Underground Grow Room Idea


Well-Known Member
This intruiges me. When you say mobile grow room, are you meaning like a van or small truck, or a trailer or something?
I think it's a fantastic idea, but I'm interested in the logistics of such a thing. Is this just a thought you had or have you figured out a way to make such a thing work?

Theres a million ways to make a mobile grow. The easiest would be with a truck that can haul shipping containers. That way you can drop/pick up your container anywhere. Have it set up so you just roll out the extension chords and plug it in, hook up a hose for water and your good to grow, Anywhere.

And shipping containers are solid so they wont get broken into as easily as a regular semi-truck trailer. Also your shipping container wont have to be registered/insured like a semi-trailer would.

It would be easy enough to make it work if you really wanted to, But I live in Canada so I just grow indoor, way less hassle.


Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
Theres a million ways to make a mobile grow. The easiest would be with a truck that can haul shipping containers. That way you can drop/pick up your container anywhere. Have it set up so you just roll out the extension chords and plug it in, hook up a hose for water and your good to grow, Anywhere.

And shipping containers are solid so they wont get broken into as easily as a regular semi-truck trailer. Also your shipping container wont have to be registered/insured like a semi-trailer would.

It would be easy enough to make it work if you really wanted to, But I live in Canada so I just grow indoor, way less hassle.

Thanks, guess if I'd thought about it a bit longer I could have figured it out for myself... Shipping containers sure are useful!


Well-Known Member
Oh he can just borrow that from a loan shark and pay it back when he harvests his first coupla crops:-P. I think money's the least of the problems in this project!
Brilliant idea. Put your security on the line by growing MASSIVE amounts of pot on your land. Put your land on the line by using it to grow. Put your finances on the line by getting ready to be fined and penalized by the IRS, DEA, and housing departments (or the aussie equivilant) by growing illegally. On top of all that, just borrow 150K from a bad ass loan shark at 15% interest, so when you do something stupid and go to jail, you can have a mob thug waiting for you to kill you whenever you get out. If you are risking that much, I think putting your life on the line is even worse.

It doesnt matter how fast you can dig a hole and bury a container....

it takes a lot longer that 3 days to wire, plumb, and build access to a container.

1 container for someone who has never done something like this would be an absolute MINIMUM of a 6-8 week project, and that would be with a 5 man crew working every day. Digging, plumbing, wiring, building all the concrete preforms. Then laying the concrete.

What are you gonna do when your little project is finished? Kill the all the crew that helped you build it and bury them too?

This is just a bad idea. If you don't have any experience in this stuff, or have a degree in civil engineering, or structural design, AND you don't have the money to pay someone else to do it, your going to end up burried in the hole you dug.

So get ready, you'll be digging a hole with the intentions of growing weed in it, and you'll end up digging your own grave .... literally.

Even if, hypothetically speaking, you actually were able to pull this off, the cops have been busting everyone left and right in your area, as you already described. The cops have so much of a control that supply is being squeezed. So how long do you think it will take the cops to find your op? I say how long because it is an inevitability. Even if you were able to bury a few containers and grow in them, how are you going to sell the weed? Plan on shipping it accross the country so local supply doesn't get disturbed enough not to tip off the cops? Then how are you going to mask your electricity intake? Solar pannels? Good luck with that. Costs another 50K of money you don't have, then how weird is it to have a field of solar panels that don't really go to any large house?

How are you planning to wash the funds? Are you willing to commit ALL of your time to growing? And on top of that won't your neighbors, the government, or the community be somewhat suspicious of the fact that you don't have a job, but are driving a new BMW to a big ass house?

Everyone wants to be a weed barron, few ever do it, and nearly all of them eventually get caught.

The tennessee pot cave even got busted. The reason was the stealing of electricity, but the three murders that were being investigated, and the weird activity in the area would have tipped them off eventually.

