USA - Probably the most ****ed up country on earth


CORRCTION: Its F, and many other drug enforcement operatives. Look it up. I would hope by now at least one "lawmaker" had joined their ranks in calling for an end to the war on drugs.


Ursus marijanus
First and Fourth amendments.

This really bugs me to see such passion for the 2nd A yet nothing
for one of the worst violations of the constitution, international laws,
and the privacy of the global citizen.
I cannot speak for others, but I am as staunch in defense of the First and Fourth as for the Second. Imo civil liberties are like bricks ... they support one another in constructing the edifice. That is one reason I interpret the Second in a way that displeases liberal/authoritarian practitioners of jurisprudence. I consider taking its message to heart (the real power does not lie with gov't but with its constituents, us the peeps) to be integral to preserving the other articles of the Bill of Rights. cn


Ursus marijanus
In both instances a 3 day old baby and a "cluster of cells" could survive if they were assisted by an older human being. The key is in both instances, the living matter is dependent upon others to live. Admittedly the cluster of cells might require an implant to continue living until it is born.

Many people think that a human life begins upon birth. I have a difficult time in my own mind deciding at which point the "cluster of cells" becomes a baby, but I suggest it is prior to birth.
Dissenting opinion; see above. Baby is a defined term. If you want to use better language, "becomes a human" is what I recommend. Sidesteps the baby/fetus dichotomy, which nature provides by way of the event of birth. cn


Active Member
You're fucking stupid.

If someone breaks into your house in the UK you can blow their face off with your legally owned, permit-less 12 gauge shotgun.

The UK/Ireland still has guns, we just can't carry them on the street "without reason".

Still retarded laws but acting like we're defenceless in our homes is even more retarded.

Try it, go ahead.
That is what ive been told by several people living there , so i can honestly say i havent lived it, but one things for sure, you guys are about 4 flushes down the shitter farther than we are.

Islam is your new master, in your own homeland, now tell me their law doesnt trump yours? Or am i stupid again.
And I repeat. You seem to think I care. I don't care if you ever correct that.
You seem to repeat that allot. Though, if you really didn't care about the things I said then you and I would be friends ;) but since we are not, and you are as opposed to me as Christians are to the devil, its PLAINLY OBVIOUS that you my genius of a friend DO care about the things I say, otherwise you wouldn't have SOOO MUCH ISSUE with little old Highlow!, now would ya? ;) Ya bug dummie you!

And you act just like an arrogant Eastern European Rusky-wannabe...

The Nazis should've just been let go wild on your shithole country.

That's nice, considering that the only reason you say that is the fact that you actually know where I'm at. If you didn't then you wouldn't say that, cuzz well? you know! LMAO!

Ooh nice insult, somebody get me a plaster!

it's doers party and he can cry if he wants to

you care enough to reply to his comments telling him you don't care
that was a waste of pixels

don't reply to this, because you don't care
but if you don't reply to this, you are doing what I tell you to do

what a dilemma for you
or you could just give up and play the Hitler/nazi card's_law

Lol Ikr. I think Doer is in love with me. Such a simple mind he has.... so simple. Sometimes its the simple things in life that are truly great! not doer though.. I was just saying, because idk? maybe SOMEONE could take a HINT!!! *COUGH COUGH*

america, best fucking country on earth.

eat your fucking heart out, poland.

Oh yes because you are such a great example of what America is! ;)
If we compared just me to you, there's no debating that I would win in any category of contest, brawn and brains, anything.

Btw, Everyone know`s that the USA is full of Immigrants. (maybe except for you.) Those Immigrants have been the ones propping up the USA while the Yankies boasted about how great they are.
You actually think you are great...... I feel bad for you guys. Its ok, really, I don't need any tissues. I SAID NO TISSUES!
Have to agree with much of what has been said relative to "zombies" et al. We as a country as still deluding ourselves that the American dream still exists. Well, as an Honorably Discharged/Disabled Veteran I can say with all sincerity that too many people have been asleep for too long. I have an agenda and its very simple: to be able to live and grow my own medicine without feeling like a criminal in a land where I sacrificed the best years of my life to protect her against foreign attack or subversion. This is dissention...not subversion for those of you chomping at the bit to attack my agenda. Do not misunderstand me as I believe this is still one of the BEST countries in the world...OK...I meant THE BEST. Its just hard to say when we arrest and imprison those who would grow cannabis yet murderers and child molesters get probation or released on a technicality. That it (MJ) would still be classified as having 'no medical benefit' while alcohol and tobacco might even receive subsidies from our government make me physically sick(er). All this so those with money can get a lawyer and stay free and those working two jobs (one at MacDonalds) just to pay rent and SOME groceries...go to prison for simply possessing a small quantity of the miracle plant. This is in the face of research done DESPITE govt. attempts to block and discredit the findings to the contrary is a sham!! Let Halliburton have the contract...I don't care! Just let the people have what research, polls, testimonials and your own disenfranchised former lawmakers (LEAP) say: legalize drugs (marijuana) and focus on the truly dangerous drugs that are killing our citizens. The country is ate up with greed, corruption, graft and those who plain don't care what happens to others as long as it doesn't effect their take-home pay. And the apathy will ultimately be just what those who grow fat on our misfortune are counting on. Even if it doesn't directly impact you or your family, there is a price to pay for complacency. Raise your voice, check the voting records of those you vote for before you vote for them. Most votes in Washington and state legislatures are public...unless they hide behind a voice vote because they really don't want us knowing what their stand is on the great majority of issues. Sit back and "watch the sh** happen" was the quote from above. BTW~thanks for phoning it in and robbing whoever your employer is of what productivity you might have shown while you "watched.." Thanks for doing your best, non-hacker! They don't allow that in a real job where someones life is on the line. You can't phone it in from a gun position at 0337 GMT when a trip flare says someone has come a knockin'...what makes you special? Money? Delusional high moral ground? What? Because too many of us didn't come back so you could watch the sh**?? Our founding fathers would be sorely pissed. Legalize marijuana and quit criminalizing those of us who seek relief from pain or sleep instead of nightmares. Do the right thing for a change and surprise us. Also...if your bored at work just quit! Let a person whose work ethic (and scruples) are still intact. The good Lord knows there are far too many without work to PHONE IT IN! Not saying I never did it to be honest...but maybe your boss will get wise to you and firewall youtube. Might actually have to work, eh? No I don't care what you have to say...I have already paid my dues so you could keep saying them. SEMPER FI!

I'm curious, you say your country is the best in the world, but have you ever been to any other countries other than the ones you've attacked?
Also, why do you say your country is the best in the world? You don't really think that. I mean, I can sense it in you. It's ok that you wanna appear patriotic, but I think being honest is 100x better than being patriotic.


Well-Known Member
Btw, Everyone know`s that the USA is full of Immigrants. (maybe except for you.) Those Immigrants have been the ones propping up the USA while the Yankies boasted about how great they are.
You actually think you are great...... I feel bad for you guys. Its ok, really, I don't need any tissues. I SAID NO TISSUES!
immigrants? who are they?

i always just assumed that everyone here was born here end of story case closed period.

thank you for enlightening me.


Well-Known Member
I'm also not a zombie, and I feel i am awake to the constant betrayal around me in this country. Problem is, most people around me are zombies, and I cant wake them up no matter how hard I try. They either don't care or don't believe.
Or you're just boring them to death.