitude", he is here to prove his methods, this is a marijuana grow site, that is what he is doing. and this is not the type of member WHO wants, who exactly, how many people. u want to poll this out & let the voice of the community REALLY be heard? For every person who has complained there is another person or two, three, or five, that would support UB. That is the reality. So when you say that is not the type of member we want, the we here suggests the forum & members at large, & I think that statement is false by FAR. Now if you want to state that is not the type of members the mods & owners want, then please clarify that. Because this part of "we" ...meaning ME totally is in disagreement.

"""i'll say it again, .... "if Ben can stop being so hard on people this will all end".

he refuses. it's on Ben.""""

Sorry, again IMO this whole thing is ridiculous, and again if someone like THIS gets banned, then it is obvious this site is not about the good of the membership at large, but only for a select group; no matter how u spin it, THAT is what the truth will be & "we" the members will know it. I totally HATE HATE HATE DRAMA, so I am unsubscribing from this thread for awhile, & hopefully in a few days, I will come back to find, the intent of this site, talking about GROWING MJ, thank you & I bid u all adieu.

i don't understand what you don't understand.

attacking and insulting fellow members is against the RULES.

there really is no argument. don't break the rules and there won't be a problem.

as a SITE, we do not allow members to treat each other this way. i don't know how else to explain it.
i can't stand listening to grown adults cry.

i'll let him back, but i got my eye on him.

infractions will be given when necessary.

if anyone has any further problems with any members here, simply report the post.

if someone offends you and you lash back you are equally guilty. i don't have time to read thru 200 pots to find out "who started it".

thank you all for appreciating what this site and staff have to offer.

regardless of his contributions, his tone is awful. He talks down to nearly everybody, and his most recent posts are mostly insults... Yes, he is a VERY experienced grower and he offers a lot to the site, but you can't expect them to make exceptions and look the other way and then ask EVERYONE but UB to follow the rules.... I'm very abrasive at times myself. I've suffered through two bans. I did a lot of thinking on the second ban, and I've had to adjust my style of writing, to make sure it's not misinterpreted. I'm still working on it, but it's been awhile since I've had any serious run ins or name calling episodes. I've learned to say my peace nicely, and walk away. It's time UB do the same.

that he is here to prove his "methods". this is NOT the type of member we want. this is a marijuana grow site.

EXACTLY, and why should he have to appeal to some people with "said attitude", he is here to prove his methods, this is a marijuana grow site, that is what he is doing. and this is not the type of member WHO wants, who exactly, how many people. u want to poll this out & let the voice of the community REALLY be heard? For every person who has complained there is another person or two, three, or five, that would support UB. That is the reality. So when you say that is not the type of member we want, the we here suggests the forum & members at large, & I think that statement is false by FAR. Now if you want to state that is not the type of members the mods & owners want, then please clarify that. Because this part of "we" ...meaning ME totally is in disagreement.

"""i'll say it again, .... "if Ben can stop being so hard on people this will all end".

he refuses. it's on Ben.""""

Sorry, again IMO this whole thing is ridiculous, and again if someone like THIS gets banned, then it is obvious this site is not about the good of the membership at large, but only for a select group; no matter how u spin it, THAT is what the truth will be & "we" the members will know it. I totally HATE HATE HATE DRAMA, so I am unsubscribing from this thread for awhile, & hopefully in a few days, I will come back to find, the intent of this site, talking about GROWING MJ, thank you & I bid u all adieu.
regardless of his contributions, his tone is awful. He talks down to nearly everybody, and his most recent posts are mostly insults... Yes, he is a VERY experienced grower and he offers a lot to the site, but you can't expect them to make exceptions and look the other way and then ask EVERYONE but UB to follow the rules.... I'm very abrasive at times myself. I've suffered through two bans. I did a lot of thinking on the second ban, and I've had to adjust my style of writing, to make sure it's not misinterpreted. I'm still working on it, but it's been awhile since I've had any serious run ins or name calling episodes. I've learned to say my peace nicely, and walk away. It's time UB do the same.

i have noticed your change. not only is it appreciate, but you come across as a much more likable person now as well. without even thinking about it, i keep gaining more and more respect for you. i used to see your avatar and cringe, now i actually read what you post. ;)

thank you, my friend.

i often pop off myself. i try to be the first to correct myself. sometimes a reminder helps. :eyesmoke:

now i have to go defend the Homefront, against the KPA. :peace:
What is all this crap, and why is mod favoritism being played out? Potroast would not behave in such a way, he's a stand up guy. Guys like dlively come into my thread and insult me but get a pass. WTF?

Enuff. Let's get back on topic, and that includes you FDD. Do your job, and take out the noise, and I don't mean selectively either. Pretty please with sugar on top.

It can be... One thing I've learned is to not sit down to RIU if I am am angry, upset or agitated... It helps a lot to be in a good frame of mind when answering repetitive questions. :)

History repeats itself endlessly,learning to play nice is a hard thing to do.
What is all this crap, and why is mod favoritism being played out? Potroast would not behave in such a way, he's a stand up guy. Guys like dlively come into my thread and insult me but get a pass. WTF?

Enuff. Let's get back on topic, and that includes you FDD. Do your job, and take out the noise, and I don't mean selectively either. Pretty please with sugar on top.


i respond to reported posts.

that's how all this started.

who is potroast? other then just another MOD, volunteering his time. like me. apparently he has his "favorites". ;)

i would NEVER doubt, let alone reverse, the decisions of another mod. it goes against mod ethics. IMO

i respond to reported posts. if you attack someone because they attacked you then you may end up getting the attention. it is best to not reply to the attacks. report and ignore them and we won't have to have issues like this.
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