Being caught for growing this amount of weed is inevitable. Your only chance is to grow as much as you can, as fast as you can, then get out before anyone is tipped off.


Well-Known Member
Everyone wants to be a weed barron, few ever do it, and nearly all of them eventually get caught.
This is the #2 Biggest amateur grower mistake, Don't try to be a weed baron. #1 mistake would be over watering.:lol:

You will end up in jail or dead. Period. Unless you have as many people and lawyers backing you up as HA and the other major gangs you won't last 2 years.

Pretty much if your the guy whos gonna be doing the growing your gonna get fucked. The major operations that do last go through so many levels of people that its impossible to lay any real charges.

Basically if you want to make this work you need to find someone who you trust as much as you trust yourself, and you need to pay this person to go find another person who does not know you. Then you get this 3rd person to hire another person to run the operation. That way the person who is actually there couldn't even ID you if he wanted to.

Even then theres no guarantees that you wont get busted. Only the Best of the Best last in the commercial weed business. And the ones that do arent potheads, chances are they are University educated business men who just run the business side of things and keep themselves clean.

Your better off investing your time and money into a legit business. Or move to a state or country that will allow you to grow legally as a caretaker, then just start finding MMJ patients who want free weed.



Well-Known Member
Even the mastermind of the Tennessee Pot cave grow op, who lived in Florida, eventually got tied into it, and got busted himself.

From what I remember, he operated the grow up much like BCtrippin explained, and still got caught.


Well-Known Member
only a few people have been caught, now think of how big the world is or even north america, i can guarantee there are alot more out there


Active Member
ok i have my machinery tickets for a front end loader and a excavator my old boss is cool as lives down the road from me and smokes and has a front end loader that quote "i can use anytime so longs as i pay for the diesel" and also one of my fathers friends owns an excavator we have had the excavator at my property before to make freestyle jumps as i ride moto anyways my parents are in a second hand and new furniture business that imports furniture from indonesia and what do u think the furniture comes in! SHIPPING CONTAINERS we can pick them up for $2000 australian dollarsso i can afford that easily and as for access to the thing i am a 2nd year apprentice boilermaker but never finished so i can make steel tunnels at first i think i would just have the one container and see how it all works i think i could have the container in the ground in one day covered over but not with access that would take another day i would say but this is all for one container im talking about atm my father already owns all the lights needed for an area that big all hps globes so all i need now is more of a secluded place imean theres fuck all ppl that live where i do but the towns full of cunts so yeah as for power generator would be the go my dad owns a 8 kva whish is plenty enuff power another thing is plumbing is one thing i have not thort about but im sure i will make up a design that works perfect as for the person who got busted because of the heat and the snow it doesnt snow where i live and i would have atleast 10 to 12 foot under ground it probably wont be a project that will be hapnin soon but when it does happe i will have a journal for sure thanks for everyones replys so far didnt expect so much feedback


Well-Known Member
I just bought 36 600 watt MH&&HPS ballast, 36 Air cooled Reflectors,36 cordsets,36 HPS 600 watt bulbs,36 100' rolls of mylar. Total cost was 5600.00 for equipment, 600.00 for ocean freight, 237.00 tarriffs, and 250.00 for customs broker. Total cost=6687.00usd.

Meaning for the container and growing equipment=8437.00



Well-Known Member
ok i have my machinery tickets for a front end loader and a excavator my old boss is cool as lives down the road from me and smokes and has a front end loader that quote "i can use anytime so longs as i pay for the diesel" and also one of my fathers friends owns an excavator we have had the excavator at my property before to make freestyle jumps as i ride moto anyways my parents are in a second hand and new furniture business that imports furniture from indonesia and what do u think the furniture comes in! SHIPPING CONTAINERS we can pick them up for $2000 australian dollarsso i can afford that easily and as for access to the thing i am a 2nd year apprentice boilermaker but never finished so i can make steel tunnels at first i think i would just have the one container and see how it all works i think i could have the container in the ground in one day covered over but not with access that would take another day i would say but this is all for one container im talking about atm my father already owns all the lights needed for an area that big all hps globes so all i need now is more of a secluded place imean theres fuck all ppl that live where i do but the towns full of cunts so yeah as for power generator would be the go my dad owns a 8 kva whish is plenty enuff power another thing is plumbing is one thing i have not thort about but im sure i will make up a design that works perfect as for the person who got busted because of the heat and the snow it doesnt snow where i live and i would have atleast 10 to 12 foot under ground it probably wont be a project that will be hapnin soon but when it does happe i will have a journal for sure thanks for everyones replys so far didnt expect so much feedback

