VEG:18 20 24 hour? someone convince me!


Well-Known Member
Here is the therory:

You can increase your ratio of female plants by coontrolling the enviroment once the plants have three pairs of true leaves.

Higher nitrogen and lower potassium for the first 2 weeks icreases the number of female plants.

Lower temperatures, and higher humidty increase the number of females.

More moisture in soil, and more blue light for females.

Here is what the topic is about....LIGHT TIMES

Fewer hours of daylight (e.g., 14 hours) make more female plants, while longer days of 18 and more increase males.

And of course STRESS!!!! Less stress increases female traits.

ALL of this is from High Times magazine pg 104 of the June issue.


Well-Known Member
Grew 8 plants only 3 were male under 24/7 ... can we please say that for the most part sex is pre determined?


Active Member
I never wanted to post on this forum, but after reading this thread I can't help myself.

Eddie, I appreciate what you have to offer, I could tell from your first couple posts you know what your talking about.

Chuckbane, I can tell from your posts your a goddamn idiot. I wish the mods were more aggressive on this board because I would have banned you a long time ago.

Why does almost every thread on this forum turn into non-stop verbal diarrhea? Why do half the grow journals turn into arguments between other users?

Meanwhile back to the actual THREAD TOPIC:

I personally go with 24, eddie thats a good point on the power consumption versus veg duration. And chuckbane, do the 6/12 and when your plants are ready for flowering in 8 months tell us how great it works.


Active Member
dont understand why would you want male plants they dont produce a wothwhile smoke in any shape or form


Active Member
I think it's 1 part genetics and other parts temperature & stress that cause plants to turn male. Just baby them and they'll treat you right.


Well-Known Member's ALL genetics. You can't get a male to turn hermie or can however turn a female hermie...meaning both sexes...obviously. In most cases if a female is going to turn hermie there's nothing you can do about it, but there are ways you can stress it to turn hermie. With one of my plants i stressed the shit out of it, and it stayed female...strong genetics results in strong plants.


Active Member
there are only two (2) light cycles, 18x6 & 12x12. To say otherwise is to over complicate a simple matter... - 18x6 & 12x12


Well-Known Member
There are more light times for vegging, I used 16/8, and had satisfying results. 24/0, 20/4, 18/6, 16/8 are all good light timmings.