Urine for flowering


Well-Known Member
yep, I said it. I watched this vid on youtube last week and they collected (human) urine and watered it way down in a 5 gallon bucket and used as a bloom booster. I know, right? but his plants sure did look great! check it out....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJvWh4NSDKs there's another one that actually pees on her grow. Crazy shit!:o


Well-Known Member
Hey, its "organic"!

I think it actually makes a better vegetative fertilizer, but it is nitrogen rich, and undoubtedly better than nothing.
heard this also works with dog or cat piss , stop 2-3weeks before harvest i believe and taste of piss will not be there . NOT AT ALL SURE


Well-Known Member
Given the things I put into my body, I would not pour my urine directly on my plants. It is a good source of nutrients though, so in the compost pile wouldnt be bad I'd imagine.


Well-Known Member
Great source of free N, but be careful...it needs to be diluted quite a bit.

That means no pissing directly...:lol:


Active Member
LOL.......It might be the best thing since sliced Milk....hehe but I'm not putting one of those joints in my mouth....But I will say I was in a class one time where we drew tubes of blood off people for pratice purposes, and the instructors told us it was good to poor on plants. So I took a couple of tubes home and poored it on my roomates dead stump of a plant and by the end of the summer it was one of best looking plants I had ever seen. (this was the early 80s pre aids)


Well-Known Member
i urinate into my compost pile, and feed the finished compost, as tea, to my plants.
thats going to have time to get broken down by microbes in the compost pile tho. that's not really any different from any other animal waste compost. the youtube guy is using fresh urine diluted with water. it probably works but personaly i cant see doing that to my plants just to save money. + it would stink up my house :p


Well-Known Member
heard this also works with dog or cat piss , stop 2-3weeks before harvest i believe and taste of piss will not be there . NOT AT ALL SURE
Nooooooooo then it will smell and taste like cat pee. Trust me, a guy I know just dried his in a shed where he had like a 10 cats roaming and all his shit smelled like cat piss. I wouldn't smoke it LOL


Well-Known Member
Go get some fresh horse or cow crap, pretty much can find it anywhere there is a horse or cow. Fresh is the key, put it in a bucket fill with water and let sit overnight. Than strain it get all the crap out so to say. It is rich with organic nitrogen. Only get a few lumps and use it in a five gallon bucket.

I use that on all of my other plants, tomatos, cucumbers the works and it is a great fert.


Well-Known Member
.....the instructors told us it was good to poor on plants. So I took a couple of tubes home and poored it on my roomates dead stump of a plant and by the end of the summer it was one of best looking plants I had ever seen. (this was the early 80s pre aids)

blood meal is great for vegging, try it ;)



Well-Known Member
But if u did decide to start pissing on ur plants or using a diluted urine solution on ur plants I'd say do it during veg not flowering, cause urine is high in N.


Joke thread! I hate the thought of bringing my and my house mates urine back into my bedroom and giving the plants a good sesh D: D:


wow this thread makes me not want to smoke anything i didn't grow and cure myself.. i'm sure ones diet is a GREAT factor in the piss-o-lizer. one persons diluted pee might cause great growth, while the next guy's might stunt the growth dramatically. not a bio-scientist, just saying, id rather buy some flowering nutes than piss my plants away 3/4 through their life. besides i drink way too much caffeine.. would probably make my roots shrivel up n burn in minutes. ADIDASesamilla