Well unfortunately if your talking about it online you already made your first mistake. If you were ever going to set up a long term grow like this, and I think underground is about as permanent of a setup as you can get, then you really dont want to be talking about it with anyone. I would literally not even tell my own friends or family about something like this. You cant be accountable for every person who knows at all times. If someone says something to the wrong person word can get around fast.

Where are you gonna put the generator? You cant put that underground.. You would need to bury a second container just for the generator, run pipes for air and exhaust. Or have a shed right over your grow, with your generator and intake and exhaust, which kinda ruins the whole "stealth" appeal.

10-12 feet underground is a death trap. Do you have any idea how many hundreds on tonnes of weight would be on that container 12 feet underground? You really wont want more then 4-5 feet of dirt on it. When it rains you dont want the thing to get crushed, or your tunnels.



Well-Known Member
I just bought 36 600 watt MH&&HPS ballast, 36 Air cooled Reflectors,36 cordsets,36 HPS 600 watt bulbs,36 100' rolls of mylar. Total cost was 5600.00 for equipment, 600.00 for ocean freight, 237.00 tarriffs, and 250.00 for customs broker. Total cost=6687.00usd.

Meaning for the container and growing equipment=8437.00
nice... +rep


Well-Known Member
I just bought 36 600 watt MH&&HPS ballast, 36 Air cooled Reflectors,36 cordsets,36 HPS 600 watt bulbs,36 100' rolls of mylar. Total cost was 5600.00 for equipment, 600.00 for ocean freight, 237.00 tarriffs, and 250.00 for customs broker. Total cost=6687.00usd.

Meaning for the container and growing equipment=8437.00
Where did you order from? Thats fucking cheap.

He wouldnt need 36 lights tho.....and he would need fans, filters, building materials.



Well-Known Member
I ordered from a manufacturer in Japan. I bought some 9 samples from them a few months ago and I like their ballasts better than the Lumateks I was using. So I went with them. Thanks for the rep. I just picked up all the equipment on Friday from the freight forwarder and brought it to our warehouse. I'll take some more pics tomorrow when we start to open them


Active Member
i would just have the genertato inder a sheet metal lil roof for iti havent told anyone but you guys on here and the friend i was talkin to it about


Active Member
I just bought 36 600 watt MH&&HPS ballast, 36 Air cooled Reflectors,36 cordsets,36 HPS 600 watt bulbs,36 100' rolls of mylar. Total cost was 5600.00 for equipment, 600.00 for ocean freight, 237.00 tarriffs, and 250.00 for customs broker. Total cost=6687.00usd.

Meaning for the container and growing equipment=8437.00
nice work man hope it all works out


Well-Known Member
I havent checked a wind map for australia and Im not sure on your financing but have you considered wind turbines? You could be off grid or on grid. Its alot cheaper than solar and if you plan on doing this you have to think about fuel cost for gen. I know that with your harvest you will be able to make up the fuel cost but still. Running a diesel, gas, natural gas, or propane gen all the time is major overhead that you'll have to consider especially when starting out. Unless you are financially secure and can make it a few months before harvest/incoming cash. Turbines is definetly an option. We thought of it and then looked at our wind map to see what our average wind speed is and big surprise I just happen to live in one of the worst places in the country for wind.