Update, MastodonK, TrainW, JackH, Greenhouse Grow


Well-Known Member
Update: jackh up front is dropping leaves like crazy. After doing a little reading, seems like this is a problem for this strain. Even the added N & cal/mag to the feeding isn't doing a whole lot to help. Leaves are just turning yellow and falling off. If there was some necrosis going on, I'd think it was a problem but there isnt. O well. I'm guessing it's the smaller pot it's in. Didn't really expect much from the lanky sativa. The mastodonk & trainw are putting on good weight and slowly losing leaves. Single plant pic is the trainw. Not worried about the leaves at this stage in the game.. Humidity is still a real issue as you see two fans going at the moment. No signs or mold or rot yet. Knock on wood..
Feed back appreciated.

