Unknown Insect Damage


Whats going on everyone.. With growing season in full stride everyone wants to make sure their babies are growing to their full potential to optimize yield. Recently I've been having an issue on only one of my babies and i'm yet to put my finger on it. Maybe some vets can chime in with some advice as to what may be responsible for hurting my young-ins :cry:. SEE ATTACHED PHOTO


Well-Known Member
looks like u are outside there are to many varibles to tell u the one that did it

several methods of controll from using pepper spray of death on them to using nicatine (like for roses) .........or u could be tricky bastard get one of those smelly things that has liguid in the bottom and u just set it out (drain out that crap and use citronella oil replace it with that and then set it on the ground under it ) ....your not pouring it out the smell is comming out the wick system they used for the smelly crap


Bought some Neem Oil today and gave the little guys a spray. The mysterious insects only effected one plant and it was only prominent on the fan leaf I posted; hopefully the Neem oil will repel further attacks.


Well-Known Member
rem to hit the under part of the leaf tomarrow...then again in 2 days ....neem oil i was told 5 day treatment plant 3 spray

1 the fan leaves top
2nd day u hit the underpart of the leaft
4/5 day u hit the stem/branch jionts