VEG:18 20 24 hour? someone convince me!


Well-Known Member
seeds dont come male or female. sex is isnt determined until the first real set of leaves... and YES 24/7 will make more males than 18/6. regardless of what peoples personal experiances are i'm gonna stick with what jorge cervantes grow bible. Im mean come on this guy has grown more plants than eveyone on this site COMBINED!!!!!
Ed Rosenthal, another growing heavyweight, completely disagrees.

There are some heavy-hitting growers on this site. Hell - Jorge may be one of them! So I question whether Jorge has as much experience as everyone on RIU COMBINED!

but since we are using anecdote instead of real evidence, I find no pattern to females vs. males due to veg. light cycle - all else being equal.

To OP - if you are worried that 24/0 may cause more males - then use 18/6. But i think you'll find any of the following: 24/0, 20/4 or 18/6 works well for you. To save a few bucks and give your system a chance to cool off - go with 18/6 or 20/4. If fastest possible growth is desired then it is hard to beat 24/0.

I mean light cycle control is one of the few benefits to growing indoors so we may as well use it to our advantage. I mean its not like nature replicates 12/12 for a solid three months either.


Well-Known Member
Here it is:

and here ladies and gentlemen is the reason for using 18/6 as opposed to 24/0
and why 12/12 stimulates flowering.
if you understood all of this so far, then it is safe to assume that you know about day and night and circadian rhythms and the bodies biological clock, well. plants have them too.
there is such thing as a time keeping protein and repressor proteins. in plants this protein is sensitive to light on the 24 hour cycle of light to dark, this protein in plants is called TOC, here is the latest information on it. at dawn repressor genes are activated by light witch over the course of the day slows the production of TOC and therefore decreases concentration, at night when there is no light to produce repressors, TOC levels rise and are circulated through the plant, especially near meristematic tissue where ALL plant growht occurs. it is this oscillation of TOC and repressors over the 18/6 cycle that keep hormones in regulation for vegetative growth.
during the 12/12 cycle- TOC and its repressors are at a certain chemical equilibrium(keep in mind the concentration and therefore times in cycle are different for all plants, cannabis seems to like 12/12 for its hormone equilibrium for flowering)
anyways 12/12 TOC levels stimulate the production of flowering hormones- confused yet, hormones are coming up.
just like an athlete using steroids, never using your god given testosterone means you'll have stunted testosterone production when you kick the steroids.
same in plants, if you leave it on 24/0 cycle, youll never achieve the proper hormone regulation for flowering, well you will get better vegetative growth,and buds too, just not nearly as potent as if you had done it the way natures intends, so remember, light and dark, cycles of TOC regulate expression of hormones, mainly gibberellins and ethylene.


Well-Known Member
I'll say flat out that i don't know who is right and who is wrong but here is another "opinion"...

From a marijuana expert/advocate Ed Rosenthal's "The Best of Ask Ed":
Marijuana plants photosynthesize as long as they receive light as well as water, air, nutrients and suitable temperature. Photosynthesis is the process in which plants use the energy from light (primarily in the blue and red spectrums) to combine carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air and water (H2O) to make sugar while releasing oxygen to the air.
Plants use sugars continuously to fuel metabolic processes (living) as well as for tissue building. The plant combines nitrogen (N) with sugar to make amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. They are the substance of plant tissue. When the light is off, the plant’s metabolic processes, respiration and growth continue.
The marijuana plant can photosynthesize continuously, so it produces the most energy and growth when the light is on continuously. Continuous light does not stress the plant, which reacts somewhat mechanistically. Plants can suffer from the heat emitted by lamps, but will not undergo stress due to continuous lighting.
Plants under an 18/6 light/dark regimen are producing sugar only three quarters of the time. They are thus growing at only 75% of their potential. Leaving the light on continuously will result in bigger plants faster, which leads to higher yields.


Well-Known Member
its all trial and error, you end up feeding it nutes and u can burn it, its all about how u treat it, talk to it, love it, name it, dont be on its nuts let it do its thang it loves to grow patience is what u need


Active Member
For feminized seeds, im sure I read somewhere that you get feminized seeds by pollinating a female with another female by inducing a sex change on one of the flowers of a female plant using a hormone or chemical so that the female plant produces pollen sacks..

Either way as for the light cycle, im growing 1 plant on 24/0, if it turns out to be male I'll accept that 24/0 can cause more males..


New Member
personally i believe male/female to be a good portion of "roll of the die"... growing indicas (which i don't :P) i wouldnt care about giving less than 24 hour light in veggie because indicas typically dont need as much light... however with sativa i would always reccomend either 24 hour light or 22-2 for a 2 hour cool down because sativas need more light...

there are too many opposing opinions and "facts" out there for me to choose a side. therefore o go by a fact i do know for sure... sativas need more light than indicas and are found naturalized closer to the Ecuador where daylight is the longest

24 hour light will cause higher temperatures too so keep that in mind


Well-Known Member
r u sure bout that....coz i'm not
Read it once in Jorge Cervantes grow bible...

But I actually saw it happen too in a grow, we had to pull plants out of a hydro system and put them in soil to save em, turned out 80% female....

were talking hundreds of plants...

give me a day to dig the quote up....:peace:


Active Member
Vegging 18 hours is the best. Plants depend on the sun for the seasons. When you start getting shorter days then the plants know that they must reproduce before the cold weather shuts them down. 24 hours is a waste of energy. Plants need to rest Just like every living thing


New Member
they obviously dont NEED rest if so many people (including myself) use 22 to 24 hours light and have no problems,, i would even say i have a good female turnout with 22to24,,,, i just see it as a few extra hours of photosynthesis


Well-Known Member
A plant needs time to rest and rejuvenate!!!
not according to Ed Rosenthal and other expert growers. Other expert growers like Jorge Cervantes disagree with Ed so there doesn't appear to be any proof.

i have tried all three - 18/6, 20/4 and 24/0 and noted no real difference between any of them but i figure the plants will get plenty of rest once i switch to 12/12.

What i think is most likely is 18/6 may increase potency and 24/0 may increase yield but again - this is just conjecture based on some things i've read.


Well-Known Member
I believe from experience that my plants have always grown better under 18/6...i do believe that any living thing needs a break from it's daily work routine...and a few hours of light off is actually better for the plants, gives them time to reapir minor problems, and to just plain rest.


Well-Known Member
seeds dont come male or female. sex is isnt determined until the first real set of leaves... and YES 24/7 will make more males than 18/6. regardless of what peoples personal experiances are i'm gonna stick with what jorge cervantes grow bible. Im mean come on this guy has grown more plants than eveyone on this site COMBINED!!!!!
Get back to me on that when he can walk on water.

Just because its in print doesn't make it true.

A bunch of Einstien's theories have been disproven. Along with Hawkin's main theory. (Hawkin himself came out and said he was wrong)

Yeah he's good. bBut the genetics are still being screwed with.

Don't forget, the earth was flat at one time.