Using carbon dioxide


Hello ppl!

I've been making homebrews for some time, and one useful byproduct you get from fermenting alcohol, is carbon dioxide.

You guys think it would help plants grow faster if I put a fermentor next to them, and have it constantly spew CO2 inside a greenhouse? (CO2 is heavier than air, so it'll accumulate at the bottom of the room).


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Well-Known Member
The main purpose of supplemental CO2 is to allow your plants to fully utilize all of the light they are receiving. The threshold for supplemental CO2 being necessary is bewteen 900 and 1000 micro moles. If you have powerful lights, CO2 may well improve your grow ... otherwise you're not going to see much if any improvement. It won't hurt anything, but I'm sure you have other things to spend money on. :)


Well-Known Member
I used to brew in my lung room I had. If you brew and need a place to store your carboys it's a good place. But I never noticed it helped.


Well-Known Member
Forgive my ignorance, so... the plants only need that much (few) CO2? Isn't like 99% of a plant's mass sequestered atmospheric carbon?

If you have every other element in your grow controlled and failed in then add co2. if you don’t have everything else in check it’ll only do so much. What kind of lighting are you using?


Well-Known Member
To really benefit from supplemental CO2 you do need intense lighting and you also need warmer temps. considering the CO2 production isn't "guaranteed" to keep the CO2 PPM at a high number like 1000 - 1500 PPM then you don't want to keep the plants in the warmer temperatures. So it's probably pointless. Also know that you don't want excessively high PPM and that could happen too if you aren't monitoring the CO2 PPM.


Well-Known Member
Also know that if you are exhausting the tent to control heat and RH% then you would exhaust the CO2 as well.


Well-Known Member
Also know that if you are exhausting the tent to control heat and RH% then you would exhaust the CO2 as well.
Yeah you really need a recirculating closed system for this to work well, with proper HVAC to automatically maintain environmental parameters like temperature and humidity. I wish I could afford (justify) that for my legal 4 plant Canadian grow. Lol


Well-Known Member
i herd that its used in sealed grow rooms so the plants use it up and produce oxygen
Yup. In a sealed grow room, without a constant artificial supply the plants would quickly use up the CO2 is available and die of starvation. CO2 is used by the plants to make sugar which it uses to power all the little chemical making factories it has going, including the production of THC. ;)


Well-Known Member
I wish I could afford (justify) that for my legal 4 plant Canadian grow. Lol
Just grow 4 trees like I do and you will be pulling like 13+ pounds. 3 to 4 pounds a plant.

One interesting thing to note is the plants will actually put out CO2 when it's dark, so in a sealed room it's often the case where lights on CO2 levels are actually higher than ambient. In the instance of an occupied home, if you are drawing the intake air from the living space the CO2 levels are often higher than ambient due to occupancy.


Well-Known Member
Just grow 4 trees like I do and you will be pulling like 13+ pounds. 3 to 4 pounds a plant.

One interesting thing to note is the plants will actually put out CO2 when it's dark, so in a sealed room it's often the case where lights on CO2 levels are actually higher than ambient. In the instance of an occupied home, if you are drawing the intake air from the living space the CO2 levels are often higher than ambient due to occupancy.
Hey I'm hoping to get 3 pounds from one plant indoors too!

Outdoors that's easy, but indoors I only grow between 3 to 4 kg per year, depending on how many cycles I can squeeze in with my 5X5 tent. Usually I can count on 3 full cycles per year with my no-till, with a harvest of 1.1 to 1.4 kg each.

That was just with regular LED household light bulbs though that you can buy anywhere:
I have new lights now (4 X Kingbrite 240w V4), so maybe I'll do better this time with just one plant! lol

It's a pretty crazy experiment ;)